Through the Book, I Became the Matchmaker for the Male Match

Chapter 392 Waiting for you on the other side of the blue (48)

Chapter 392 Waiting for you on the other side of the blue (48)

Destroying the Yuren Kingdom is very simple, as long as the most important night pearl is destroyed, the Yuren Kingdom will begin to decline.

So she went to steal the Ye Mingzhu, but she was afraid of being found out, so she put her own Ye Ming Pearl on it to make it look like the real one.

Every merman is born with a night pearl.

The purity of the night pearl determines the lineage of the shark.

Her Ye Mingzhu is a little less pure than Zhen Guo's Ye Ming Pearl, but you can't tell if you don't look carefully.

After getting the luminous pearl, she left the Yuren Kingdom, and she wanted to find a place to destroy the luminous pearl forever.

After much deliberation, the last thing I can think of is the abyss.

It is a place that even sharks dare not approach easily.

But now.

The previous abyss was still a place where Yin Ruoya and her friends played hide-and-seek.

The eyesight of the sharks in the past was better than that of the current sharks.

The former Yuren Kingdom was not as colorful as it is now.

The sea at that time was not as blue, so pure, and so peaceful as it is now.The seabed is just like the current land. All kinds of disputes over the territory have made the whole seabed smoky.

This is also the reason why the merman didn't like to take the initiative to start a war later.

So Yin Ruoya threw Ye Mingzhu into the abyss.

As she watched the dazzling night pearl gradually dim, darken, and finally disappear into the darkness, she suddenly woke up.

What the hell is she doing?
That was the home where she grew up!

Even if she wants to take revenge, but her relatives are gone, should those younger generations be buried with Germany because of her hatred?
The obvious answer is: no.

Yin Ruoya regretted it, and hurriedly swam into the abyss, just wanting to find Ye Mingzhu back quickly.

After falling into the abyss, the light of the night pearl was also swallowed by the darkness.

No matter how good Yin Ruoya's eyesight is, she still can't tell which one is the night pearl from a pile of black and smeared things.

She did it entirely by touch, the night pearl that she found after searching for a long time under the abyss.

But when she wanted to go back, she found that her tail was entangled in seaweed.

She struggled, but she didn't expect to be entangled even more tightly by the seaweed.

The precipitation of time made her heart no longer impetuous.

The more such an environment is, the calmer Yin Ruoya is.

She even began to meditate, thinking about why her brother wrote that cruel law.

She thought of the floating pearl, of the exhortations and blessings from her family, and of the last words her brother said to her: Sister Aya, go home.Home is waiting for you.

Yin Ruoya suddenly woke up.

It turned out that the law was written by her younger brother to protect her!

She reflected on her impulse, wishing she could slap herself in the face.

In the past, she always said that her younger brother was ruthless and cruel, and she even spoke harsh words to him when he was punished.

But in the end he still let her go, didn't he?
And what about her?
Until just now, I still resented my brother.

Yin Ruoya felt that this was her retribution.

Maybe dying here is the best punishment for her.

As long as the Ye Mingzhu is not damaged, the Yuren Kingdom will be fine.
So after confirming that Ye Mingzhu was fine, Yin Ruoya waited for death.

She didn't know how long she had been waiting. When her consciousness was blurred and she was about to leave the sea and turn into foam, she suddenly heard Lan Zi's voice.

That sound wave is very similar to her brother's, but there are certain differences.

That is not the sound wave of the shark royal family.

If it weren't for the similarity between Lan Zie's sound waves and her younger brother's, Yin Ruoya might not have woken up.

Even if it wasn't the younger brother himself, she wanted to see this shark.

Just one look!
So she started calling for help, calling for help loudly, shouting for help, just so that the merman could hear.

(End of this chapter)

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