Chapter 16
Axue and Chacha spent the whole morning picking out clothes and fixing their makeup. They arrived at the foot of the mountain at almost noon, just like the day they met for the first time.

It's just that this time there was no heavy trolley case or messy camera lenses. The two walked briskly and went up to the halfway up the mountain in one breath, even the rhythm of breathing did not change much.

The air in the mountain forest is fresh and the scenery is unique. It is a good place to raise people.However, Chacha has long left the city life of the original world 996, and she and Axue have spent a month and a half walking through the mountains and forests, where flowers, birds, fish, insects, mountains, rocks and trees are all used to it.Occasionally I saw some exotic plants, so I stopped to take two pictures.

"I'm in a good state today." Chacha said.

"There is still half of the way." A Xue chuckled, "If there are people living in the Taoist temple, how do you take pictures?"

"I can underestimate me, but I can't underestimate my camera." Chacha grinned, "My camera is super tolerant, even if it's too dark to stretch out my fingers, I can pull it back. With 14 pictures per second, I can take a lot of facial expressions Bag."

"So, are we going to shoot night scenes?" Asked Ah Xue.

"That's right." Chacha said in a second, "During the day, Axue, you have to fool those Taoist priests by yourself." She silently prayed in her heart that there was no one in the Taoist temple.Cameras are much more expensive than monoculars. If you accidentally throw them down, Chacha will not dare to think about it.After carefully checking the camera strap, there was no sign of loosening, and then I continued to move forward with peace of mind.

The altitude of this mountain is not high, standing alone on the ground, it is a real lonely mountain.

There was no circling up and down, and it only took the two of them three hours to reach the top of the mountain.

Looking down through the flourishing branches and leaves, the city at the bottom of the mountain becomes small, and its whole picture can be seen clearly at a glance.Simple city walls, simple bricks and tiles, simple pavilions, where ordinary people live.What is unusual is that this city has two cities to be precise, and the two cities are connected, and each other is yin and yang.

Chacha can almost determine where they are.And she also remembered that there was really a meteorite falling in this place.

Perhaps wherever the starship landed, there would be a big fireball.Thinking of this, Chacha suddenly became excited.If plane travel means going back in time, through the historical traces of meteorites falling on the earth, they can find all the places they can go.As long as they understand the mechanism of plane travel, they can even approach the original world infinitely.

Sand Sculpture's cold electronic voice suddenly came out of his mind, and Chacha felt that this assumption was too random.

At that time, Nicholas Zhao Si'er's rhetoric seemed that traveling between planes was not as simple as simply going back to the past.Chacha frowned slightly. Sure enough, there were too few planes traveled, insufficient conditions, and too much room for fantasy.Maybe the next trip to the plane can easily overturn her current assumption.

The two cities, one yin and one yang, faintly imply the avenue of heaven and earth.Chacha tilted her head, said with a wry smile, "It's still possible to meet idol in the end."

"Is that so?" Axue was puzzled, "Seeing how ugly your face is, I thought something terrible would happen."

"It's scary to see idols." Chacha's expression became very painful, "I'm afraid I won't be able to help but say something strange, and then change history."

"Then we won't go down the mountain." Ashe said naturally.Although I don't understand, but when Chacha said it was scary, it must be a very scary thing.

"No." Chacha retorted immediately, "My pearls haven't been sold yet."

"Then sell the pearl first." Axue opened her mouth and came.

"Shoot the positive first, shall we?" Chacha adjusted the focus, and it was one shot.The two cities are connected by yin and yang.

A winding path leads to the Taoist temple, both sides are full of medicinal herbs, and the air is filled with refreshing fragrance.Some are commonplace, some are slightly precious, and more are unnameable.Obviously, this Taoist temple has an owner.Chacha motioned for Axue to go ahead.

Just two steps away, there was a low sound of the piano.Slight and long, like the whisper of heaven and man.

The two walked lightly unconsciously.With the ups and downs of the piano sound, the mood became extremely stable.

The ethereal sound of the piano hit the heartstrings, those trivial troubles disappeared, and the whole heart became ethereal and clear.

As if there was a magical power, Chacha pushed open the door of the palace, and a middle-aged man sat cross-legged in the courtyard, wearing a green robe and a long beard, plucking the strings casually.His robe is a bit old, but it is clean and elegant, spotless.The ancient trees beside him are towering, and the long wind caressed them, and a few leaves swirled and fell to the ground.The man didn't seem to be aware of it, and blended with the mountain wind and tree shadows, his sleeves moved with the wind, his eyes were slightly closed, like an exile.

Chacha Kacha is just one piece.A Xue came in from behind and tugged on Chacha's sleeve.

After stroking a song, the Taoist priest looked at Chacha, "Are you two going to offer incense?" His eyes were as calm as water, and it seemed that Chacha didn't see the big camera in front of him.

"Yes." Chacha said casually.

"Those two are rare visitors." The Taoist priest lightly pressed his hand on the guqin, "There have been no guests in the temple for a long time."

"But excuse me?" Ah Xue's voice was very low, and for some reason, she felt a little nervous.

"That's not true." Dao Chang's tone was soft, with a kind of strength to calm his mind, "It's just that it's getting late, and I have to wait for my junior brother to come back and arrange a place for the two of you."

