Chapter 4 Food Dilemma
Chacha was excited all night, flipping through the newly taken photo repeatedly, playing back and forth the scene of the encounter in her mind.When the morning star rises, it gradually falls asleep.

Ashue didn't fall asleep either.Some fragments of childhood memories suddenly popped into my head.

They are all trivial things.What was an ordinary scene at that time has become extremely heartwarming and sad at the moment.She didn't know what to do, but she couldn't change anything.Maybe it’s time to take out the intangible cultural heritage of the past world - [Come and Come].

Yes, they are all here.

Axue got up, sat up from the bed, and tried divination.From the top to the bottom, the travel hexagram.Li is fire, Gen is mountain, and landscape is home.Instead, they encountered the big fireball first, and then went on to travel between planes.

After the divination, Ashe's mood became calm, and she began to visit her new room.

Chacha asked for a room on the third floor. There are laboratories and terraces on the third floor, which are completely ideal for Chacha, as if they were tailor-made.

Axue chose the second floor.There is only one room on the second floor, which is much bigger than Chacha's bedroom and also much more gorgeous. 12 wardrobes stand around the wall, and each wardrobe becomes an exquisite fitting room when opened.The hangers are full of exquisite clothing, including British, punk, classic, simple, and various styles.

Ashe shuttled happily among the clothes, the expression in her eyes gradually became greedy.

Chacha came down from upstairs, but Ashue didn't notice it at all.

"Morning!" Chacha greeted energetically.

"Good morning. I can't believe these things belong to both of us." Axue smiled shyly, a smile unique to girls, "There are both men's and women's clothes, so you won't have to worry about having nothing to wear in the future."

"But I'm short." Chacha hit the nail on the head, "I'm still furry." Looking at those shiny things, he gave himself another stab.

"It doesn't matter, I can change it." Ashue was full of confidence, with a sparkle in her eyes, "But Chacha, it's time for you to lose weight."


"We are running out of food. From now on, this family can only rely on our own hands, a new world, truly starting from scratch." Ashue's tone was unquestionable, "We must eat less until we can make money. "

Chacha seemed to be frightened, and hurried back upstairs, took down the tripod, and skillfully dismantled it into two sections, "I'm going to spearfish now."

"I'm going to cook and have porridge today."

Chacha walked to the door and was called back by Axue.Axue took out a set of clothes originally used for filming from his suitcase and handed them to Chacha: "This set is the simplest. You deal with it today, and I will change the clothes in the evening."

Chacha held the sharpest bottom of the tripod and came to the stream. Her stomach growled and she couldn't help but feel dazed. "After all, he's a photographer who can climb trees. He just spears a fish, so it's not that difficult." Chacha cheered herself up while looking for the target.

It's really not that difficult.Chacha has good dynamic vision, and although things in the water look shallower than they actually are, practice makes perfect.What's more, Chacha consciously increased her efforts.The speed of flying birds is much faster than that of fish. After years of training, Chacha has good prediction ability.

The only problem is that the fish in the creek are few and small.By the time Chacha finished the day, the sun had already risen to the top of the dome.

"How is it?" Ash asked.

"It's not bad. After you make your clothes smaller, we'd better go to the city to find work. The sand sculpture can make the house smaller, and I'll carry it when the time comes." Chacha picked up the porridge bowl and looked at the few pieces floating in the bowl. Grain rice, a wailing feeling in my heart.

That’s not how you lose weight.

Although the anti-gravity device will be driven after the house becomes smaller, it should not be too light.I don't know if I can bear its weight.Traveling with a house on its back, it is a snail that is alive and well, and it is also a large African mutant snail.

"Yeah." Ashue nodded, pursed her lips and sipped the porridge.Thinking carefully about what she could do after entering the city.She has never seen humans from another world, will it be difficult to get along with them?
"I don't have any seasonings for cooking, so I can only go to the city to see. It's just that there may be communication barriers." Chacha thought of Aidou, "Or use sign language?"

