Chapter 23 Flower Planting Ceremony
There are two ceremonies in the Trans Empire that should not be missed. They are both famous for their grandeur and grandeur, and they are symbols of the empire's strength and glory.

One is the flower scattering ceremony held in the holy city on March 3 every year. Prince Xavier Trans will prop up his unique protective cover on the clouds at an altitude of 4 meters, which will arouse the resonance of the protective covers of the imperial ministers. , the most beautiful petals floated in the entire sky, commemorating those powerful magicians who died in the founding war.

The other is the much-anticipated coming-of-age ceremony. Hundreds of brave boys and girls, under the protection of the elders of the holy city and the singing of bards, planted Selaflor, and the cells of their bodies were baptized and experienced Pain and suffering, the most beautiful flowers bloom like a phoenix nirvana.They are the future of the empire.

At this moment, Axue and Chacha, two traversers from different worlds, are about to hold the most bizarre flower planting ceremony in history at the southernmost tip of the empire, in the foggy forest controlled by elves.

There were only four people for the entire ceremony.The onlookers were Xia Dai, the high priest who prevented Xuecha from growing grass all over their bodies because of the failure of planting flowers, and Shilaflo's new parasites, Axue and Chacha.

The place where the ceremony was held was also quite weird, like an iron-blooded cage woven by vines and thorns and roses all over the sky.Selaflo is lodged on the gray and white vines, and the mist is dense, and the whole enchantment is shrouded in a musty smell that has not seen the sun for many years.

At the center of the cage is the dwindling spring of the elves.The surroundings of the spring water have solidified, as if surrounded by broken jelly, with several long holes cracked, emitting a deadly stench.

"Which one of you will come first?" The high priest's voice entered the minds of Xuecha and Xuecha directly, with a simple and dignified atmosphere.She smiled, and her eyes touched people's souls.

Chacha didn't answer. She looked at the high priest's face in panic and couldn't say a word.

It's not because of how fierce or ugly the high priest's face is, on the contrary, she is probably the most beautiful and gentle woman in the elves.Chacha had never seen a woman with such a good-looking fake smile.

There is no insensitive protective shield, which is completely different from the shining elves holding the protective shield.The young elves I met yesterday all raised their noble heads, surrounded by small animals transformed into protective shields of various colors.There was nothing around the high priest, and Chacha was inexplicably terrified.

"I'll go first." Ashue said.

The high priest smiled and nodded, motioning for Axue to go over.Ashe half-kneeled in front of the high priest.There was no altar, no singing, a vine protruded from the corner of the cage, and gently touched the center of Ah Xue's eyebrows.Pale seraflo seeped into his forehead.

Ashe's body was trembling, she panted lightly, trying her best to suppress the pain in her body.The foreign matter drilled into the bone marrow through the forehead, flowed through the blood of the whole body, passed through the eight extraordinary meridians, and took root in her flesh and blood.

Xia Dai encouraged loudly beside him, his voice seemed to be separated by a thick glass cover.

Chacha wanted to go forward, but her body was sealed tightly by Xia Dai, unable to move.

"Everyone has to go through it." Xia Dai patted Chacha on the shoulder.

"Axue's body is already weak, if this continues, half of her life will be ruined." Chacha's nails were embedded in her flesh, "Is there no way to relieve the pain? Can anesthesia be used for surgery? Can I grow a flower?" .”

"What is anesthetic?" Xia Dai scratched his hair. This is a new word he heard today. He never thought that he could awaken his talent in an easier way.

"Don't you have herbs that can temporarily paralyze the nerves? The kind that can maintain consciousness but not feel pain."

"Yes." The high priest raised his head with a smile, and turned his gaze to Chacha, "But wouldn't that lose the meaning of awakening?"

"What's the point of asking for a fart?" Chacha was dissatisfied, and suddenly thought that there was a similar situation in the original world. The mother who could give birth without pain was brainwashed by her family who was reluctant to spend money, and the mother who gave birth to the child after a few days and nights.The difference is that everyone here experiences pain equally.

"I think what the high priest said makes sense. Only warriors who can endure hardships are eligible to awaken their talents." Xia Dai tilted his head, originally planning to try to use the resonance of the protective shield to relieve Ah Xue's pain, but suddenly gave up the idea.

Axue couldn't hear or see anything, and exhausted all her strength to squeeze those strange things out of her body.The five senses were gradually lost, and her soul seemed to be trapped in a cage, surrounded by thick fog.

"Why do you have to endure this pain?" A strange voice came from the bottom of my heart.It was Ah Xue's own voice, but it seemed so strange.It was like the voice that appeared in her mind when the teacher asked her to read the text silently when she was a child.

In order to awaken your magical talent.Ashe thought.But it seemed instinctively disgusted.

