Chapter 131 Casino situation
Early in the morning, the two of Xuecha came to the place marked on the navigation.In order to look richer, they rummaged through their closets and put on the most gorgeous clothes and jewelry on their bodies.Chacha put on the mask she got from the black market in the world of cats, and walked into the casino swaggeringly.

As soon as you enter the door, it attracts a lot of attention.Only then did Chacha realize that the proportion of female players in the casino was pitifully low.Probably only poor ghosts like them want to get rich overnight.

It was too late to quit.The handsome little brother in uniform came to greet him, Chacha boldly claimed that it was the first time he came out to play, and he was not familiar with the rules, so he hoped to start from the simplest.Of course, the real situation is that after Chacha and Axue bought the necessary food yesterday, there were only fifty gold coins left.

After exchanging chips, the two came to the gambling table and symbolically listened to the host introducing the rules of the game.There are three dice, and the three "top" sides are added up to calculate the result. 1-10 is small, and you pay 1 for a correct guess. 2-11 is a big, and you also pay 18 for a correct guess. If there are 1 identical ones, it is a leopard. 2 pays 3. If there is a combination of 1, the total is 18, which is considered small but also considered leopard.

"Buy big and buy small, buy and leave." The host repeated the last sentence, showing the three dice one by one like gamblers at the table.After confirming that there is no problem, put it back into the dice cup.

In order to get the rest of the gambling money, Chacha listened to the first three games.The rest will be handed over to Ashue.

"Shushasha..." Everyone's eyes swayed from side to side following the host's movements.The scorching eyes seemed to shoot through the Dice Gu.

Only Chacha closed her eyes, relying on her ears to listen to everything, and felt every time the dice rolled in the dice Gu. "Geda, Geda, Geda...", the voice in the Gu gradually amplified in Chacha's mind, and the Dice Gu seemed to become transparent, and Chacha carefully identified their positions in the Gu.

Finally, the host stopped moving.Repeat the sentence, "Buy big, buy small, buy and leave."

"Large", "Large", "Small", "Small", "Small".The originally quiet casino seemed to explode.The howls of gamblers can be heard endlessly.

The host's gaze shifted to Chacha's side.Axue pulled the tea tarik worriedly.Although he was very confident in his companions, he still couldn't help being nervous when he arrived at the scene.Chacha opened her eyes, success or failure depends on one move.

"Small." Chacha said, pushing all the chips to the middle of the table.In fact, she already knew the numbers in Dice Gu, 3, 2, 2, which add up to only 7 points. 7 points, which is a good number in a certain game.It's a pity that we only need to say buy big or buy small here.

The host gave Chacha a deep look, and then went on to ask the next gambler.

"Small! 3, 2, 2!" Before the host had time to speak, the gamblers who won the buy at the gaming table shouted, their flushed faces shining with excitement.

"Little girl is lucky." The little brother who led them over promptly handed over two glasses of red wine, saying that it was invited by the boss in a black suit next to him.Ashe glanced over there, and faintly felt a little pressure in the air.He picked up the wine glass and handed it to Chacha.He took a sip to show his sincerity.

In the next two matches, Chacha bought right, and the chips on the table increased several times.Sensing a few slightly hostile gazes around her, Chacha hurriedly retreated, "Axue, try it, it's quite fun."

Axue nodded, the real energy in her body was flowing and she was eager to try.Unlike Chacha, who needs to close her eyes to listen, Axue watched Gu dice with her eyes open.Those big piercing eyes give people the illusion that this is a fat sheep that is purely based on guesswork, invisibly dispelling the surrounding hostility.

"Big." Ashue said timidly.

This time, the gamblers who bought the small ones paid several times more than those who bought the big ones.Those greasy faces showed inexplicable confidence and disdainful light.They decided that Chacha's luck was coming to an end.

But soon, veins burst out on their calm faces.When the dice Gu is revealed, "2, 1, 3", the numbers with deep meaning in the original world seem to be mocking them.

"I'll follow the little girl to buy next game." Someone noticed the clue and approached Chacha and the others.

A Xue looked at Chacha, and according to the plan, the two of them decided to play casually in the next game.They just want to earn a little money to eat, and they don't want to make any messes.Her decision was right or wrong, even though half of them were random guesses, Ah Xue was lucky and most of her guesses were accurate.Among them, Chacha interrupted and guessed a leopard. 1 to 18, the gamblers have green eyes.

Ashe was immersed in the training of true essence transformation, unaware that the surrounding atmosphere had changed.

"Do you want to withdraw?" Ah Xue was taken aback by the extra heads on the other side.Send text messages to Chacha for help.

"Looking at this posture, it seems that I can't go away."

Another round of betting has begun.A strange sound appeared next to his ears, and the other side was about to make a move.Chacha frowned, "Axue, do you want to take a break?"

"Yeah." A Xue retreated behind Chacha.The crowd was moving and getting more and more crowded, and the smell of cigarettes was everywhere.There are more and more chips on the gambling table, and I can't help but feel like quitting.It's not a problem that there are too many people and they can't beat them. In fact, these people combined are not the opponents of the two of them.It's just that the constraints of the laws and morals of the original world have penetrated into their hearts, and they subconsciously feel that they can fight monsters, but they cannot hurt others.

"Little, 3, 3, 3." Chacha said the numbers directly.The chips pushed into the field were not as generous as A Xue's before.

"Impossible!" "It's not that accurate." "You have to think about it before you say it." The punters were talking about it, and they were not optimistic about Chacha's conclusion.

"Buy and leave." The host repeated.

"Buy and leave." Chacha said.Of course she knew the next dice would change.

"3, 3, 3. Little!" The host gracefully uncovered the dice Gu, "Congratulations to this female player for guessing the leopard." There was another burst of boiling around.

A Xue looked at Chacha suspiciously, and found that things were not that simple.Taking advantage of the noise of the crowd, I sent crazy messages to Chacha. "They are going out, but I have given up too little bait." Chacha typed quickly.It is really inconvenient to communicate directly without a protective cover.

"The two of you are lucky. Would you like to add a few more dice. The multiplier will be even higher." The host's tone was neither salty nor weak, with indescribable temptation.

"Okay." Chacha said.The situation was found to be beyond expectations, and she had decided to let it go. The money won by her ability would make her spit it out.What's more, the price of the clothes Ah Xue likes is simply sky-high on the label, and she doesn't know how to buy them unless she makes a big bet.

"It's six dice now. But instead of big and small, how about we play points?"

"How do you play this?" Chacha asked.The person who delivered the wine before also joined the gaming table, and several bodyguards followed.The surrounding gamblers gave up their seats.People who followed Chacha and the others to bet took advantage of the chaos and consciously stayed away from the gaming table.Casinos only do business that makes sure profits without losing money, and Chacha's actions obviously touched the interests of the casinos.They don't want to be implicated.

Unexpectedly, things backfired, as soon as he walked to the gate of the casino, he was stopped by the burly bodyguards in the venue.Like Chacha, they also won a lot of money, so they naturally became the focus of attention.

(End of this chapter)

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