Chapter 34
Mr. Wei leaned against the ruins and vomited until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.He bent over and bent his knees, completely losing the handsome figure he had when he was fighting the elf.

"Well, are you Chacha or Mr. Wei?" Axue was full of doubts.

Mr. Wei wiped his mouth, stood up dizzily, and his eyes were covered with a layer of dark red mist. His body had already begun to become anemic. "Chacha is so weak, she vomited like this before she moved much."

"She's much better than before." Ah Xue explained to Chacha consciously.Compared with Chacha, her physique is weaker. "And, she is still in the prison in your world, starving for two weeks."

"When she comes back, remember to supervise her to strengthen her exercise. It will be good for both of you." Mr. Wei knew the feeling of hunger, so he didn't say anything more.

The two walked through the broken stone wall and along the broken stone road.This is an abandoned church.Although it is still in the border of the misty forest, there are no tall trees around it, and the field of vision is wide, and the sky can be seen very well.Five suns were burning, and the messy shadows were cast on the weedy ground, making this dilapidated building not so lonely.

"There are paintings on the stone wall." Ashue said, "It seems they can be connected."

Narrative reliefs are engraved in the center of the mottled stone walls, although most of them have been destroyed by humans.Mr. Wei stepped over the moss growing in the crevices of the stone, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover the stone wall. The relief sculpture seemed to be alive, and the picture flowed like a movie.

Several ragged men were walking on the desert, one of them was holding a scepter and a crown on his head.Feels like down and out royalty.Followed by many fierce monsters.A basilisk with a fan on its head, a smoking firebird hovering in the sky, and a giant beast with scales and four legs. A group of people hold weapons and manipulate them.

The screen moves and changes, and suddenly there is a river in the desert.The monster dared not move forward.The chasing soldiers jumped off the monster and continued to chase the few people in front.The river widens, and the mermaid-like creature rises to the surface.Behind them are normal humans, but their figures are ethereal, and under the sunlight, they are as pale as shadows.

"It's the undead. The mermaid is escorting the undead. There is a dead person ahead." Ashe explained to Mr. Wei, "Chacha and I met in the small town of Ayer."

The appearance of the undead frightened the pursuers, and they stopped behind and did not advance.The desperate royal family fled to the forest along the river.They were dying of thirst, but they dared not drink the water in the river.There are purple aquatic plants floating in the water, which are the flowers left by the dead.The youngest boy couldn't help but threw himself to the river, but the older noble hurriedly stopped him.Between pushing and shoving, something fell out of the boy's pocket.

The boy put his face in the water and gulped down the powder that fell out.When he looked up, his eyes turned purple, and his older companion looked at him worriedly.A joyful expression appeared on the boy's face, and he ran wildly.His speed was extremely fast, and he ran to the edge of the forest.

The pursuers were waiting for him.Monsters are waiting for him too.

The young man smiled slightly, and the petals emerged from his palm, flying towards the forehead of the enemy.The firebird neighed and the monster roared, but they couldn't get close.More down-and-out nobles ran out of the forest.There was a transparent cover around them, power burst out from their bodies, and blood instantly stained the ground red.

"This is..." Ashe watched the scene change in surprise, and couldn't believe her eyes.

"I'm afraid it's the history of the Trans Empire." Mr. Wei continued.Because of the magic blessing, although most of the stone carvings carrying the picture were damaged, the content inside was coherent and smooth.

"Did they awaken their talents by drinking water?" Ah Xue finally knew what the anesthetic the high priest was talking about.Awakening talent does not need to experience pain at all.The river evolved over time and became the holy spring that Sylvia kept secret. "We were lucky. We found this place."

"It's not luck." Mr. Wei said, "Chacha asked the elves before. There is a teleportation array leading to the City of Machinery. I can feel some of Chacha's memories. This is why I can quickly adapt to the world here. "

"Are we going to Mech City next?" Ashue asked.

Mr. Wei shook his head, his voice full of exhaustion, "Axue, aren't you hungry?"

There is an open space behind the church, and Ashue turns on Xingcha.Despite spitting out yesterday's dinner, she still pulled herself together and made dinner for Chacha's idol.Thinking back to his appearance in battle, he somewhat understood why Chacha admired him so much.

