Chapter 10 Sit in Prison
After being unconscious for an unknown amount of time, Chacha opened her heavy eyelids.

It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything.There seemed to be the sound of planes taking off and landing in my ears.The pain in the body is almost numb.

The feathered arrow on the calf was gone, and the wound seemed to have been treated simply.It seemed that her captors didn't want her to die too soon.Perhaps the wanted person is too important, and someone needs to be interviewed before deciding whether to execute.

There should still be a chance.

The wanted criminal in the portrait was a man no matter what. Although Chacha was dressed heroically, thanks to A Xue, he transformed her into a handsome face, so it was normal to be mistaken.But no matter what, she is also a woman, and it is useless to take her top bag.Of course, flat chest is not her fault.

How is Ashe?

She caused a commotion before being arrested, so she should know where she was going.It's just that she is now regarded as a wanted criminal, and I don't know if she can do anything else.

Well, no matter how bad it is, there are sand sculptures. Although this artificial intelligence sometimes speaks mentally retarded, it is an artificial intelligence that travels through countless planes. It should have enough wisdom to deal with this situation.

Chacha turned over with difficulty, leaned against the wall and fell asleep again.

Axue didn't sleep a wink all night, and entered the city early.Take the sand sculpture to collect vocabulary everywhere.Run all over the streets and alleys.

She needs to sell the amber as soon as possible to deal with the jailers.To save Chacha, she must enter that prison.It's just that the disturbance caused by Chacha is too great, she needs to be careful.The symbolic meaning of such things as animal souls is too extraordinary, and if you are not careful, you will be caught in it.No one will come to rescue them.

Chacha woke up again from her lethargy.Mouth is dry as hell.

There was light coming in from the skylight on the roof, and Chacha noticed a few things in the corner of the cell.

There was a sheet of scones on a wooden square plate, the size of a palm and one inch thick.Next to the cake was a bowl of water.

Chacha struggled to prop up her body, leaning on the wall and limping to the corner.

He picked up the water bowl carefully, for fear of leaking a drop.After taking a sip, he took another breath.I sipped intermittently, drinking half a bowl before putting it down.Then he went to pick up the cakes on the ground and tore them apart in small bites.The scones were cold, dry and hard, with no other flavor except the smell of paste. Chacha had been biting for a long time before it had a hint of maltose sweetness.

If I knew it earlier, I should have waited to eat teppanyaki at the gate of the city.If you stay until noon, you can meet up with Axue without having to suffer these hardships.

Alas, without a mobile phone, it's really inconvenient.

It should say there is no satellite signal.When she gets out of here, make some radio receivers.Communicate with each other and contact each other to prevent the situation of getting lost from happening again.Ashe hung up the receiver and carried the sand sculpture herself, so the efficiency of collecting vocabulary would become twice the result with half the effort.

She just wanted to sell fake amber to earn some travel expenses, but she was locked in prison before she did anything, enjoying the pain of prison in advance.Could it be that he was punished by heaven because he ate bear's paw?

Thinking wildly, I swallowed the last bite of the scone.The stomach begins to digest, taking away a lot of energy.Chacha's head felt dizzy.Lean against the wall to recharge your batteries.

The surrounding area was strangely quiet, and there seemed to be no cellmates.The cell next door was also deserted.The identity of this wanted criminal is indeed unusual.

After eating and sleeping like this for several days, Chacha's consciousness gradually cleared up.Only to find that there has been no cake in the corner for two days.She herself has been eating leftovers from before.Stomach growling, Chacha began to miss Ah Xue's egg porridge with lean meat.

Chacha put the star pen in the package containing the star cha, and handed it to A Xue before leaving.Fortunately, the shoes left by Nicholas Zhao Sier are still on his feet.It seems that Ah Xuegai's culottes are too long to be noticed.

Concentrate on transforming the shape of the shoe.A long strip covered with sawtooth protrudes from the sole of the foot.Chacha took off the saw shoes and pulled them back and forth on the pillars of the cell.As long as you saw off the pillars separating her, you can escape through the skylight.

"Sting!!!" The voice was sharp and piercing, and Chacha was shocked.Take it back quickly and put the shoes on your feet.Damn, this cage is actually made of iron!

