Chapter 1558 Angels and Demons (109)

Because C commentator is the first, and there are many athletes waiting for him, so even if he wants to play tricks, he can't play tricks, so he can only bite the bullet and accept the public's attention.

Commenter C tapped his legs one last time, pretended to stretch his body a few times, and tried his best to retain the last bit of dignity before taking off. He took a deep breath, took three big steps forward, and then jumped up.


It is like a heavy object falling vertically from a [-]-story building and hitting thousands of waves, and the dust billows indiscriminately and captivates the eyes.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

None of the athletes standing behind commentator C was spared, and they were all coughed by the spray, that is, the dust, stirred up by commentator C.

Although these are reserve athletes, they are also treasures in the hands of the coach.

Seeing that his contestant was hurt like this, the coach stood up angrily, rushed to critic C and yelled at him: "What's the matter with you! You can't dance, and you don't jump like you! You messed up my children!" Injured, are you responsible?!"

C Reviewer: "..."

Seeing that he didn't speak, the coach felt that reviewer C was really looking down on others, so he cursed even more angrily: "Don't think that just because you are a national judge, you can do whatever you want. If you do something wrong, no one can be forgiven! You If you refuse to apologize today, I will go to the top to announce it tomorrow and tell you to get out of the sports world!"

C Reviewer: "..."

Seeing that he was still lying in the sandpit and refused to get up and apologize, the coach was so angry that he bent down to lift up the back collar of commentator C. He heard one of the team members say: "Coach, commentator C is Didn’t you faint like reviewer A and reviewer B?”


I was stunned for a moment, and then quickly picked up reviewer C.


Fuck... I really fainted...

The coach looked in shock at the bunker with C commentator's facial features printed on it, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

This is a talent, right?

It's understandable that someone would be so tired from running that he fainted out of breath. It's also understandable that he fell on the mat and was knocked unconscious by a pole on the back of his head. So why did he do this?
Because you accidentally turned your face to the ground and inhaled sand in your nostrils, you were choked out?
It would be dangerous if that were the case.

The coach realized the importance of the matter, and quickly called the medical staff to come over and escort C commentator away.


Chi Miaomiao heard the boos in the outfield and could vaguely guess what happened, but she still found it unbelievable, so she asked the housekeeper, "Did reviewer C fainted too?"

The housekeeper covered his face, nodded and said in a speechless voice: "Yes, miss, I also fainted."

Chi Miaomiao: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, he said: "In this case, let's go and have a look after I finish hosting."

"Okay lady."

After the long jumpers also decided the winners and losers, Chi Miaomiao put an end to today's competition, and today's competition came to a successful conclusion.

"Let's go, let's go see those three people."

Chi Miaomiao stood up, her tone of voice full of speechlessness.

It’s understandable that the first two fainted, but how did the last one who jumped into the sandpit faint?


The housekeeper helped Chi Miaomiao to the infirmary.

The medical staff were stunned when they saw Chi Miaomiao, "Miss Chi, why are you here?"

Chi Miaomiao said with a smile, "I'll take a look at the three reviewers who just fainted."

"Oh, that's right..."

(End of this chapter)

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