Chapter 952

Tang Linyuan said leisurely, "Some people are double-labeled. It is clearly stipulated that the mission of the host has failed, and the system will replace the host, and the host will become the system. Anyone who violates the regulations must be destroyed and recycled. But what about now? Seeing that Zhizhi violated the regulations without punishment, and still playing chess with me pretending not to know, the Lord God is really impartial."


Shen Ji also played the wrong chess piece in the end.

He pursed his lips, and a smile appeared on his cold and aloof face, making him look even more gloomy and terrifying.

"Since you want Chi Miaomiao to die, why didn't you stop Zhizhi when she broke the rules?"

"I'm just idle, where's the real power to dispose of Zhizhi?"

"Oh! What if Zhizhi didn't save Chi Miaomiao?"

Tang Linyuan remained silent, his eyes were dark and meaningful.

Shen Hao sneered, "Ha! In order to keep Chi Miaomiao alive, can you really make up anything?"

"Yeah! It's just that Zhizhi resurrected Chi Miaomiao at your will. If Zhizhi hadn't done so, you would have rushed to resurrect him too, right?" Tang Linyuan was obviously waiting for the moment to fight back, and he kept replying He said, "After all, if you know that you are possessed by the host, you will no longer stay in the magical space, and you will have no chance to see her again in the future. In order for the person on top of your heart to stay by your side forever, you are really Anything can be done!"

After Tang Linyuan finished speaking, he immediately fell down.


This time, I was not affected by Shen Hao, and I finally made the right decision.

"Oh! Your imagination is really rich." Shenji sneered, and took the opportunity to drop a word, "Resurrecting Chi Miaomiao is Zhizhi's wish. The rule that the host is not allowed to be resurrected is right there. Zhizhi has always been rebellious Taming, but it is the one with the most meritorious deeds in the Mysterious Dimension, just for violating the regulations this time, it is enough to use meritorious deeds to offset it."

"This time Zhizhi voluntarily, what about before?" Tang Linyuan tossed the pawns, "Affected by the X organization, the performance of all systems is declining day by day, and the existing systems have been destroyed and recycled due to multiple mission failures. Do you know why it is still there?" Can it maintain the number one achievement in all systems? As far as I know, before Zhizhi became a system, Organization X had already started to recruit troops and gradually become larger? However, none of the tasks performed by Zhizhi has failed. As far as I know Zhizhi, the more missions are completed, the more attention the organization X will pay attention to? Why can Zhizhi’s missions always be completed smoothly? Presumably the master god has intervened a lot in this, right?”

Shen Ji paused his hand holding the chess, and looked coldly at Tang Linyuan's dark eyes, "You observed me quite carefully?"

"Naturally. I respect you, Lord God very much."

"I'm afraid it's not that you have a crush on me."


Tang Linyuan double-clicked on the wrong grid again.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Ji, don't disgust me!"

"So you admit that you like Chi Miaomiao?"

"Heh!" Tang Linyuan sneered, "You are so fantastic! How could I..."

"God, you are looking for me."

Before he finished speaking, a boy with silver hair and blue eyes walked over wearing a secret agent uniform.

The corner of Tang Linyuan's mouth twitched, it was really not the right time.

Shen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes, "Ling."

Ling bowed, "Lord God."

"Hmph!" Shen Ling ignored Ling and let him bend over like this, continuing to talk to Tang Linyuan, "Are you planning to go down to the lower realm with Ling to do missions?"

Tang Linyuan raised his eyebrows, "Why, no?"

Shenji did not answer directly, but changed the subject and asked: "Is it because Chi Miaomiao is afraid that Chi Miaomiao will be jealous?"

(End of this chapter)

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