Chapter 21 The Misty Forest
In the center of the town stands a huge cloud, with two thorny leaves branching out from the vertical base, and the spiral petals are like a giant rose.

A teleportation array is embedded in the center of the rose, emitting a gentle blue light.The charging place next to the leaf is empty, and the white-robed female mage who sang the teleportation array has long since disappeared.Usually teleportation people lined up in a long line, some of them really needed to teleport, and most of them just wanted to catch a glimpse of this legendary beautiful mage.It is said that she has royal blood and is glamorous.

The blond-haired boy led Xuecha and the two to climb up the stairs made of clouds.Xia Dai took out a small light blue flower from the pocket of his coat, and shook it on the petal door of Yun Duo.The petals split a crack, and soft light shone through the crack in the door.His father is a super VIP here, and he can open the door by himself when the female mage is away.

"I'm a little scared." Ashue said.

"Me too. All the people in the small town of Ayer suddenly disappeared. Is this teleportation array really okay?" Chacha asked worriedly.Sitting on Xia Dai's magic dragon all the way, they didn't have any means of transportation, so it seemed that it was difficult for them to ask this young man who was physically and mentally exhausted.

"There is nothing wrong with the runes." Xia Dai said, while checking it carefully, "I am familiar with this teleportation array, and there is indeed nothing wrong with it. You two stand in the middle, and I will stretch out the protective shield. If you are afraid, just close your eyes."

The two of them held hands in unison, and then closed their eyes.Warm light shines through the eyelids, and a soft whistling sound surrounds the ears.His whole body was wrapped in a protective shield, and he felt safe in his heart.When the two opened their eyes, they were greeted by white mist that was too thick to dissolve.Can't see anything clearly.

"Whoosh!" It was the sound of feathered arrows piercing the air.Flying suddenly from behind the mist.

Reflexively, Chacha pulled A Xue and fell on the ground.A small silver arrow slid past her ear, and exploded with a "bang" on Xia Dai's impregnable shield.The boy who had just been teleported over, chanted a spell, and stood in front of Xuecha and the two of them.The red dragon swallowed and breathed out flames, cutting through the thick fog fiercely.

This is a primeval forest, with a few elves in silver armor standing on the branches covered with vines, hiding behind the leaves and drawing bows full of strings.Sharp horns flashed on the silver protective cover, and he looked angry.They are the spirits of the tree.

"Why, has the self-proclaimed noble tree elf degenerated to the point of attacking the weak and defenseless?" Xia Dai was furious, with sharp fangs protruding from the corners of his mouth, and his two-color eyes gleamed coldly, like a long-starved beast .

"I..." For the first time being called weak by a boy younger than herself, Chacha was a little bit dissatisfied, but she had no choice but to accept it under the shining feather arrows. "We mean no harm. Is there some misunderstanding?"

The tree elf didn't give Chacha a chance to explain, "whoosh, whoosh" feather arrows were fired in succession, nailing the tree trunks around Chacha extremely fast.

A large silver net descended from the sky and surrounded them.

Xia Dai frowned slightly, and drove the dragon to spread its wings, and its huge body burst out with bright flames, trying to break the silver net.The hard scales and silver threads intertwined and rubbed against each other, making piercing screams, like a sword hitting each other.The dragon struggled hard, but the net became tighter and tighter because of its movements.

"Hiss!" This was Chacha's mournful cry when it was burned by flying sparks.The hair on her forehead was burning, and the receding hairline was about to suffer another blow.Xia Dai was busy controlling the magic dragon and fighting with the silver net, so he obviously couldn't take care of it.

The blond boy moved his fingers slightly, and the magic dragon suddenly disappeared in the net. The silver net seemed to have lost its support and fell from the air.

The little dragon with a beak deftly passed through the gaps in the silver net, and suddenly grew bigger in the void.The huge wings set off a heat wave, and the strong wind pressure sent the silver elf facing it flying.There was another long howl, and the elf on the left and the ancient tree snapped off in the middle. Before they could let out a wail, they were knocked unconscious by the branches that fell from the hot wind.

"Roar!" The corners of the dragon's mouth changed, and the beak-like mouth gradually melted away, revealing real sharp fangs.

As if the seal had been lifted, red flames gushed out from the dragon's heart, trying to turn everything around it into ashes.Black smoke billowed in the forest, and the smell of burnt earth was everywhere. A fiery whirlwind was born on the ground, burning tree trunks and rolling towards the sky, unstoppable.

The blue and gold eyes were fixed on the battlefield in front of him, and he had no time to pay attention to the situation in the net.Barely holding up the most basic protective shield, as long as these web-weaving elves are defeated, everything will be solved easily.

Chacha took out the pointing pen and turned the power to the maximum. The strong light hit the silver screen, and uh, not even a trace of white smoke came out.Chacha flipped the pointing pen and scanned a petite elf through the gap in the silver net. Although it could not penetrate his protective shield, it seemed to be able to interfere with his sight.The feather arrow originally shot towards the eyes of the demon dragon deviated directly from the direction.Only then did Chacha notice that there were at least two digits of tree elves surrounding them.

The captain-like elf climbed up the dragon's back lightly, and the bells on the pointed ears made a slight sound.

