Chapter 816 Her Wolf Boy (8)


A muscular figure was revealed under the tattered clothes, and the picture was embarrassing for a while.

Bai Chuye looked at her suspiciously, Chi Miaomiao quickly withdrew his hand, turned his head away, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Bai Chuye seemed to be used to it, and after pulling off his clothes a few times, he asked, "Is there... Senmo...?"

Chi Miaomiao opened her mouth and thought for a few seconds before she came back to her senses, "I'll go with you."

She swallowed her saliva and looked at the more than 20 wolves in the cave, cowardly...

What if when Bai Chuye leaves, those wolves become so beastly and eat her?
Bai Chuye tilted his head and looked at her, seemingly puzzled.

Chi Miaomiao immediately found an excuse, "There are too many things, can you carry them in your mouth?"

Bai Chuye: "..."

Then silently squatted down with his back to Chi Miaomiao.

After all, it is a forest, so it can be regarded as local materials.

After only going out for a while, Chi Miaomiao found all the materials he needed.

Before Bai Chuye carried himself into the cave, Chi Miaomiao said, "Just put me at the entrance of the cave."

The wolf is afraid of fire, so she can only light a fire outside.

Bai Chuye put her outside the cave according to her words, then squatted aside and quietly watched her build the fire.

Chi Miaomiao has only seen fire piles on TV and novels, and knows the procedure but has no experience, so he wasted a lot of time.

After the fire was built and the fire was lit, it was already dark.

The bright fire light shone on the man's face, Chi Miaomiao rubbed his hands together, and leaned into the fire with a smile.But Bai Chuye had been assimilated by wolves long ago, and became afraid of fire, so he hid behind her.

Chi Miaomiao turned to look at him with a smile, "Bai Chuye, go and get the rabbit meat."

Although curious, Bai Chuye didn't say anything, and immediately followed suit.

After getting the rabbit meat, Chi Miaomiao inserted it into the cleaned wooden roots, then put it on the fire and flipped it to grill.

The rabbit meat made a sizzling sound in the fire, and a strong game smell came out.

Bai Chuye was already very hungry, swallowed, and stared intently at the fire, "It's..."

"Roast rabbit meat." Chi Miaomiao said while spinning the rabbit meat, "We humans can't eat raw meat, because it has bacteria. It's healthy to eat like this. Let's eat together later."

Bai Chuye nodded, his eyes still confused, "Roast... rabbit leak?"

"Haven't you eaten barbecue at Bai's house before?" Chi Miaomiao thought for a while, it seems that it was not written in the original book, but now that the book is infected by a virus, it's not necessarily the case.

Bai Chuye shook his head, "I'm in the Bai family...also...also...second time."

Chi Miaomiao paused when he heard this, and it took him a second to react: "What did you just say!"

She thought that Bai Chuye started eating raw meat after he was thrown into the forest, but she didn't expect him to be treated like this in Bai's house!
Although she always wrote articles to abuse him, she never abused him in such a non-human way!

Chi Miaomiao was so angry that he almost dropped the stick in his hand to the ground, "Are you stupid? Why didn't you resist!"

Not knowing why he was being scolded, Bai Chuye scratched the dirt with his fingernails aggrievedly, and hesitantly said, "They... said there is...something. They...also...sometimes."

"Bastard!" Chi Miaomiao squeezed the wooden stick tightly, wishing to throw the rabbit meat to the ground, and asked through gritted teeth, "Who are you talking about? Is there Bai Ze!"

Bai Chuye lowered his head, nodded slightly, his voice murmured, and he didn't continue to speak.

Chi Miaomiao's lungs were about to explode, ignoring the details of "they", "You are stupid! Why do you believe him?!"

(End of this chapter)

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