Chapter 45
There is a very spacious open space behind Su Mingyan's house.The surrounding cameras that may have captured images were hidden by ghost three and ghost five, and switched to other content.In the dead of night, Chacha turned on the stars, and a three-story western-style building was born.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Bai Ze Beast came down from Ashe's body.For three weeks, she was stuck close to her back, unable to communicate, and was almost sick.

"This is Bai Ze?" Su Mingyan said with a little surprise. He finally saw the god who protected A Xue. They are also connected to each other. While absorbing energy, Xingcha absorbs the aura of all things in the world. Through the slightest connection, Xingcha nourishes Bai Ze, and Bai Ze nourishes the soul of Axue with the absorbed aura, and so on. , Axue's originally weak soul body has become condensed. As long as you pay more attention to your body and have the opportunity to soak in hot springs, it is very possible to restore your memory."

"Really?" Ashe looked at her Bai Ze beast happily.

"Staying in Xingcha is indeed more comfortable than being outside." Bai Ze said, "A Xue and I can keep each other warm, that's not wrong."

"What about me?" Chacha asked casually.She suddenly remembered that in the wizarding world, witches said she was a devil.If Su Mingyan and his big and small old ghosts said that her soul was damaged at the same time, she felt suspicious.Then witches of different planes also have the same cognition.Then the damage to the soul is probably a fact.

Su Mingyan turned to look at Chacha, his eyebrows raised slightly: "This is not your dragon."

"..." Chacha wanted to refute for a while, but when she recalled carefully, she found that this dragon seemed to only listen to her idol, "Could it be that this is actually the dragon of idol?"

"How do you say that?" Su Mingyan asked.He carefully observed the black dragon that was dozing, and he was sure that it had nothing to do with Chacha.It can't be said that it has nothing to do with it. The black dragon did not provide Chacha with nourishing spiritual power, but unilaterally devoured Chacha's power.Black Dragon seems to have no connection with Xingcha either.His spiritual power is much higher than that of Bai Ze, and he may have devoured strange treasures.

"I made a random guess. Idol and I can exchange souls through the traction pen. Maybe it was from the moment I gave him the longevity talisman, we signed some kind of contract." Suddenly realizing something, Chacha asked worriedly: "I Could it be because of this that the soul is missing?"

Su Mingyan tilted his head slightly, the black dragon sucked the power of Chacha, but Chacha's soul was not affected at all: "You need to see the soul that signed the contract with you to judge. But the lack of soul probably has nothing to do with this. You signed a contract with your idol. The contract is mutually beneficial to some extent."

"Will that affect idols? I mean, my soul is so bad, will he be injured?"

"It's better for you to exchange it once." Su Mingyan said slyly.

"Okay." Chacha thought for a while, and then added, "But not now. Idol's food is not very good. I still need to make some preparations." If it is really because of the contract that the soul is damaged, what if the soul is damaged? Once during the exchange, the souls cannot be reunited, and her idol can only be forced to stay in a strange world.Aidou's wish is only half fulfilled, Chacha is unwilling to take this risk.

She needs to find out why her soul is actually damaged.

After putting away the Xingcha, the three of them went back to their respective rooms to rest.

Chacha had that nightmare again.The difference is that at the end of the dream, she saw Su Mingyan.

Su Mingyan was wearing a black robe, he looked very strange, not as friendly as he saw during the day.The same face was expressionless, pure and rational, as if seeing through her soul.He walked to the operating table and stuffed a black business card into Chacha's hand.Chacha broke free from the bandage-covered operating table. On the dark business card were written Nightmare and a string of mobile phone numbers.

Chacha opened her eyes, her thoughts immersed in her dream.

It was raining lightly outside the window, and Chacha got off the bed.He was about to close the window, but found Su Mingyan standing downstairs, unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality.

When it rains, Ah Xue will feel depressed and miss her relatives in the original world.Chacha didn't care too much.She grew up in an orphanage.There is no memory of being abused, and everyone in the orphanage is very friendly.

In spring, I ran freely in the rapeseed field with my friends, and in autumn I happily threw handkerchiefs under the big pagoda tree in the yard. Every weekend, there are very knowledgeable volunteer teachers to teach everyone.

The only thing I feel unfortunately is that the food in the orphanage tastes bad, and I am often called out by the director to queue up for nutritional injections.

Roommates are special.A teenager with hypermnesia who can scan memory has a large mole on his chin.The young lady in white, who is extremely sensitive to numbers, always wears a blue butterfly hairpin on her bangs.There is also a genius girl with super logical ability, who likes to wear a black suit with trousers like an adult.

