Through the Book, I Became the Matchmaker for the Male Match

Chapter 762 What to Do if Souls Interpenetrate (40)

Chapter 762 What to Do if Souls Interpenetrate (40)

This dance was rehearsed for Memorial. It must be very frustrating if Chi Miaomiao approves it. Let him bear this pain, so that when he conveys it, Memorial can bear less.

Memorial stopped him, "No need. Teacher Chi told me, I'll just go."

Watching the commemoration leave, Bronze No. 1 and No. 2 looked at Huo Guo anxiously, "What should we do, captain! We don't want to re-arrange the dance, do we?"

The two groups gloated and watched the show.

"Hey! It seems that there is nothing more than a commemoration for the first group."

“I thought the commemorative dance was so awesome, why don’t we have to re-arrange it!”

"That's right. After all, Chen Hanyu's originality can't pass the level of originality. How can commemoration be enough? Two people, one first and the other second, are equal in strength. There is no reason why Chen Hanyu can't, just commemoration is enough!"

Bronze 1 and 2 were about to quarrel with the people in group 2 in anger. Huo Guo assumed the captain's posture and held one person's collar with one hand, "Ignore them. Teacher Chi must not be talking about the dance rearrangement when he asked Jiu Mian to go out. Teacher Summer Always cheerful, she never said there was anything wrong with our dancing, so it must be fine. Let’s continue practicing and don’t waste time. This will only delay the memory.”

Bronze No. 1 and No. 2 were immediately convinced by Huo Guo, and gave him a thumbs up in admiration, "Captain, today is your highlight moment! You have been handsome twice in a row, which makes us a little envious of you being the captain !"

Huo Guo smiled shyly, showing his evil little canine teeth, "It's better to remember the vision!"

The second group of people saw no reaction from the first group and found it boring. They scoffed and stopped talking and started to practice.


Summer leaves first.

Chi Miaomiao and Memorial stood face to face and looked at each other.

Chi Miaomiao asked straight to the point: "Jiuan, did someone make you angry today?"

Memorial frowned when he heard that, "You asked me out just to ask this?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"It's nothing." Memorial shook his head and frowned, "Since you're fine, I'll go back to training."

He was afraid that the three little bronzes would think wildly and lose their balance.At that time, the self-confidence that was finally picked up is gone.

"Wait!" Chi Miaomiao stopped him, "Since no one messes with you, why are you angry today?"

Memorial paused, then turned to look at Chi Miaomiao doubtfully.

Is he angry today?
Why doesn't he know?

Chi Miaomiao misunderstood Memorial's expression, thinking that he was surprised how she knew that he was angry today.

Chi Miaomiao bent her eyebrows proudly, her peach blossom eyes were like those of Qiushui Qiutong, "According to my counting, you have been angry quite a few times today. It must have been more than three times."


Looking at her calmly, "I'm not angry."

As soon as the words fell, Chi Miaomiao immediately retorted, "Impossible! You can't lie to me! You must be angry today! If you are not angry, then..."

"What is that?"

Chi Miaomiao's expression suddenly became meaningful, "That''re jealous!"

Memorial frowned even more when he heard that, "I never dip my dumplings in vinegar. And I didn't eat dumplings today either."

"Hmph!" Chi Miaomiao raised her chin proudly, "I mean, you're jealous of me!"

Before commemorating the reaction, Chi Miaomiao asked: "Let me ask you, do you think I like Chen Hanyu? But Chen Hanyu and Lin Zhi have an affair, I feel sad because Chen Hanyu doesn't like me, you feel special for me It's not worth it, what's so good about Chen Hanyu, a scumbag! But I just like Chen Hanyu, so you're angry and jealous?"

(End of this chapter)

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