The jailer heard the noise and rushed from outside the cell.Seeing Chacha curled up in a corner, she reprimanded her and went out cursing.

Chacha stayed quietly until late at night before trying to deform the shoes again.But no matter how you move, the shoes don't change.It seems that the shoes need to replenish energy just like her.

No one brought food over today.Has that Lord Hou changed his mind?
Three days passed and still no new food arrived.Even the water was cut off.

How come Axue hasn't come yet.Chacha lay on her back on the ground, panting heavily.The calf was festered, and it was all supported by fat.

On the fifth day of fasting, thunder and lightning struck outside, and it rained heavily.Rainwater poured in from the skylight, and a few drops of rainwater spattered on Chacha's face.Chacha propped up her body and stretched out her hands from the cage with all her strength to catch the occasional rainwater.After taking a few sips, Chacha moved the bowl that was filled with water outside the cage.After thinking about it, he took off both shoes again.

There is water.Can last a week.Chacha comforts herself.By then, the sand sculpture should have finished collecting vocabulary.A few leeches rushed in from nowhere, and Chacha soaked the rain, squeezed out the pus on her legs, and bandaged them again.

On the seventh day of fasting, some ants passed through the gap carrying several large worms on their backs.Chacha robbed them of their food.

No.13 days of fasting.There were two rains in between, and Chacha's shoes were filled with water.But Chacha didn't even have the strength to drink water.

The weakness made her start to hallucinate.She closed her eyes, and her vision became bright and gorgeous, as if dreaming of that place called 404 again.

Chacha lay under the shadowless lamp, watching the guys in white coats busy around, but couldn't hear the slightest sound.Their faces were covered by masks, and their expressions could not be seen, and the eyes behind the frames were shining with a rational to cold light.The cold machine penetrated into the body, silently starting another nightmare.

As if hearing Aidou's voice, it firmly pulled her back from the nightmare.

What is the name of this city?How long does it take for an idol to reach the top of the Biden ranks?Are they already calling?If this city is captured, the world will be amnesty, and she will also be released.

Someone called Chacha's name, softly, with a crying voice.

Is idol coming to save me?

Chacha opened her eyes.Dazedly saw two shadows.Idol didn't come.The person who came was Ashue.There is also a figure who looks like a son, with a big jade pendant hanging around his waist.

"A Xue, you're here." Chacha crawled to the door of the cage.

"Don't talk yet. Drink porridge." Axue cried.While digging the porridge with a small spoon, he fed it to Chacha bit by bit.Chacha's face was pale and skinny, and Ah Xue was so distressed that she shed tears.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Chacha said softly, "Did Xingcha bring you? I want to blow up this place."

Dai Yupei's son was dumbfounded, but nodded, and opened Xingcha's special package.

It turned out that after Chacha was locked in the cell, Axue took the sand sculptures around.Axue was reluctant to spend the money left over from selling bear paws. She was hungry during the day to collect vocabulary, and returned to the cave at night to drink a few sips of nutrient solution made by sand sculptures.

Amber could not be sold all the time, so Axue simply moved out some of the clothes left by Nicholas Zhao Si'er, and peddled them in the city together with hairpins.Then I ran into the son I bumped into when I first entered the city.The young master admired Ah Xue's talent in making clothes, and almost bought all the clothes that Ah Xue brought out.

Ashe took the money to deal with the jailers, only to realize that the place where Chacha was imprisoned was not there at all.

That prison is where ordinary prisoners are held.Axue was furious and had not eaten well for several days, so she fainted on the street from hunger.It was the young master who rescued her and found out the whole story.The young master went around and around, and finally had the opportunity to enter Chacha's special cell.

But he didn't expect that as soon as Chacha opened his mouth, the cell would be blown up.

Anyway, from the moment he saw Ah Xue, he had already boarded the thief ship.Following Chacha's instructions, he placed Xingcha on the far left side of the cell.Angle it and move to the safest position.Chacha also crawled aside with difficulty.

"Bang!" Xingcha suddenly grew bigger, piercing a hole in the cell.There was also a big hole in one corner of the cage.

The young master quickly ran into the prison, picked up Chacha and walked out.Axue retracted Xingcha and followed closely.The jailer's roar came from behind.The three people didn't seem to hear anything. They quickly got into the carriage they came from and left.

(End of this chapter)

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