Chapter 187 Purifying the Soul

"So, are you actually a clone?" Chacha asked, "Of course, it's also possible that they cloned you using you as the original."

"They should all be managers. That's all I remember." Ulysses clutched his head, his memory was in a mess, too much information hit his brain, and he couldn't distinguish for a while, "I can't feel what's going on in their bodies. Has a soul."

"Me too." Chacha nodded, "But these bodies contain the breath of life, so they should be alive. Could it be that they were soaked in rotten heart water, and their souls were corroded?"

"Bang!" Zhao Si'er picked up an iron rod from nowhere and smashed the petri dish apart.The nutrient solution flowed all over the ground along the hole, and the shell inside instantly fell down.

"What are you doing!" Chacha said in surprise, "They're still alive!"

"There is no life without a soul." Zhao Si'er said calmly, "Nutrient liquid purifies the soul." After saying that, he took out the body inside and jumped into the petri dish.

"Then can't you put some nutrient solution out through the normal way?" Chacha put her hands on her hips, frowned, expressed dissatisfaction with Zhao Si'er's actions, and simply removed Zhao Si'er's protective cover, "That's not right The nutrient solution purifies the soul, but these are all empty shells!"

"Sigh of the dead soul, purify the soul." Zhao Si'er muttered again.He swallowed a big gulp of nutrient solution in his mouth, and his tone of voice became even more ambiguous.

"He means that these nutrient solutions can select the strongest souls to survive from the many souls." Ulysses said, "They are all failures, so they all turned into empty shells."

"You mean, there are many souls mixed in every body?" Chacha gasped.

"Yes. It's similar to super zombies, but it's artificial." Ulysses said, "So I see the souls of countless people from the past. They used to co-exist in this body with me."

"It seems to be raising gu." Chacha commented.

"Sigh of dead souls." Zhao Si'er urged.Although there is only half a tube of nutrient solution in the Petri dish, his body can still sink completely in it.

"Sigh of dead soul, can you live?" Chacha teased.She had used Dead Soul Sigh outside the Xizhou Research Institute, but Zhao Si'er's half-soul was affected and ran away directly.

"I remembered." Ulysses said, "For the weak souls that cannot adapt, the nutrient solution will directly make them disappear. But for the strong main soul, it can strengthen the main soul. The killing damage of the sigh of the dead soul The force is too great, Zhao Si'er wants to use the nutrient solution to slow down this lethal force, and at the same time purify the other souls on his body."

"Then you won't be affected?" Chacha asked.

"No, I already live with this body," Ulysses said.

"Okay." Chacha took a deep breath and sang, "Endless darkness turned into endless curses, figures lurking in the dark night, elves crying under the dark moon, dead wandering in the wilderness, lost and confused, Hate and sorrow, all harm will be far away. Sigh of dead souls!"

As she chanted, the nutrient solution gradually boiled, and the "Ulysses" in the petri dish instinctively glowed.Zhao Si'er's skin turned crimson, and for a moment, she thought Zhao Si'er was about to be cooked in a petri dish.

"It can be stopped." Zhao Si'er opened his eyes and walked out of the petri dish wearily.He is so weak, Chacha feels that she is crushing him to death now, just like crushing an ant.

"What about these shells?" Chacha asked.

"Absorb all of them, the vitality is very, very impressive." Zhao Si'er suggested.

Chacha glared at him.

"I'm kidding." Zhao Si'er raised his lips mockingly, "Look for tools and take whatever you can use with you."

The air seemed harmless, Chacha removed the protective cover, and several people searched and walked around the laboratory at will.

Ulysses found some special red pills.I can understand most of the instructions on the medicine bottle.After hesitating for two seconds, he gritted his teeth and took two pills.His headache improved immediately and his memory became clearer.

He was brought here by a one-eyed giant.That guy was his defeated opponent, and because he held a grudge, he tricked him into drinking wine mixed with drugs.

After waking up, his soul was bound together with many people in this body.Cyclops wanted to destroy his soul, but he didn't want his life to die, so he survived.

Cyclops, who knew the result, was so angry that he stepped on the laboratory to the bottom of the sea.They fought again.The broken horn on his forehead became the medal of this battle.

Ulysses won the battle, but his soul has already been branded, and he completely obeyed orders and became the administrator of the ruins.In a sense, freedom is lost.

"The administrator is not bad." Ulysses said to himself, his tail wagging from side to side, and most of his strength recovered.

Here, Zhao Si'er found an engine in the storage room that was enough to start traveling between planes.Call Chacha and dismantle it together.

"The design is a bit outdated, but I don't mind my Xingcha twin engines running." Chacha beamed with joy.Finally lived up to so many days of sea travel.She has already started fantasizing about conquering the stars and seas with a twin-engine plane traveler.

"Axue go home." Zhao Si'er said.

"Indeed, it can be used after installing it, and its energy is fully charged." Chacha agreed.Suddenly, an oven was glimpsed.The chain fluttered and rolled into his hand.It was still working when it was plugged in, so I grilled all the fish and shrimp I brought in.

The three of them sat at the dining table, sharing the fish and shrimp baked by Chacha.It seems that he regards himself as the master of the laboratory.

"There is a problem." Chacha said while gnawing on the shrimp claws, "The sand sculpture is the half soul of Nicholas Zhao Si'er, and you are also his half soul, but it feels like you are two independent personalities. If you merge, Will you disappear?" Because of the addition of an engine, Chacha didn't hate Zhao Si'er who turned into a super zombie so much.

"It won't disappear." Zhao Si'er said seriously, "I am a sand sculpture, and the sand sculpture is me. My soul body only has the bottom layer, the command code. So I can only speak short sentences of four words. Your friend , called Su Mingyan, once said, three souls and seven souls, I am not a soul, I have no memory, only strength."

"Are you so weak?" Chacha expressed doubts.

"According to what you said, I am Zhao Si'er's true essence. I have no fusion and no strength. After fusion, I will show my strength." Zhao Si'er patiently explained in his four-character voice, " My goal is to complete the purification and return to Zhao Si'er's body."

"Okay, I'm too strong." Chacha curled her lips. When she separated her true essence during the battle, she also completely destroyed Zhao Si'er's true essence.

The three talked about what they had and what they didn't, and after searching the laboratory for a long time, they reluctantly left.

Go back to the surface the way you landed.All that remains of the island is the southern cliff, swaying alone in the waves.

"I still remember the way back." Zhao Si'er said reliably, "Trouble Chacha, create a black boat. I'll lead the way."

Just as Chacha was about to condense the black air, a huge black shadow appeared in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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