Chapter 1459 Angels and Demons (10)

"Okay." Chi Miaomiao didn't want to embarrass the housekeeper, so he walked down the steps, "Let's go. Let's go stroll up and down the grass and enjoy the sun."

As soon as he walked into the archery field, Chi Miaomiao felt that the soles of his feet were on the lawn, so he said so.

"Good! Good! Good! Let's go shopping! Sunbathing is good for your health!" The housekeeper nodded excitedly, tears of joy were about to flow out.

He said that, but in fact the housekeeper took Chi Miaomiao around the archery range, and then stopped at the archery range and sat on the grass.

Chi Miaomiao didn't say anything, but she could also feel that the housekeeper was fooling her.

But she knew that the housekeeper was doing it for the benefit of the original owner, so she didn't expose it.


Another series of shooting sounds made Chi Miaomiao's heart itch.Born into a wealthy family, she has learned archery.And she loves the sport too.

Chi Miaomiao thinks archery is a very sassy and handsome sport, and every time she hears the crisp sound of archery, she feels that all the pressure is instantly released.And the moment when you hit the arrow is the happiest and most fulfilling moment.

"Housekeeper, help me up." Chi Miaomiao said.

"Okay. Miss, I'll take you wherever you want to go." The butler helped Chi Miaomiao up.

"No. I just heard this voice and I wanted to shoot an arrow." Chi Miaomiao said.

When the housekeeper heard this, he was so excited that he almost jumped up.

He knows it!

He knows it!

He knew that the lady liked archery!As long as she hears the sound of archery, Miss will definitely rekindle her ancient desire for archery.

"Miss, come on! I believe you can do it!"

"Of course, who am I?"

Chi Miaomiao has always been confident in himself, and was supported by the butler to a shooting place, refused the butler's help, and groped to pick up the bow and arrow by himself.

At this moment, the sound of shooting arrows disappeared completely.

Unable to hear the sound, Chi Miaomiao was very strange, turned to the direction of the butler and asked, "Butler, is this archery field empty? Why can't I hear the sound of archery all of a sudden?"

The housekeeper looked angrily at the group of women who had just shot arrows, and then replied with a smile: "No miss. They just finished shooting and are going to get new arrows."

"Oh." Chi Miaomiao couldn't see it, so he believed it. Under the prompt of the steward, he fumbled to put the arrow into the bow, and then asked, "Steward, where is the target from me?"

"It's 25 degrees below Miss."

It was obviously the first time to shoot blindly, but the housekeeper understood Chi Miaomiao very well. He immediately understood what she meant and gave her the exact answer she wanted.

Chi Miaomiao carefully adjusted the angle, and then asked, "Is this okay?"

"It's all right, miss."

As soon as the words fell, Chi Miaomiao let go of the bow.

Immediately, she heard a "whoosh", and the arrow shot out.

"Housekeeper, did my arrow hit?" Chi Miaomiao asked.

The housekeeper glanced at the arrow that missed the target, and was thinking about how to encourage Chi Miaomiao, when the women standing beside him burst into laughter.


"How about shooting arrows like this? If you are blind, you should stay at home. Why come here to cause trouble?"

"Exactly! It's just this little distance. A child can hit a 10 ring. She missed the target, it's so funny!"

Missing target?

Unexpectedly missed the target.

Forget it, it's the first time after all, she just needs to practice more.

"Miss." Afraid that Chi Miaomiao would be sad, the butler hurried forward to comfort him.

(End of this chapter)

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