Chapter 974 How can I like robots! (20)

The men's and women's dormitories are at both ends of the intersection. Before leaving, Chi Miaomiao asked Holo softly, "How did you get that video?"

He didn't need to guess to know that it was recorded by Huo Luo, but Chi Miaomiao couldn't guess what method he used.

Because someone else was there, Hollow pointed to his eyes and didn't say much.

Chi Miaomiao thought for a while, as smart as she was, she quickly came up with a general idea.

"Miaomiao, what are you doing here? Could it be that after Huo Luo helped you today, you were moved and ready to accept him?" Wang Anqi saw Chi Miaomiao standing still at the crossroads. He walked over and pushed her shoulder with his own, teasing her.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person, not to mention that Wang Anqi also expressed her attitude tonight, and Chi Miaomiao also wondered if the settings of good guys and bad guys in the book are reversed now, so she didn't show face at Wang Anqi anymore, but lightly Smiling and pushing her, "Do you think I'm a girl? If you are saved by a hero, you will give me your body?"

"How come you are not a girl now? As long as we have a girl's heart, we will always be eighteen!" Wang Anqi held her heart in her chest, and then asked Xia Feishi for support, "Are you right, Shishi?"

Xia Feishi was in a daze, still thinking about why Chi Miaomiao suddenly changed her attitude towards her.Suddenly startled by Wang Anqi's question, she quickly regained her senses and nodded, "Yeah."

Seeing Xia Feishi nodding in agreement with what she said, Wang Anqi was too happy to notice her strangeness at all, and raised her eyebrows at Chi Miaomiao proudly, "Look! Shishi said the same!"

Wang Anqi didn't notice it, but Chi Miaomiao did, but she couldn't tell her now. She could only secretly complain about Wang Anqi's short-sightedness, and then nodded perfunctorily, "Yes, yes, everything you said is right."

Not to say 50.00%, but Chi Miaomiao thinks that he has seen [-]% of Wang Anqi's temperament.

Straightforward, heartless, and his character needs to be studied, so far, he is not bad.

The three of them went back to the dormitory first. After washing and about to fall asleep, Han Yuluo opened the door and walked into the dormitory angrily.

The door of the room was banged loudly by Han Yuluo. Not to mention the people in the dormitory, even the dormitory next door and opposite were awakened by the noisy and loud sound.

Chi Miaomiao was so angry that she was about to fall asleep and was suddenly awakened by the shock, so she was naturally in a bad mood.She rolled over and got off the bed, walked to Han Yuluo angrily, stretched out her hand and lifted her collar, "Will you be quiet?"

Han Yuluo and Yuanzhu were classmates in high school, so he was not afraid of Chi Miaomiao.In addition, Chi Miaomiao made her look ugly tonight, which emboldened her even more, and he wanted to punish her and take revenge on her.

Han Yuluo raised his chin proudly, and stared at Chi Miaomiao, "What? This is not your dormitory alone, I can do whatever I like!"

"Han Yuluo, can you stop making noise?!" Wang Anqi was also woken up by fright, lying on the bed with her thumping heart in her hands, and blamed, "It's okay if you wake us up, if you wake up Shishi What should I do? She has Pinocchio syndrome, if you want to scare her out of her illness and go to the hospital, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

It is also a cruel character to say this, but Wang Anqi is too lazy to get out of bed at all, and falls asleep after scolding this sentence.

Chi Miaomiao pursed her lips, and really fell asleep in a second.

Han Yuluo didn't pay attention to her falling asleep speed, but gritted his teeth with extreme resentment in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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