Chapter 19 The Garbage King (18)

"What? Ruan Lin, you want to resign?!"

The next day, when Bai Zi'an saw the resignation letter submitted by Ruan Lin, he was so angry that he almost flipped the table.

Ruan Lin stood quietly at the desk and looked at him with indifference.

At this time, Bai Ling pushed open the door of the office and walked in, excitedly said: "Brother, that Chi Miaomiao resigned! Great, she finally stopped pestering you!"

She looked a little embarrassed, her hair and clothes were messed up, and she looked like she had been beaten.

"Why do you look like this?" Bai Zi'an asked in surprise.

"I'm fine!" Bai Ling tidied her hair and clothes no longer satisfied.

Seeing that Ruan Lin was also here, he was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with a smile, "Hey, Ruan Lin, why are you here? Is it time to hand in the samples?"

"I'm here to resign."

"What! You want to resign!"

Bai Ling looked at Bai Zian in shock, "Brother, what's going on?"

Bai Zi'an shook his head, expressing that he was not clear.

"Ruan Lin, do you know how many cooperation projects the company has signed? Do you know that those partners are all after you? If you resign now, it means that we have ruined more than half of the contracts, and we have to pay a lot of liquidated damages! And the company is booming now, if you withdraw suddenly like this, do you know that the company will collapse?" Bai Ling tried to persuade him.

"Ruan Lin, I beg you, stay and help brother, okay? The company can't go on without you." Bai Ling held Ruan Lin's hand and forced out a few tears.

She knew that Ruan Lin had a cold face and a soft heart, as long as she showed weakness, he would definitely agree to stay.

However, this time Ruan Lin threw her away without mercy, looked at her with an indifference he had never had before, and then turned to look at Bai Zi'an.

"My shares in Lvyi are for you."

At the beginning, he bought 10% of the company's shares. Although it was not much, it was enough.

After speaking, Ruan Lin didn't give Bai Zi'an and Bai Ling any chance to react, and turned around to leave.

"Ruan Lin!"

Bai Ling wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Bai Zi'an.

"Brother, what are you doing? Why don't you let me stop him!" Bai Ling stamped her feet anxiously.

Bai Zi'an quietly watched Ruan Lin's leaving back, "Don't worry, all the sample clothes that Ruan Lin handed in a while ago have passed, so they can last for half a year. After the half year is over, our company's reputation will be almost established, and we will be squeezed into a brand company. "

As he said that, Bai Zi'an sneered again: "With Ruan Lin's body, he can't be alone at all. And with his personality, who else but us can tolerate him staying in the company? I believe he will come back by himself by then!"

But at that time, he will not return the shares to Ruan Lin, and Ruan Lin will not be the chief designer, but just a tool for them to command at will!


When Ruan Lin got out of the green clothes, he saw that Chi Miaomiao was already standing outside.

As he approached silently, Chi Miaomiao just turned to look at him.

The two looked at each other, and the sunlight falling in her eyes was like a small river of stars flowing, shining brightly.

"It's all resolved?" Chi Miaomiao stepped forward and asked.

The system had just reported a series of darkening values, which scared her heart so much that she almost rushed into the company to rob people.

"Yeah. I kept you waiting."

"Hey, everyone in the company is eager for me to leave. Look, when the finance manager heard that I was going to resign, he was so happy that he gave me an extra month's salary!" Chi Miaomiao shook the thick stack of paper bags in his hand triumphantly. .

"So much?" Ruan Lin frowned.

Although he doesn't care much about the company's affairs, he also knows that the assistant can't get that much money.

"Well, I was discovered by you. In fact, part of it is your salary."

Chi Miaomiao shrugged, sorted through the paper bags, and picked out clean money to give to Ruan Lin.

Ruan Lin has a slight mysophobia, and she can't let him collect the money he took out of the garbage bags.

(End of this chapter)

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