Travel through Sand Sculpture Snow Tea Plane Wandering Records

Chapter 38: A First Look at Cause and Effect

Chapter 38: A First Look at Cause and Effect
The wind and snow slowly outside the window, and Chacha felt drowsy. No matter what, my son, wrapped in a warm blanket, fell asleep sweetly with a pillow in his arms.

She had a dream and saw that bright and gorgeous place called 404 again.

Chacha lay under the shadowless lamp, her whole body was immobilized with bandages.The guys in white coats were busy around, but they didn't make a sound.Their faces were covered by masks, and their expressions could not be seen. The frame of the mirror reflected white light, which was so rational that it was cold.The cold machine silently penetrated into her body, first her limbs, then her chest, and finally there seemed to be many slender needles stirring in her head.

My body was a little cold, but I couldn't feel any pain. The foreign matter was biting and rubbing in my brain, which was extremely uncomfortable.Instruments in the distance flickered, needles stimulating different areas of her brain.Someone with a walkie-talkie was eagerly repeating unintelligible words.Two teams of uniformed SWAT officers rushed in in an orderly manner from outside.

Chacha's eyelids sank.He kicked his right leg twice and woke up from sleep.

The quilt that was originally wrapped around her body was kicked to the end of the bed by her.Hold the pillow and keep it cool by yourself.It was the dream again, only with more details than before.In the dream, she could clearly see the beating waveforms on some instruments.The amplitude of the lines on the gray and black screen was small, but the vibration frequency far exceeded 40 Hz, which should be her brain waves.Probably due to extreme tension, the frequency of beta waves is much higher than normal.

The smell of rice came from downstairs, Chacha got up and got out of bed.A Xue and Su Mingyan were discussing something softly, their eyebrows and eyes slightly curved, very warm.

"Morning!" Ah Xue warmly greeted Chacha.

"Morning." Chacha was still immersed in the nightmare.The sharp foreign body sensation was too real, and he was in a trance.

"The driver has arrived at the toll station. We will go there after eating." Su Mingyan simply explained.He has already started to serve the meal.

"I really want to go." It was surprisingly cold outside, and Chacha didn't want to move.Last night was nothing more than a shortness of breath.

"Then I'll follow." Ashue said.

While washing dishes, Axue came in to find Chacha and told her that Su Mingyan had agreed to take them back to the imperial capital for a ride.Let Chacha wait and play by ear.

After breakfast, the rain and snow outside have stopped, the sky has cleared up, and the golden dawn is slightly revealed in the clouds.The material of the clothes can absorb heat well, and the sun shines on the body, making it warm.

The three of them were walking in the middle of the mountain road, one behind the other, casting long shadows in the dry grass.Unknown little flowers on the roadside swayed in the wind.Chacha returned the same route and put away Xingcha on the grounds that she had forgotten to bring something.

I don't know whether it was because of excessive heat generated by exercise or because the temperature of the environment was gradually rising, but beads of sweat appeared on Chacha's forehead.After walking a certain distance, it seemed that only the land around the snow-capped mountains felt cold.The top of the mountain looks like the bald head of a kappa. The mountain wind is blowing, and the light changes in light and dark. Looking from a distance, it gives off a strange feeling.

Most likely it was Su Mingyan's celestial master attribute that gave him the illusion.Thinking of this, Chacha continued to walk forward.

More and more small bungalows appeared in the field of vision, and they reached the edge of the road.

It has been a long time since I saw the architectural style of my hometown, and Xuecha and I feel very cordial.The pungent smell of asphalt and the fragrance of weeds, the eyes are full of excitement and nostalgia, this is their world, even without the blessing of magic, it will still be the place they are most familiar with, love and most suitable for living.A few minutes later, a black car pulled up to them.The driver in a black suit got out of the car.

"Master, what is this?" The driver stared at Chacha with a strange expression.He even forgot to change his words in front of strangers.

"I met at the foot of the mountain. I stayed at their house for one night." Su Mingyan opened the car door nonchalantly, and invited Xuecha and the others to get in the car, "I just want to go back to the imperial capital, so let's take them for a ride."


The small town at the foot of the snow-capped mountains is a six-hour drive from the imperial capital.The driver kept his hands firmly on the steering wheel, and the car drove at a high speed like black lightning.On both sides of the viaduct, high and low buildings are gathered together in groups, with a few white scratches across the blue sky, and the breath of the city is blowing.