"Tear it off!" Black chains formed from the protective shield on his body, wrapping around the dragon's back like a poisonous snake.

The magic dragon seemed to lose its strength, the place on its chest became fiery red, and the flames that had not yet spouted muffled in its chest cavity.

"Pfft", the spike at the front of the chain pierced sharply into the dragon's neck.More than a dozen long feathered arrows flew from all directions, piercing through the dragon's wing bones with an unstoppable speed, firmly fixing it to the ground.The lengthy incantation echoed in the smoky forest, and a huge spear condensed in the air, about to cut off the precious head of the dragon.

The silver net here is getting tighter and tighter, and Xia Dai's protective cover is suddenly torn out of a hole.The silver wire passed through the hole in the guard, and the prey in the net was tied together and fell to the ground.

"Roar!" The demon dragon let out a deafening roar, the soil on the ground churned, the red flame rushed to the sky, and the feathered arrows inserted into the wing bones bounced back in all directions.

The surrounding elves had no time to defend themselves, and were pierced through their bodies by their own feathered arrows.

The dragon rolled violently on the spot, and the black chain was forcibly broken by a huge torque.

The elf captain immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell off the dragon's back unsteadily.

The magic dragon flipped its body and flew into the air, and stepped on the slender waist of the elf captain. Hot air and thick phlegm sprayed all over his body, which was sticky, like meat on a chopping board ready to be cooked at any time.The elf team members hung limply on the branches, lost all their combat strength, and could no longer get up to rescue them.The bondage of the silver net weakened instantly, and Chacha stood up from the net.

"Whoosh!" A cold arrow penetrated the silver net and inserted into Xia Dai's back. Blood overflowed from his chest and stained the young man's linen robe.The archery elf has been hiding behind the vines, waiting for the opportunity.

"Xia Dai!" Chacha screamed, and quickly walked around behind Xia Dai.

Her eyes were bloodshot, scanning the direction of the cold arrow.Springs emerged from the soles of the feet, jumped into the air with the big net, and directly hit the oncoming silver elf.

This is the elf who just shot cold arrows, the last battle force of the tree elves.Chacha calculated the angle and turned her body, kicking hard on the tree elf's soft stomach.The two separated from the air, and the tree elf's back hit the half-split tree trunk, groaning in pain.Chacha bounced into the air again, and the soles of her feet turned into sharp swords.

Just one more stab to end the battle.

"Bang!" Chacha felt her whole body go numb, her brain trembled violently, and she passed out like an electric shock.For ordinary people without magic, all struggles are in vain.

Axue struggled to lift up the boy who was about to fall.She has been sneezing constantly and has a severe headache since she was exposed to acid rain this afternoon.Things around me have changed so fast that I haven't even recovered yet.The dragon's body turned into white smoke and disappeared into the air.Only the angry flames in the primeval forest were left, crackling and burning the corpses of the ancient trees.

The reinforcements of the tree elves rushed over from all directions, and put brown vines on Ah Xue and Xia Dai, and they could no longer move with a slight pull.They raised the protective cover, wove a soft silver stretcher, and gently placed the wounded companion on it.Then he rudely picked up the fainted Chacha, and marched mightily towards the depths of the forest.

Chacha is woken up by splashing water.

To be precise, it should be awakened.Those lively jellies hit her body, Chacha thought A Xue was calling for dinner.Unfortunately she is being tied up and hung from a tree trunk.Ashe leaned against her.Xia Dai's chest heaved violently and gasped tenaciously.Many sharp-eared elves surrounded them, men and women, old and young, with hatred in their eyes.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Chacha didn't have breakfast, and was quite agitated. "When we meet, we hit each other. You said you didn't mean any harm. Could it be that you don't understand people's language?"

"It was you who caused the trouble first." The elf standing in the center said coldly.

"Which eye did you see?"

"We all saw it!" "You suddenly broke into the forest and killed many people. You also destroyed our sacred spring." "My brother was injured by you!" A good thing!" The voices of the crowd suddenly boiled, as if someone had invaded their homes through the teleportation array.

"We just came here." Seeing that the scene was a bit out of control, Axue explained with difficulty, "It is impossible to destroy the spring. My friends and I are ordinary people without protective shields, we don't know magic, and we can't hurt anyone."

"Who believes it!" "You suddenly appeared in the barrier, you are in the same group as those murderers!" "Especially the Yin Yang Eye, who breathed fire and injured more than a dozen guards, how could you not be in the same group!" "Give us back. Spring!" The crowd was excited for a while.

"Axue, don't talk nonsense to them. These people's brains are short-circuited." Chacha added fuel to the fire.It was a fact that Xia Dai injured them. The elves were so angry that they couldn't listen to anything. There was no point in trying to explain.

These guys just tied them up and didn't execute them right away, obviously there were more important people or decisions to wait.I hope that what comes is a living big shot, not a cold imperial edict.

"Kill them!"

"Kill them to avenge your loved ones!"

There was a neighing in the ear, and two elves in green dresses alighted from the exquisite carriage, and pronounced a sentence to the excited crowd: "Let them go quickly. The high priest has prophesied that one of them will be able to save the forest."

(End of this chapter)

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