Through the Book, I Became the Matchmaker for the Male Match

Chapter 502 My Broadsword N Meters Long (35)

Chapter 502 My Broadsword N Meters Long (35)

It's not that Chi Miaomiao didn't give those patients a chance, but those patients seemed to be psychopathic, thinking that even if they died, they would drag a group of people into the water, and refused to go to the hospital for isolation.

There was no way, and in the end she used the Death Scythe.

As for the five patients, the timid ones fainted, while the courageous ones fled.

It's just that after being hit by the death scythe, the escaped patient's head was like a dark cloud, and his luck was really bad.

Before running a few steps, one tripped over his own feet, one stepped on an empty mineral water bottle and fell, and the other slipped and fell due to water stains on the ground.

The security department saw that there were so many people who slipped through the net, and immediately strengthened their security protection.When he wanted to thank Chi Miaomiao's mother and son, he found that they had already left.


Chi Miaomiao and Xiaobai arrived at the airport again.

The staff at the airport are also fully armed, from head to toe, airtight, and dressed as if they were going to space.

With such security protection, there will still be fish that slip through the net, which is really worrying.

There were more people at the airport than at the train station, and it took the two of them a lot of effort to find all the patients and send them to the security department.

After the end, the mother and son wandered around on various subways.

Many patients were also caught during the period.

After coming out of the subway station, it was dawn.

Chi Miaomiao: "Cool!"

"Mom, are you going home?" Xiaobai asked.

Hearing this, Chi Miaomiao's temper flared up again, "Which home? I won't go to that dog man's home!"

"Then mom, let's go back to the underworld to see Brother Pluto?"

Chi Miaomiao thought that there was nothing to do, so she nodded in agreement.

The two of them didn't know, because of their actions last night, they were both on the news again.

Song Anyu still didn't sleep all night. He turned on the TV in the coffee making room, and when he saw the news broadcast, he knew it was the masterpiece of the two.

He sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee and watched the news.

As I watched, my thoughts gradually drifted away, and the voice of news reports gradually became blurred.

"I'm here to lighten your load."

For some reason, Chi Miaomiao's words suddenly appeared in his mind.

The phone rang suddenly.

Song Anyu shook his hand, and the hot coffee splashed on his fingers, and then he woke up.


"Doctor Song, have you read the news? Those two volunteers really helped us a lot!"

"Yeah. Watching."

"Doctor Song, are those two volunteers also your friends?"

Song Anyu froze for a moment, "Why do you think so?"

"Because this incident is also supernatural! Everyone who was interrogated said that they saw a woman in red holding a child. Doctor Song, who are these two people? They are not afraid of the X virus! Could it be a ghost? ?”

Song Anyu tightened his fingers holding the phone, "Chen Nian, it's time to go to the hospital to work."

"Doctor Song, don't squeeze me anymore! I've been pressured by you for several nights. Just because you have an indestructible body doesn't mean I have it too! I'm still young and don't want to age prematurely. I'm bald. Still looking for a wife."

What are they talking about?

Song Anyu twitched the corners of his mouth and hung up the phone.

When he got up and was about to wash up and go to the hospital, Chi Miaomiao's words urging him to sleep suddenly sounded in his ears. Song Anyu curled his lips, turned and walked to the bedroom to catch up on sleep.

After half an hour.

Song Anyu got up and wiped his face in embarrassment.

I just drank coffee and couldn't sleep! -
Ding Sheng: "Doctor Song, why did you come to the hospital early today?"

"Well. Last week, Chen Nian and I developed a vaccine against the X virus. Today, the experimental results are released to see the condition of the mice."

"I hope the trial will be successful! The number of patients has also begun to decrease in the past few days, and I feel that we are not far from victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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