She really likes magic, those unpredictable clouds, fire dragons flying in the sky, and mermaids escorting souls, but at the moment she and Chacha are both forced.Even plane travel is a forced choice.Nicholas Zhao Si'er had no option for them to refuse at all.After he could clearly explain everything, it was up to her to decide whether to travel between planes.

"Want to know?" The voice in my head asked again, with a friendly tone that seemed to have been heard somewhere.

"Want to know?" Ah Xue remembered that a long time ago someone asked her if she wanted to be a baker.

"Want to know?" the voice repeated, with magic.

"Yeah." Ashue tried to answer in her mind.

"Come with me." "I'll come." "Come."

The light enveloped from a very far away place, Ashe opened his eyes.A small animal came into view.It has the beard of a goat, the horns of a dragon, and the body of a feline.The whole body is snow-white.The cat-like pupils were half-closed, as if seeing through everything, "Hello, Axue."

"Huh?" Ashue was really surprised.

"Damn it, your shield can talk?" Chacha was dumbfounded, and walked over the spring in two or three steps.A dragon as powerful as Xia Dynasty can't speak.

"Hello, Chacha." Axue's protective shield spoke again, "This boy with yin and yang eyes, the bipedal dragon above your head can awaken many times. If you are lucky enough, you can practice water magic."

"Excellent, my Axue." Chacha couldn't help whistling.

"Amazing." Xia Dai repeated, with a somewhat frustrated expression.

In the Sea of ​​Clouds Continent, people who can condense physical protective shields are extremely rare, and those who can transform creatures are even rarer. The elves can actually transform monsters, and the women you meet on the road can also transform into talking spirit beasts. It is simply unheard of .He is the greatest magician in the future, yet he is far behind in talent.Wait, the shield can be awakened multiple times?
Xia Dai involuntarily curled the corner of his mouth, he is indeed the greatest magician in the future.

"Are you Bai Ze?" Ashe chose the word you, instinctively feeling that her protective shield was a life form completely different from hers.

"Yes, Ash."

"What is Bai Ze?" Chacha asked.

"The legendary beast can speak human language, understand everything, and drive away evil and avoid evil." Ashe explained with a smile, and the smile was faint and weak.

"It's not that powerful, Axue." Bai Ze said, "My ability depends on your strength. I can analyze and call all the information you know, but some information is not commonly used, and you haven't noticed it."

"That's really powerful." Chacha said enviously, "Isn't it invincible for sand sculptures? This Nima is really artificial intelligence." For a moment, Chacha noticed that the high priest's brows were slightly frowned. Not too happy.Could it be that Ah Xue's talent cannot repair the spring?
"You have a communicator on your ear, so the sand sculpture can hear you." Ashue pursed her lips and smiled, "It's your turn, Chacha. You've always been smarter than me. I'm really looking forward to your talent."

"Can I take anesthesia?" Chacha said painfully.But looking at the unquestionable appearance of the high priest, it seemed that no matter how much he wailed, it would be of no avail.

Ignoring the astonished expressions of Xia Dai and the high priest, Chacha took out the cradle she stole from Sylvia yesterday and put it on the vine.She has to lie on her back for the flower planting ceremony.This kind of cradle is portable and soft, and it has been blessed by magic. She can be paralyzed until the end of time while eating bread and drinking Gudong water.

Chacha closed her eyes, a gray vine poked between her eyebrows, and all the cells in her body instantly ignited. "Heh..." Chacha let out a low growl, and the dry and hard weeds suddenly penetrated the pores, pricking the soft cradle into a hedgehog.

"Damn it!" Chacha's whole body was limp and limp, but she couldn't believe her eyes.She really doesn't have any magical talent at all.Could this be the retribution for her lying down and awakening her talent?
Chacha struggled to get off the cradle and fell unsteadily into the spring water.

The stench came out, and the charming smile on the high priest's face was glimpsed through the water waves, and it felt somewhat real.Axue and Xia Dai hurried over.Ashe's Bai Ze didn't move, her white claws gracefully scratched its furry ears.The smile on the High Priest's face seemed to freeze.It's an illusion.Chacha thinks.

Weeds are shed from the pores.A small black dragon oozes from its skin, wanders and writhes in the spring water, and faints away the dead branches and weeds.

"My protective shield?" Chacha frowned suspiciously.The high priest's mood was indeed unstable, and Chacha could feel the protective shield hidden under her clothes stirring.The black dragon rolled uncontrollably, the jelly-like spring water gradually melted, and bubbles emerged from the bottom of the water, gurgling and flowing.

"Welcome our savior." The high priest bent over with a smile and scooped up Chacha from the water.Fake smile as always.Chacha struggled to prop up her protective shield, and she finally had something to fight against those proud elves.

(End of this chapter)

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