Chapter 1503 Angels and Demons (54)

Because of that incident, the vicious female supporting role has a bad reputation among the public and the sports world.

Everyone hated the vicious female supporting role, hated the vicious female supporting role, and spurned the vicious female supporting role. Even the members of the archery team felt that the vicious female supporting role was unbecoming of an athlete, so they gradually began to distance themselves from her.

But even so, no one can stand the vicious female supporting role.External pressure did not have any impact on the vicious female supporting role. The vicious female supporting role still practiced when it was time to practice, and she went to the competition when it was time to compete.

However, regarding the coach's exhortations to her, the vicious female supporting role will not take it to heart at all, and still maintain the previous style of acting.

Because of her strong strength, even if everyone sighs at the vicious female supporting role, she can still win the championship.For the sake of national honor, the coach will still send a vicious female partner in the team competition.

Chi Miaomiao didn't know if it was because the vicious female supporting role was so publicized that after the book was infected by the virus, someone's revenge hurt her eyes.

In any case, Chi Miaomiao would never forgive the one who hurt the vicious female lead's eyes.

Hating someone is not solved with revenge.Even if this person makes him hate her teeth, if he hurts her, it will only make him the same person in the end.

Let alone Bai Ci, the culprit who hurt the eyes of the vicious female supporting role, Chi Miaomiao believes that the relationship between the vicious supporting female partner and her is not enough to hand over the badge.

"You mean to say that this time Bai Ci will also serve as the commentator for this spring championship?"

If the content of this part does not change, Bai Ci will participate.

At that time, she agreed to come because of Bai Ci and Hou Fangyu.

"Yes miss."

"Okay. Then just ask her to take it in person later."

"Then the two security guards outside?"

"Blame me? If it wasn't for Bai Ci not giving us the badge, they would have been injured?" Chi Miaomiao didn't feel that he had done something wrong at all, and said righteously, "If the committee asks you, tell them the reason. We don’t have to hide it, they dare not do anything to us.”

Chi Miaomiao didn't think it was because of time that Bai Ci didn't give them the badges, and it wasn't stupid and sweet to be the heroine.The heroine she described has a gentle and pleasant temperament, but it does not mean that she is a fool and will not take revenge.

If it weren't for the vicious female supporting role, Chi Miaomiao would not have targeted Bai Ci.But now that they have stood on opposite sides, she will not be hypocritical, thinking that Bai Ci is the heroine, so she gives way to her everywhere.

She came to do the mission, not to help Bai Ci and Hou Fangyuyuan have a happy ending.

Chi Miaomiao thinks that she is not that kind. Even if Bai Ci is a character in her novel, in the face of reality, she will only give priority to herself.

The butler naturally knew that no one would dare to deal with Chi Miaomiao, so he nodded to show that he knew.

Soon, the two arrived at the commentator's lounge.

Before entering the conference room, Chi Miaomiao heard the discussion inside was extremely lively.

Among them, Chi Miaomiao heard the voices of Bai Ci and Hou Fangyu.

"Miss, shall we go in?"

Inviting Chi Miaomiao to be the commentator, in the housekeeper's opinion, this is not a good thing, but a mockery of her in disguise.

"of course."

Chi Miaomiao also knew the reason for inviting herself to be the commentator, but if she refused, wouldn't it be a disguised admission that she had surrendered?

Chi Miaomiao didn't want to admit defeat, in her world, there was never the word "admit defeat"!
(End of this chapter)

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