Chapter 707 Watch Me Meow Meow Fist (45)

Old Lin's attitude made Qin Chen unable to figure it out.

When he went up to the second floor, he wanted to take a peek at Lin Chuan's bedroom, but the outside was surrounded by layers of servants, and there was no gap.

There was no other way, Qin Chen had no choice but to go back to the room first.

He sat on the edge of the bed, and Chi Miaomiao jumped down and squatted aside, licked his paws and said, "Lin Chuan's bedroom has a strong smell of blood, and there is also a smell of disinfectant."

"It looks like he was badly injured."

"But what kind of injury makes Mr. Lin so calm?"

"Just now, I observed Mr. Lin for a few seconds before going upstairs. Now that I think about it, his calmness should be faking. The crutch in his hand was trembling all the time."

"Meow~ It's not surprising if this is the case. But how did Bai Wei hurt Lin Chuan?"

"I don't know. Maybe only the two of them know." Qin Chen was not interested in discussing the two of them. After a pause for a few seconds, he took out his mobile phone and put it in front of Chi Miaomiao, "I'll show you something."


Chi Miaomiao looked at the phone, and Qin Chen's bony fingers slid across the screen.Then Chi Miaomiao saw that he clicked on the photo album and enlarged a photo.

"Huh? Clothes?"

Qin Chen nodded, "Yeah. The clothes under the bridge."

"You mean, someone hides clothes like you? That person may also turn into an animal?"

"No. It shouldn't be possible to become an animal like us. Otherwise, someone between you and me must be able to see it."


Now the four main streets in southeast, northwest and north are almost dominated by Chi Miaomiao and Qin Chen.

One person is in charge of the cat and the other is in charge of the dog. The division of labor is very clear.

"Then this clothes..."

"Don't you think it's strange?" Qin Chen asked suddenly, "Why would someone want to hide clothes? And they still hide under the bridge hole?"

Chi Miaomiao thought for a while, "There must be some secret that cannot be revealed."

"And if we speculate based on what happened to us?"

"That's because the most hidden and closest place to store clothes is under the overpass. Even if you turn back into a human, you won't be afraid of being discovered by passers-by and causing embarrassment."

"That's right. So what's the purpose of this man's hiding clothes?"

Chi Miaomiao continued to follow Qin Chen's guidance to think, and after a few seconds, his big round eyes raised up, "Do you mean that these clothes belonged to the murderer?!"

"Do you think the suspicion is high?" Qin Chen put the phone back in his pocket and continued, "Today Bai Wei went to the overpass to cause trouble. We can completely rule out Bai Wei. And because Lin Chuan was injured by Bai Wei, we can also rule him out indirectly. What's more, although Lin Chuan is perverted, he is not a transvestite. That suit is women's clothing, so it cannot be him."

"Why are you so sure there's something wrong with this dress?" Chi Miaomiao asked.

Qin Chen pointed to his temple, "Intuition."

"Okay." Chi Miaomiao spread his paws, "For the sake of your guessing right today, I will trust you this time."

After finishing speaking, she paused, then asked in a low voice, "But how many people do you think are the murderers?"

Qin Chen rubbed his chin, "I think it should be one person. If there are two, it is absolutely possible to hurt cats and dogs at the same time. But each time the murderer only hurts one kind of animal."

"You think the same as I do." Chi Miaomiao nodded, "So shall we go and have a look under the flyover hole tomorrow morning?"

Qin Chen rubbed his nose, "Actually, I want to smell the clothes. Maybe I can find someone soon."

He no longer wants to hear about animals being mutilated.So if possible, I want to solve this matter as soon as possible, and catch the murderer as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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