Chapter 129 Team Hunting
"It's only two kilometers away from Granville Forest." The little bastard looked at Xuecha and Xuecha expectantly, "Shall we form a team?"

"I have no objection." Chacha said.

"I have no objection either." Ashue said.Anyway, according to the past behavior, they will follow this young man named little bastard.She and Chacha were not just killing a snake when they first entered Novice Village, and Chacha didn't even need her sickle.

At the bottom of the phone's interface, Chacha found their own ID.Just like the sand sculpture generated Zhao Si'er's random name, their names were also randomly generated.There is a long string of garbled characters that cannot be read smoothly at all.However, the two of them can add friends and send messages through their mobile phones.

"I kind of miss the time when we played dungeons together." Chacha opened the message box and sent.

"Yes. I used to play nanny, and you played output." Axue typed on the screen. She hadn't used the mobile phone input method for a long time. Blood."

"My blood is thick now." Chacha made a proud expression.In this message box, you can use the emoticons saved in your phone before.Those sealed funny pictures finally have a use again.

The little bastard built a team and got them to form a team.He also came up with a name for this improvised team: The Wandering Ghosts in the Car Window.The words are still understandable. This strange plane actually allows them to have a common language.

"Good name." Chacha was typing on the team's channel.

"Yeah." Ashue replied quickly.Even though they are in the same space, communication still needs to be typed by hand.

The little bastard drove his Knight III variant mecha on the asphalt road.The lush and lush trees quickly passed behind. Ten minutes later, the team came to the edge of the forest.The wide road suddenly cut off, and the three jumped off the mecha.

"What weapons do you use?" The little bastard opened the trunk, took out his usual crossbow, and then said to Ashue and the others, "I also have two scimitars, two old-fashioned sniper rifles, and a laser that is not very useful. arms."

"I have a sickle," Chacha said. "As for Ashue, give her a laser weapon. That one has less recoil."

"it is good."·

"I still miss being a nanny." A Xue sent a message to Chacha, "Isn't it the game world, why can't I see the reading bar above my head?"

"But we are living people." Chacha typed, "Didn't you bring an umbrella? When things get bad, just fly up."


There were noises around, and other teams received the broadcast to come to hunt.Chacha took out the binoculars, "Their equipment seems to be better than ours."

"Then what to do?" Ash said.

"No hurry." The little bastard's voice was rational and calm, "The Viper Moth is medium in size, but it is good at hiding. It is still unknown whether they can find it."

"Do you need me to lure them away?" Chacha's palm gave birth to a chain, and the long tail swung flexibly. "My chain looks more like a snake."

"Where did you get this equipment. It's kind of cool." The little bastard said, "This shape is really suitable for a cover."

"Then I'll go first." After saying that, Chacha disappeared.The new eyes matched the speed of the soles of the feet and moved behind another group of people in an instant.Seven or eight chains extended around them, and the shadows of the trees were dancing, stirring the leaves for a while, and drifting past their eyes like ghosts.Chacha used the space to jump repeatedly, quickly leading them to other locations.

The little bastard here took out a matcha-colored ball from his pocket, lit it and placed it on the wet mud floor.A faint fragrance wafts through the forest.

"Let's hide behind the tree." The little bastard pointed to an old tree surrounded by two people next to him, and told A Xue.Randomly picked a few branches as camouflage.Then he took out a small translucent bottle and sprayed it on Ah Xue.

"Shushasha..." As the fragrance dissipated, the nearby snakes and insects gathered around.A Xue retreated slowly, her body smelled of meatballs.A small red snake hung down from the top of the head along the branch, and Ah Xue was startled.The ice ring exploded from his hand, killing the blind and unlucky bastard on the spot.

"Hush, come here soon." The little bastard said softly.

As soon as the words fell, a group of big green moths swarmed from the depths of the forest, and the flying scales stuck to the leaves, crowding the entire space.A Xue held up the big umbrella and beat the flying moths to the side, and the air was filled with a rancid smell.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't hold it back." Ashue said.The scale powder was inhaled into his nose, and he couldn't help but sneeze.

"Be patient." The little bastard said consolingly, "I was worse than you when I first started."

A seven or eight-meter-long venomous moth bigu snake snaked its way through the rotting leaves, following the call of the venomous moth, it emerged from the hidden vines.It climbs very cautiously, even if it is the favorite smell, it still stops in twos and ones, looking around with its noble triangular head.Make sure there is no danger before moving on.

Both Ah Xue and the little bastard held their breath, holding their respective weapons in their palms.The waiting time was a bit long, and the scales of the moths made their skin a little allergic.Fortunately, the medicine was sprayed beforehand, and the itching was barely tolerable.

"Hiss..." The poisonous moth Pigu Snake spat out a red letter, coiled up its bloated body and crawled closer.The little bastard aimed at the bottom of the python's head through the gaps in the branches, and with a "swish", a crossbow bolt was precisely inserted into its seven inches.

Unfortunately, the crossbow arrows were not powerful enough, and the poisonous moth and the ancient snake suddenly convulsed and bounced into the ancient tree where the little bastard was hiding.The powerful tail curved along the tree and swept towards the human who sneaked up on it.The little bastard who didn't have time to react was instantly stunned.

Axue couldn't wait to hold up the big umbrella and flew into the air.Nervously aim the laser weapon at the python's head.After searching anxiously for a while, I finally saw the button for the weapon.But he couldn't do it.The poisonous moths, green snakes and little bastards are entangled together, and they will hit people if they are not careful.

"What's the matter?" Chacha's voice came from the communicator, "This group of people has already seen the clues. I'm afraid they have to withdraw."

"I've seen the snake. But I'm afraid of accidentally missing the shot." Ashue said truthfully.

"Use what you are best at." Chacha began to retreat, trying to rush over, "Put more ice rings that are less powerful."

"it is good."

A series of ice rings fell from the sky and exploded around the head of the poisonous moth and the ancient snake.Poisonous blood splashed out, but none of them hit him head-on.Because she was afraid of hurting her newly acquainted companion, Ashue slightly held back her true energy when releasing it, and she was a little timid throughout the fight.The poisonous moth and the ancient snake firmly tightened the strength in its abdomen.The little bastard in the center was choked by the python and turned purple. He randomly released the crossbow arrows in an attempt to blind its eyes.

The symbiotic fluttering moths flew into the sky, blocking Ah Xue's sight.

"Pfft!" It was still Chacha who arrived, and the scythe flew forward, killing him with one blow.

"Congratulations to the 'Wandering Soul in the Car Window' team for successfully killing the Viper Moth. Please exchange players at the Reward Exchanger in Caldera City, 〆Flower Charm∮only n1 Guding, Hell Tornado メ刀ζ°_X award."

(End of this chapter)

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