"Sand Sculpture." Ashe remembered the artificial intelligence in the room, "When Xingcha gets smaller, can you be a translator?"

"Sand sculptures can collect language information and organize it into a system. But it takes a while to collect. Language is always very complicated." The electronic voice of the last sentence is a bit intriguing.

"How long will that take?"

"The calculation time of each plane is different. In the master's original plane, the sand sculpture is connected to the Internet and the calculation is completed in half a day. This plane does not have a network and needs to rely on manual collection. It is expected to complete the calculation in two weeks."

"Then you won't starve to death." Chacha looked as if she wanted nothing from you.

"The sand sculpture will not let the owner starve to death. There is an emergency button on the inside of the kitchen door. After opening, the nutrient solution will be released from the emergency pipeline. The emergency pipeline is at the innermost part of the kitchen. The composition of the nutrient solution is determined by the sand sculpture based on the owner's body test. It is synthesized by the environment and can maintain the normal physiological activities of the owner. The nutrient solution is made from the material of the current plane and is inexhaustible."

Chacha actually felt a little moved, and she and Axue came to the kitchen at the same time.

Sure enough, there was a red panic button.After a beeping sound, Chacha turned on the emergency water pipe.A reddish liquid flows out of the pipe and smells good, with a faint fragrance.He took a small bowl and put it in his mouth.

"Damn it! I might as well drink porridge every day!"

Axue also came over, took a sip, and frowned in a rare way, "I'll try to finish changing a set of clothes in the afternoon. Chacha, you can go look around for anything else to eat in the afternoon. No brightly colored fungi. Wild fruits. It’s best not to. You’re afraid of being poisoned.”

"it is good."

After two days of preparation, Chacha got a pheasant, seven or eight eggs, half a pound of honey, a basket of wild fruits that had been gnawed by sparrows and confirmed to be non-poisonous, and two freshwater fish weighing three pounds.Axuedu felt that Chacha was probably born in the year of the monkey, so it was no wonder that she broke her leg when she was a child.

In fact, Chacha rummaged through the storage room on the first floor in the past two days and found several useful tools.Her poor tripod finally snapped back into place.

Chacha also found a special bag, which, according to the sand sculpture, was used to hold the shrunken star.

There are a lot of things in the storage room. Under the guidance of the sand sculpture, Chacha found two terminals, which were installed in the bedrooms on the second and third floors.Nicholas Zhao Si'er probably watched movies and slept on the sofa every day, so he threw these two unsightly things in the storage room.

Ashue cooked and froze the food in the walk-in refrigerator.

The so-called walk-in refrigerator is more like a storage room that can change the temperature. Like the refrigerator in the original world, it has a cold snow area and a freezing area.The space is large enough, and the food is enough for them to store for several days.

Although they don't have seasoning now, Ashue tries her best to make the ingredients sweet and delicious.

Maybe after going to the city, she can help people cook.Her eyesight is not very good, and she doesn't seem to be suitable for helping people make clothes as an embroiderer.No matter how bad it is, you can set up a fortune-telling stall.Chacha's idol is a historical figure, that is to say, this is the real ancient times. She who loves ancient styles should not have much problem communicating.

Chacha didn't think too much about it, anyway, if she can't die of starvation, it's fine if she can survive.

Hope to live it.

The world of idols can be considered a chaotic time.They need to stay in this troubled world for three months before the charging of the sand sculpture ends.Chacha still hasn't told Ashue who her idol is and what will happen next.

In the original world, she had never seriously discussed idol matters with Ashue.The few times it happened, it was only mentioned vaguely.Being obsessed with idols can easily be linked to being mentally retarded and can easily hurt your feelings.What's more, her idol has been dead for thousands of years.But now, she can't mention it, as this will increase Ashue's psychological burden.

Hope there will be good luck.

(End of this chapter)

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