Chapter 1624 Angels and Demons (175)

"I don't know. I always feel my brain is in a daze. I just feel that similar things have happened before. And I was waiting for a person to give first aid outside the door of an operating room. That person always felt the same as Li Xin gave me, but with some Not the same."

[What's different? 】Knowledge and ask.

"It feels like..." Chi Miaomiao frowned, as if looking for words, before answering, "It feels like that person makes me feel more distressed."

[So the host thinks that he has fallen in love with two people? 】

"Like?" Chi Miaomiao frowned upon hearing that, "Did I say I liked that person?"

[Why do you feel bad if you don't like it? 】

"Maybe they are friends." Chi Miaomiao treats her friends sincerely, even though she doesn't have many friends.

【friend?The host feels that person is your friend in the real world? 】

Chi Miaomiao hesitated for a moment, then shook his head in denial, "I don't think so. Otherwise, I wouldn't have no memory."

[In this case, it is in the mission? 】

"Well. It should be in the mission."

[The host also made friends in the mission? 】

"Shouldn't I ask you this?" Zhizhi didn't expect that Chi Miaomiao would snatch it away suddenly. She had been leading the situation just now, "You cleared my memory after I finished the task. Don't you know if I have it?" Is this memory someone?"

Zhizhi: […]

Really... When guiding Chi Miaomiao, you must remember not to be frightened by her sudden turn.

【Host, if you want to remember, I cannot take away your memory. 】While talking, Zhizhi silently said in his heart: I can help you know this place.The rest is up to you.

She had already helped Chi Miaomiao come back to life, and she had helped her let Li Xin let go just now, which had already caused serious damage to the protective wall of the magical space itself.No matter how angry she is, she can't vent her anger with the magical space.What's more, it was her own wish to save Chi Miaomiao, not just for revenge on Shenji.

"You mean it's all my fault?" Chi Miaomiao couldn't help being a little angry when he heard Zhizhi's explanation.

What does it mean that if she wants to remember, the memory will not be erased?

If she didn't want to remember, why did she ask her not to erase her memory?
Obviously, Zhizhi forcibly cleared her memory, and her brain is controlled by Zhizhi. Could it be possible that she can control her in turn?

Human behavior is controlled by the brain. If the brain is controlled, it means that this person is mostly useless.

Chi Miaomiao felt that she was now in a semi-disabled state.If she didn't have Zhizhi, she wouldn't have to rack her brains to think about who the familiar person was.

For some reason, when she thought of this familiar person, her heart twitched for no reason, and she couldn't help herself from the pain.


Chi Miaomiao snorted, recovered from the trance, clutched her chest tightly with her right hand, and frowned in pain.

【Host, are you okay? 】

"It's all because of you! You are a system with arrogance, what use do I need you for? Did you come here specifically to block me?"

Although his heart hurts, it doesn't affect Chi Miaomiao's resentment.

Zhizhi: […]

He still has the strength to scold people, so it seems that there should be nothing serious.

But seeing that Chi Miaomiao had stopped thinking, Zhizhi sighed again.

How many times did Chi Miaomiao think of the familiar scene, but in the end he found nothing?

(End of this chapter)

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