Through the Book, I Became the Matchmaker for the Male Match

Chapter 588 Waiting for You to Finish Class (51)

Chapter 588 Waiting for You to Finish Class (51)

Before the winter vacation, under Zhou Jiuxia's order, Xiao Dandong finally bought a couple's down jacket online.Although the quality is not very good, it is at least warmer than the autumn sweater.

Then Zhou Jiuxia followed Xiao Dandong to meet his parents with anxiety.

In a ward filled with the smell of disinfectant.

An old and skinny old man was lying dying on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask on his face.The woman is sitting in a wheelchair, with pale hair, wearing reading glasses and embroidering insoles with her head down.

"Dad, Mom." Xiao Dandong led Zhou Jiuxia into the ward.

The old man on the hospital bed seemed to be in a deep sleep, with his eyes closed and unresponsive.The woman put down the work in her hands and looked at the two, her cloudy eyes were full of joy.

"Dongdong, is this your girlfriend?"

Xiao Dandong led Zhou Jiuxia to the woman's side, "Yes mother. This is my girlfriend, Zhou Jiuxia."

"Hello, Auntie." Zhou Jiuxia greeted obediently.

"Hello, hello." The woman grabbed Zhou Jiuxia's hand and stroked it lovingly, "The little girl is so pretty."

"Thank you, aunt." Zhou Jiuxia said and handed over a bag of apples in her hand, "Auntie, I don't know what you like to eat, so I bought a bag of apples."

"Oh! You are a real little girl! It would be nice if someone came. What fruit should I bring?" The woman educated with drooping eyelids, but it was not difficult to hear the joy in her tone.

Zhou Jiuxia breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately there was no conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

During this period, Xiao Dandong went out to consult about his father's condition and pay the medical expenses, while Zhou Jiuxia chatted with the woman in the ward and inquired about the old man's condition.

She didn't write in the original book what illness Xiao's father was suffering from, she only said that he was seriously ill and had been lying in the hospital.

"Auntie, uncle... what disease does he have?"

The woman lowered her head and sighed, with tears in her cloudy eyes, "It's brain cancer."

The heavy tone was like a huge stone pressing on Zhou Jiuxia's heart, making him unable to breathe for a long time.

"When it was first checked out, it was found to be a malignant tumor. I blamed my negligence at the beginning, thinking that he was just old and unwell. At that time, Dongdong was a freshman in freshman year and was far away from home, so I didn't tell him. It wasn't until I went home during winter holidays during the Chinese New Year that the old man couldn't hear and his body was still convulsing from time to time, so I insisted on taking him to the hospital for an examination.

I have been advising Dongdong to just let it go, and the old man also advised him in the same way, saying that he is old, and it is a relief to die when he dies.But Dongdong persisted, saying that as long as there is hope, he will not give up treatment.This was already the third time the old man had undergone chemotherapy after surgery, and he was too tired to talk.The bile he vomited came out during the first chemotherapy, and he entered the operating room the second time. When he came out the third time, he said that he really didn't want to continue.

too painful.I also feel pain watching.

Xiaxia, can you persuade Dongdong for me?This child has his own opinions since he was a child, he is stubborn, and he doesn't listen to persuasion.But going on like this is not an option.When I broke my leg, he was wearing school uniform all year round, and he and the old man made money to buy me a wheelchair.Seeing that life has improved, the old man fell ill again.

His clothes are street stalls, and they are not durable in winter.You asked him to buy the down jacket that Dongdong is wearing now.Since he listens to you, can you help me persuade him to let go and think about himself.

We really don't want to bother him anymore.He is obviously our son, but Dongdong has been taking care of us for most of his life.In my heart, I feel so bad! "

(End of this chapter)

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