Chacha rolled down the window, counting motor vehicles of different colors and types speeding past.Here the hot air balloon is being ignited and launched into the sky, causing cheers, and the speedboat over there is running wildly on the water, startling a circle of birds, and even the billowing smoke from the chimney is full of fragrance.The leisurely guqin music played in the car, and Chacha's thoughts began to let go.

Passing through the service area in the middle, several people got off to rest.In order to express his gratitude, Su Mingyan invited the two of Xuecha to lunch.Both of them haven't eaten the luxurious chicken drumstick set meal for a long time.Even junk food with a high calorie content is eaten with relish.Authentic cola, chacha no longer need to drink gudong water to quench your thirst.The driver stood silently aside, with a tall and straight body, looking at Chacha from time to time.

Chacha couldn't help but feel hairy.The driver in the black suit was an old ghost named Gui Yi who followed Su Mingyan.It has always exuded a terrifying aura that strangers should not get close to.It's okay to be in the same car, and when I got out of the car, I was stared at by this creature that couldn't even breathe. "I've never seen a beautiful woman before."

The ghost stared blankly, looked at Su Mingyan, hesitated to speak.

"Did you see something, sir?" Ashue asked.Of course she knew that Gui Yi wasn't the bold and unrestrained attitude when he was obsessed with chacha and eating.He has thousands of years of cultivation and can easily see through people's souls.What's more, her own son took a talisman on Chacha when he entered the door yesterday.

Su Mingyan drank the whole bottle of iced black tea slowly, then motioned for Gui Yi to explain.In fact, he is also hesitating, but if the old ghost doesn't say anything now, he might chatter endlessly when he goes back at night.

"This girl's three souls and seven souls are all damaged. It is a miracle that she is alive." Gui Yi said slowly, carefully choosing his words, "There are holes all over her body, and no one is complete. The old man has never seen such a dilapidated Souls that can barely hold together."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Chacha's voice was an octave higher, "You are the one who is in dilapidation, your whole family is in dilapidation, and this girl is very healthy." If it wasn't for the sake of Coke, she would almost go up to fight .

"Chacha's physical fitness is much better than mine." Ashe held back Chacha who was about to have an attack, and asked suspiciously, "If her spirit body is damaged, then I'm afraid I won't be able to see it?"

"Compared to Chacha, you are already very healthy." Su Mingyan replied on behalf of Guiyi, "Your memory is missing. But it's nothing serious. You still have a god's body to protect you, and most of the disasters will be far away."

Axue shakes her head unconsciously. Although Su Mingyan is the male protagonist of her novel, that novel only exists in her mind, and she is still confused.Chacha can jump, run, and climb trees, but she is weak and sick, especially when it rains, she has a headache so much that she wants to hit the wall, and her soul is healthier than Chacha, so she has some doubts.Xiao Su said that memory loss, everyone has it to some extent, but it seems that there have been no particularly serious accidents since childhood.

But she couldn't be more clear about Su Mingyan's ability.The god in his mouth should be her Bai Ze beast.Could it be that Chacha's soul was damaged because of exchanging souls with idols?
"As for Chacha," Su Mingyan frowned, "Ghost One's words are already very light. She is just a hair away from her soul. If she can't breathe, I will believe that she is a ghost."

"It's your uncle!" Chacha finally couldn't help but burst out, her lungs about to explode, "I'm a living person, how can I become a ghost?!"

"I'm telling the truth." Su Mingyan's tone was still neither salty nor weak, "The light of the fetus is dim like a gossamer, and the black energy of ghost spirits is entwined and mixed with filth. The filthy and smelly lungs all have holes. The only active Shuangling is still clear, so you have not become demented. Compared with Axue, your memory is more than missing, and it can be described as chaotic and false. And you can still be normal Eating and sleeping can only show that your original soul is extremely strong."

"All right." Hearing the last sentence, Chacha managed to suppress the anger in her heart.But she has already decided that no matter how A Xue explains later, when she arrives in the imperial capital, she will take the money and leave, and part ways with Su Mingyan and the others.Damn, as a former member of 404, what kind of gods and ghosts are you doing.

(End of this chapter)

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