Ashue was in a good mood and carefully prepared four dishes and one soup.Every dish is her specialty.

Mr. Wei came down from upstairs holding the traction pen: "I should go back."


"Tell her, don't be fooled by appearances." Mr. Wei curled the corner of his mouth, "If you still can't think of it, you'll be expelled from the fan." Before Ah Xue could respond, red light flowed out from the drawing pen, wrapping gently body with tea.

After a few minutes, the streamer faded away.Chacha lay on the sofa in the living room, panting heavily.

"Mr. Wei?" A Xue gently patted Chacha's body.

"What Mr. Stomach?" Chacha jumped up from the sofa, "Axue! Fuck, Axue, I'm back! Let me tell you, my soul has penetrated into the body of my idol! It's super cool! I'll see you again It's my idol's various CPs!" The smell of rice came from the tip of his nose, and the voice stopped abruptly.Chacha rushed to the dining table.

"Chacha?" A Xue pursed her lips, and sat at another seat at the dining table.

"The food cooked by A Xue is delicious!" Chacha was so moved that she almost cried, gobbling the food and stuffing it into her mouth indiscriminately, "Do you know how unpalatable the food in the military camp over there is? There is little oil, no chili, and it takes a few days. It doesn’t taste like meat at all! It’s like chewing wax.” Then he stuffed another piece of meat, “By the way, what is Mr. Stomach you mentioned just now?”

"It's Mr. Wei." Ashe smiled softly, "Your idol also passed through your body."

"But my idol's name is..."

"This is his new name. It means a human born before Chacha." Axue interrupted, she didn't want to know his name.As he hoped, "Your idol doesn't want you to interfere in his own life."

"I understand." Chacha nodded, instantly understanding Aidou's intention. "Then does my idol have anything to say to me?"

"Yes." Seeing Chacha's expectant eyes, Axue decided to tease her, "Your idol told you to lose weight. You should also exercise more. You should practice the sword that your little Taoist master taught you."

"Okay." Chacha muttered, but did not refute.Idol's saber really feels.You should learn how to sword.It's a pity that when the soul wears, it's in the opponent's body, so I can't let her idol teach her how to practice swords.Instead, you can let idols record videos, and maybe you can see yourself handsome.

"Your idol also said," Ashue smiled meaningfully, "You should not give other people longevity charms in the future, you can only exchange souls with him."

"Wow!" Chacha laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, "I'm a little happy. Then I will only have one idol in the future, and I will never climb walls! Also, did idol say anything?"

"Your idol said, don't be fooled by appearances." Axue tilted her head unconsciously, "If you still can't figure it out, you will be expelled from the fan membership."

"My God, idols even know their fans!" Chacha screamed in her head, "I'm so happy that I don't know what to say! Can I double-click 666?"

"Uh..." Ah Xue said for a while, "Your idol can feel part of your memory."

"Enen!" Chacha was immersed in joy, and Ah Xue nodded frantically no matter what she said.

"You." Ashe sighed, "I'm too busy eating, can you think of a solution? Your family Xavier is going to war. Before your idol left, it felt like saying that sentence was like not saying it."

"Didn't he say that if he can't figure it out, he will be expelled from his fan membership." Chacha said indifferently.

Axue frowned slightly, she missed Chacha's idol, "Okay, then what are your plans for the future?"

"Of course it's a bath." Chacha poured down a bowl of vegetable soup like a storm, and then hiccupped in satisfaction, "I haven't washed in half a month. Anyone who asks to take a bath over there will catch a cold."

"Your idol washed it yesterday."


"Don't worry, he covered his eyes with gauze and asked me to wash it." A Xue reported truthfully, "Although I told him that Chacha would not mind." While taking a bath, I found a long strip on Chacha's left back. The shape of the scar is extremely terrifying, and it seems that the entire left hand, shoulder and arm will be removed together.I don't know if her idol has seen it.

"Of course." Chacha raised her head, "I'm over there, but I read everything. If I'm finished, I'll probably be expelled from fan status."

"What did you do?"

"I forgot to tell you, I'm a CP fan."

(End of this chapter)

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