Chacha can clearly remember their appearance.Memory should be fine.Thinking of this, Chacha turned out of the window and greeted Su Mingyan downstairs.

Then go downstairs and open the notebook.

Su Mingyan said that Axue's soul was restored by Bai Ze, so apart from paying attention to her body, she just soaked in hot springs.The black dragon belongs to idols, so the only way for her is to soak in the hot springs.Nearby hot springs, six hours by car.The place where the hot spring is located is at the foot of Fuyin Snow Mountain. After reading the reviews, it feels pretty good.On weekends and the New Year's Day holiday, Chacha intends to persuade Su Mingyan to go together.

After renting the RV, Ah Xue has already made breakfast.Hearing Chacha's proposal, I felt some anticipation in my heart.She is afraid of the cold, and she feels beautiful just thinking about soaking in hot springs in winter.

I look forward to New Year's Day with my fingers.Chang Kai didn't know where he heard about the three people's trip to the snow mountain, so he pulled Qiao Xiaomeng to join in the fun.Before leaving, the second star passed by and got into the car.

The sky was faintly bright, and the eye-catching white double-decker car was driving quickly on the highway.

As the winter solstice approaches, the trees on both sides of the road are covered in a layer of silvery white, the crescent moon disappears into the clouds, and a few inconspicuous stars twinkle on the sky.

The driver had a cigarette in his mouth and hummed an out-of-tune tune, and he was able to shake off the red trot who was swaying left and right behind him while swallowing the clouds.After staying up late and driving, even an old driver in his prime is quite tired, but fortunately, he is not far from his destination.

"This car is much more comfortable than a sleeper." Chang Kai pretended to lean against the car window to look at the scenery, but from time to time his eyes glanced at Qiao Xiaomeng, who was whispering to A Xue, with a bewildered smile on his face.Ever since Qiao Xiaomeng agreed to date him, she seemed to have become a courtship rooster, strutting around with chicken feathers, always maintaining a state of attracting attention, for fear that others would not know that he was off the list.

"Shu Tan, you're still up so early." Chacha yawned, slurring her words inarticulately.In order to have a good rest on the road, I specially rented an RV. Who knew that Su Mingyan's classmates not only tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep, but also messed around early in the morning.

The second star quickly put on a smiley face: "We're coming soon. I'll make a reservation first if you want to have something for breakfast. It's New Year's Day, and there will be a lot of traffic there."

Axue and Qiao Xiaomeng were still reserved, and it was fine to say that they were casual.Chacha and Chang Kai reported a large list of dishes, as if they were big eaters.The second star means received, and the finger slides quickly on the screen.

Chacha was in a better mood. He opened the curtains casually, and the majestic Fuyin Snow Mountain burst into view. The morning light scattered from the clouds, and the snow on the top of the mountain was dyed a light golden yellow.A large clear lake is embedded at the foot of the mountain, and the sky and snow-capped mountains are reflected in the lake.On the right side of the lake, the springs at the bottom of the water spray pearls and jade, and the hot mist curls up. The warm spring water blends with the cold lake. As the car moves forward, the lake surface shows seven-color changes.

"Mount Fuyin used to be the territory of a monarch. Although it is a small country, it can be considered a land of prosperity because of the fertile land. It has been guarded by dragon veins, and it has passed hundreds of years in peace. The legendary dragon veins are hidden at the bottom of Fulong Lake. "Second Star pointed to a piece of red lake water, and acted as a tour guide for himself, "That's over there, does it look like a dragon's head from here?"

Chacha followed the second star's line of sight.Compared with the black dragon's head, I feel a little disapproving.

"When we climb halfway up the mountain, it will feel like it." The second star explained with a smile, "Later, the world was in conflict, the kingdoms were in chaos, and the small country failed to survive the war. The general died in battle, and the king committed suicide. After breaking the dragon vein, the invading king ordered to fill the lake with [-] defeated soldiers. The lake was dyed red, and the fire burned for three days and three nights. The head of the lord was hung on the city gate, and the dragon's wail spread all over the country. The country was destroyed and the family was destroyed. The heaven and the earth mourn together, the homeless old and young, women and children cry bitterly by the lake, and it has snowed heavily for three months, that is the last chants of the dragon, together with the resentment of the dead soldiers, piled up on the top of Fuyin Mountain for a whole year."

"It sounds so miserable." Qiao Xiaomeng sighed softly.A Xue who was beside her shuddered, and the sparkling light on the surface of Fulong Lake suddenly seemed strange.

Chacha didn't feel anything at all. Her eyes stayed on the hot spring hotel by the lake.The white walls and gray tiles are filled with mist, and the wind chimes under the eaves are tinkling, as if they are welcoming guests from afar.

(End of this chapter)

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