Chapter 168 Eternal Kingdom
The sand sculpture connected to the Internet, found the nearest hospital, and automatically planned an excellent route for Chacha and Axue.

Nevertheless, this is still a very long way.They need to walk on the ruins for nearly half a month.And most likely won't run into other humans.

Xuecha and Xuecha looked at each other, and finally decided to go and have a look.

Zhao Si'er's body was once frozen and firm in the turbulent flow of time and space, only the bones were damaged, and it should be able to last for two weeks.

Because when the Xingcha shrinks, no one can stay inside.Chacha converted the folding bed into a stretcher that could be towed, and tied Zhao Sier, who was in a vegetative state, firmly to it.

Another old wristband was found in the warehouse.Most of Chacha's deep memory has been recovered, and she knows that this is a communicator capable of holographic projection.After modification, it can be connected to the screen of the sand sculpture.The planned route was directly displayed on the wristband of her left hand.

When they were ready, the two took Zhao Si'er out.

Before taking two steps, Bai Ze, who hadn't appeared for a long time, suddenly jumped off A Xue's back.

"Bai Ze, where have you been these days?" Axue was both happy and worried, "No matter how I call, you don't respond at all."

"Sorry, the injury was a bit serious, and it took a long time to recover, so I worried you, Axue." Bai Ze blinked his wise eyes, and his tone was as gentle and calm as ever.

"It's just in time." Chacha beamed with joy, "I'm just worried that no one will drag this stinky idiot." Ignoring Ah Xue's surprised gaze, he threw the stretcher tied with Zhao Si'er onto Bai Ze's back, entwined with black air, The action is done in one go.

"Long time no see, Chacha, your strength has increased again." Bai Ze said.Perhaps it was because the spirit beast was in a good mood because it hadn't seen that annoying black dragon.


Just like that, Bai Ze returned to the team, carried Zhao Si'er on his back, and walked with Chacha and the others on the ruins of another world.

On the uninhabited ruins, no signs of civilization can be seen.There are no complete buildings, no magic marks, and the mud is full of potholes, as if hit by a meteor shower.The sky was a constant purple, casting the ruins in the shadow of death.

Lightning bolts hundreds of meters wide fell from the sky, exploding a scorch of blackness on the ground.Rocks were flying, and Axue and Chacha no longer wanted to say stupid things about thinning into a bolt of lightning.

All around was desolate.Without towering obstacles, even the wind feels lonely.Two people and one beast stepped on the gravel of the ruins, making rustling noises, making the ruins even more peaceful.

But this kind of desolation is not without benefits. I didn't see other people along the way, so there were no other worries.They can release the three-story mansion at any time to inject nutrient solution into Zhao Si'er's body.

Zhao Si'er still looked like a bird, with steady breathing and healthy body. Every cell was constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but his head still showed no sign of consciousness.

For three days in a row, Ah Xue cooked Chacha's favorite dishes. Unable to bear the torment of her conscience, Chacha cleaned up the broken bones in Zhao Si'er's body.The broken bones, under the dual effects of heaven and earth aura and nutrient solution, unexpectedly grew back.

"Nimma, this is much better than me." Chacha sighed.

"After all, he is Xingcha's master." A Xue said, with a gentle look in her eyes.Like Chacha, she had already acquiesced that this guy of unknown origin was Nicholas Zhao Si'er.

"I know it's your boyfriend." Chacha curled her lips, swallowing the fact that she also had a plane traveler.

A few days later, Ah Xue and Chacha met the first human being who came to this world, if it can be called a human being at all.When they found him, he was sleeping curled up in the ruins, his whole body was so dirty that he almost merged with the ruins.

This guy has the appearance of a human, but has the mouth of a bird, with half a broken sheep horn hanging on his forehead, and a knotted pig tail behind him, like an ugly animal that failed to be spliced ​​together.

The only thing that can be seen are those blue eyes, the pure gaze is looking up and down at Chacha, as if piercing her soul.

"Hello, do you have anything to eat?" he said.The voice poured directly into the minds of the two of them.

Chacha hesitated for a moment, and handed him the leftover eggs from the morning.

"Thank you!" The spliced ​​creature pecked open the shell of the egg with its beak and sucked the whole egg into its mouth. "My name is Ulysses, and I am the administrator of this area. As you can see, this area It is a ruin, so I have nothing to do all day long. Since I took over, I have been lying in this area... I count, it should be more than half a year."

"Fuck? You don't usually eat?" Chacha was dumbfounded.

"Anyway, in the Eternal Kingdom, it's okay not to eat. You get used to it when you're hungry." Ulysses said, "However, I still miss the taste of food. Thank you."

"Eternal kingdom, does it mean literally?" Chacha's eyes were full of expectation, "Could it be possible that people here can live forever?"

"Aren't you aliens?" Ulysses touched the broken horn on his forehead, "No wonder dressing up is not common. Ah, no offense, I haven't seen other aliens for more than half a year." people."

"So, why is this country called the Eternal Kingdom?" Chacha asked closely.

"There is no eternity." Ulysses sighed, "It's just that the soul can continue to live in new bodies."

People in this world can indeed live a very long time.When their physical functions decline and cannot meet normal needs, they will change their bodies.

Of course, it is not easy to change the body. During the transformation of the soul, it is easy to absorb other impurities, such as the soul of animals.

The mixed soul inhabits the new body, which is somewhat mutated.This kind of variation is mostly uncontrollable, so there is a shell like Ulysses, which feels like splicing.

The fusion of soul and body is not successful every time you check in, and it is not once and for all after you check in.

After the number of soul exchanges reaches the limit, body recognition barriers will occur, and the body and soul cannot reach a consensus.In the worst case, the soul completely loses consciousness and turns into the zombie that Chacha and the others called in their original world.

And Ulysses, as the manager of this area, is to eliminate these zombies.

"Can half-souls be fused?" Chacha asked.

"Yes." Ulysses gave an affirmative answer, "For a powerful soul, even if it is incomplete, his spiritual power can completely control his body. In my management career, I have seen a There are only one-tenth of the human beings left with souls."

Axue looked at Chacha unconsciously, but the other party avoided her gaze and continued to ask, "Is there anyone who fused with animals?"

"Of course, people have lived for a long time, and they will always do some strange things." Ulysses said, "As long as you soak in the water of Xuanyin Huangquan, the soul and body can be connected. Even if the body is spliced Animals can also blend perfectly."

"What about artificial intelligence? Can they also merge?"

"This is a topic that scholars in the Eternal Kingdom have been studying." Ulysses suddenly looked at Bai Ze behind Ashue, "I noticed that this white creature has a very powerful body on its back. Are you going to fuse it?" It?"

"Yes." A Xue and Chacha nodded at the same time.

"I'm bored anyway, why don't you take you to the research institute in Xishan Valley to try your luck?"

"That couldn't be better."

(End of this chapter)

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