Chapter 1545 Angels and Demons (96)

But it was already too late. When Bai Ci woke up, she had returned to her previous life of doing nothing and being beaten.

The neighbors who loved her dearly, after knowing that Bai Ci was ungrateful and defrauded the designer of his money, didn't dare to help her anymore, for fear that they would also be defrauded by Bai Ci.

It was an accident to meet Hou Fangyu. Bai Ci, who is doing nothing every day, always likes to fantasize, so when his parents go out, he will squat at the door of the house every day and look at the stars and moon in the sky, dreaming of meeting Prince Charming, so he is always smiling every day Yes, in the end, by coincidence, he ran into the distraught Hou Fangyu.

Hou Fangyu gave Bai Ci hope and allowed her to escape from her parents' control. This was Bai Ci's happiest.

Escaping from the control of his parents is more important than money to Bai Ci.

Hou Fangyu gave her everything, not just money, but also the motivation to live.Although Bai Ci only valued Hou Fangyu for his money, she was still very grateful to Hou Fangyu for giving her so much.

Let her become a gymnast, let her become a gymnastics princess in the eyes of the public, and make her the focus of everyone's attention.

All this is exactly what Bai Ci hoped for.

She worked hard to manage this relationship. When Hou Fangyu retreated, she would advance. When Hou Fangyu took a step back, she would take a further step. If Hou Fangyu retreated [-] steps, she would advance [-] steps.She tried her best to wipe out all the rivals around Hou Fangyu, but only Chi Miaomiao was beyond her reach.

That's why Bai Ci made such a bad move, hurting herself to discredit Chi Miaomiao.

All she wanted was to repel Chi Miaomiao.

But I don't know why, maybe Chi Miaomiao's aura is too aggressive, so that even if she discredited Chi Miaomiao, she still couldn't get rid of her doubts in the end.

She was afraid that Chi Miaomiao would retaliate against herself, so that she lived in the dark corners that only existed before every day.

Bai Ci never dared to touch that dark corner.But Chi Miaomiao made her have to go back to this corner.

This corner that frightened her, she managed to repel it with gymnastics, but in the end Chi Miaomiao brought it back!
That's why Bai Ci hates Chi Miaomiao!
Not only did she hate Chi Miaomiao and her for robbing Hou Fangyu, but the Chi family was so rich, why did she just like Hou Fangyu?

What she hated even more was that Chi Miaomiao knocked herself back to her original form in an instant.

She had already become the little princess that everyone was looking at, but as soon as she met Chi Miaomiao, her aura dimmed.She is no longer the much-anticipated little princess, but has become Chi Miaomiao's supporting role.

What is the difference between her and Chi Miaomiao? Compared with their appearance, she is almost the same as her.But she happened to be poorer than Chi Miaomiao.

How can a princess be a poor man?
It would be great if there was no such person as Chi Miaomiao in the world.

Bai Ci thought that way more than once.

So she devised another conspiracy to frame Chi Miaomiao, and this time she didn't even tell Hou Fangyu about the conspiracy.

At that time, what she was thinking was that Chi Miaomiao made a mistake in shooting an arrow in the end, and the arrow pierced his throat and died.But the result was not satisfactory, she only hurt Chi Miaomiao's eyes.

And blindness doesn't seem to have any effect on Chi Miaomiao.She can still do everything, as if exactly like a normal person.

So Bai Ci hated it even more.

She hated Chi Miaomiao's excellence and her uniqueness.Obviously she is the one who should be different.

So this time she dealt with Chi Miaomiao again.

As a result, he accidentally backfired on himself and became Chi Miaomiao.

(End of this chapter)

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