"It's a long story," said Ashe.

"There is a clear spring in the back hall, which can quench your thirst for both of you."

"Well, thank you, Daoist."

The Taoist priest didn't intend to get up, and Chacha followed A Xue in and out of the palace door on tiptoe, listening to A Xue's explanation one by one.

The Taoist temple is not big, the front hall is integrated with the mountain gate, the main hall is dedicated to the old man of longevity, and the back hall is the Sanqing Hall, in which are enshrined Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, and Taiqing Daode Tianzun, majestic and solemn.There is a spring on the left side of the promenade connecting the main hall and the apse. The spring water is gurgling, and a series of bubbles rise from time to time. It is crystal clear, like pearls.

Chacha dared not take pictures with her camera in her arms. As a former member of 404, she should be a firm materialist, but under the influence of this mysterious atmosphere, she felt a little awe in her heart, for fear of alarming the gods if she was not careful.The empty, loose sound of the piano came from the front hall, and Chacha boldly turned on the camera and recording function to the Taoist priest.

A Xue also came out from the back hall and found a seat to sit down.Quietly listen to the priest playing the piano.Dao Chang's piano skills are superb, and the overtones are like the sounds of nature, giving him a feeling of coolness and immortality.The sound of the piano was intermittent, and Ah Xue was immersed in it, and gradually forgot the time.

The afterglow of the setting sun disappeared on the horizon, and Chacha's stomach growled.Her camera was out of battery a long time ago, and she carefully put it into the package.Counting the stars in the sky, his eyelids sank unconsciously.

The heart of the Canglong ascended to the sky, and the Taoist priest's younger brother came back from the mountain.According to the order of the Taoist priest, Xuecha and Xuecha were placed in the side hall.

It turned out that Taoist Priest was blind from birth, and he couldn't see his eyes since he was a child. His younger brother has been going in and out of the mountain to take care of his daily life.Axue followed him to cook and asked about the Taoist priest.

After dinner, Chacha seemed to be unsealed, fled back to the side hall, and fell into a deep sleep hugging the pillow.

When she opened her eyes again, she felt dizzy.She heard the sound of the piano again, and the notes were mixed and not very pleasant.Getting up to go out, he caught a glimpse of A Xue sitting cross-legged in the courtyard and fiddled with the strings, while the Taoist priest was kindly pointing at the side.It turns out that sleeping can really time travel.

Chacha was bored, so she went to find the Taoist priest's younger brother.

The young Taoist leader was practicing swordplay, moving around in a cool and handsome manner.Chacha boasted extravagantly, and stared at it for a long time.The Taoist priest told Chacha that Axue had not only been offered incense, but had even passed the apprenticeship ceremony.It is said that they will live in a Taoist temple for a month.Chacha was dumbfounded, she didn't expect that Axue would actually come for the truth, and really wanted to stay on the mountain until Xingcha was full of energy.

For several days, Ah Xue was practicing the piano, forgetting to eat and sleep, completely ignoring her companions.

Chacha encourages Xiaodaochang to go down the mountain with her to sell pearls.I don't want the Taoist master to be so good at fooling around, he sold all the pearls in half a day, and there were not even those crappy defective products left.Chacha admired her so much that she gave half of her living expenses on the spot.The Xiaodao leader was not polite, he took all of them, and handed Chacha a longevity talisman.

Unexpectedly, early the next morning, the Taoist leader would wake Chacha up from her sleep and drag her to practice sword together.

Xiao Daochang regards Chacha's living expenses as tuition fees, thinking that Chacha paid the money just to learn swordsmanship.After all, in his opinion, Chacha's health is not very good, and he showed a very strong interest when he practiced sword.Ashe has a senior brother to teach, but she also needs to have an apprentice to make sense.

How could Chacha bear it? After two days of learning how to drive ducks to the shelf, she took Xingcha and hid down the mountain.

In the mountains and forests, he independently developed wireless receiving equipment, and under the guidance of sand sculptures, he actually made it.

The main material of the communicator is her pair of deformable shoes, a small part of which is removed and recoded.This material is capable of many functions through coding, but editing the communicator is much more complicated.

The shape of the communicator is two elongated earrings. Once worn, it is connected to the sand sculpture, like two small terminals.There is an inconspicuous dark green button on the earring, which can realize different functions according to different pressing methods.For example, with a light and long press, the sand sculpture can start collecting vocabulary, and if you press it twice, the earrings can talk to each other.

Chacha took the earrings to find Axue's experimental results, but was unfortunately caught by the Taoist leader and forced to practice all afternoon.

The coach I "find" has to finish training even while crying.The lactic acid in the body accumulated more and more, his legs hurt like hell, and there was a vibration coming from the foot of the mountain, but Chacha didn't even notice it.While the leader of the trail went to discuss with his senior brother, he fled to the pine forest halfway up the mountain.

With sore hands and feet, Chacha lay dead on the bed holding the safe, and kept trying the remaining passwords.The vibration outside became more and more intense, Chacha only thought it was her legs and feet twitching.Delete the previously failed number combinations one after another in your mind.After the 4th fiddle, the door of the safe finally opened.

There is no scaled down transport.Lying in the safe is a strange pen.

(End of this chapter)

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