Chapter 1601 Angels and Demons (152)

Chi's Hospital.

As Li Xin thought, A missed the best time to escape. He could have attacked passers-by in the car, causing a car accident, and then killed passers-by and Chi Miaomiao to take advantage of the chaos and leave, or he could have left immediately when he got off the car , As a result, he thought too much about the past and the future, and because he spent too long thinking in the car, he missed opportunities again and again, and was finally sent to the hospital with the enthusiastic support of passers-by.

At this time, A didn't know that he was about to face a psychiatric department. He thought that Chi Miaomiao wanted to send him to the orthopedics department, let the doctor tie him up, and sent several strong security guards to wait in various places. Don't let him have a chance to escape.

"Ms. Chi, this hospital should belong to your family, right?"

"Hmm. What's wrong?"

The Chi family also has many collaterals, and passers-by know that there is only one direct lineage named Chi Miaomiao.At first, he didn't recognize Chi Miaomiao, but after he knew her surname was Chi, he became more and more familiar with her, and realized that she was the archery player!

Thinking about the fact that the eldest daughter of the Chi family is still winning glory for the country, it's really incredible!
This passerby doesn't pay much attention to gossip news. He is usually very busy with work and has no time to watch games. He just feels like Chi Miaomiao, a person who was born very rich and still thinks about winning glory for the country all the time. It is really amazing!

But since he is an archery athlete, why can't Chi Miaomiao see?

At first, it was also because of these dull eyes that passers-by did not recognize Chi Miaomiao immediately.

"Miss Chi, you..."

The passer-by opened his mouth, but in the end he closed his mouth silently, afraid of hurting Chi Miaomiao's self-esteem.

That's right, no one wants to bring up such a sad thing, let alone the young lady of the Chi family?

"Huh? What did you just ask me?"

Chi Miaomiao was still thinking about which doctor to be in charge of A, so full of bad ideas that he didn't hear what the passerby just asked.

"Ah...No..." The passer-by was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands again and again and said, "I just want to ask Miss Chi what kind of attending doctor she plans to hire for this uncle. Although I know that the doctors in Chi's Hospital are very professional."

"You really have a heart! This old man is lucky to meet you."

Passerby: "..."

I didn't notice it just now, but now I realize that Chi Miaomiao seems to have been calling this uncle grandpa.

Forget it, it must be because Chi Miaomiao couldn't see, he just heard the voice and thought so.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that his voice is also very vicissitudes!

Passers-by touched his handsome face, remembered his friend's praise of his subwoofer, and silently comforted himself that such a thing would never happen.

"But it's fine for you to send the old man here, just leave the rest to me." Chi Miaomiao didn't know what passers-by were thinking, her only thought now was to drive the passers-by away, and then deal with A properly.

"Ah? But Miss Liu Chi, can you accompany uncle well? How about I send uncle to the attending doctor's office and then leave?"

Chi Miaomiao thought for a while and felt that it would not be a good thing if no one was restraining A at this time. It would be easy for A to escape, so she smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I'll trouble you!"

A, who had made an escape plan, fell down when he heard that Chi Miaomiao had agreed to the help of a passer-by.

This passer-by didn't know where the strange power came from, as long as he was supporting him, it was impossible to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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