Chapter 1454 Angels and Demons (5)


Who was so ruthless that he actually destroyed the eyes of the original owner!
Although the original owner assumed the role of a vicious female supporting role in the book, it is still part of her personality.No matter how ruthless the writing is, Chi Miaomiao will not make the original owner disabled.

So this is affected by the virus?

Chi Miaomiao asked Zhizhi, but the result was "no".

Now Chi Miaomiao is even more angry. Is there really someone who is plotting to murder her?
No, she must find out who murdered her!

Although the halo of the vicious female supporting role is not as good as that of the hero and heroine, she is also the third strongest in her setting.How dare she get hurt, I'm really tired of living!

Watch her return to reality, don't write this person to death!
[The book is finished and cannot be revised.Please host stop this stupid idea. 】

Chi Miaomiao: "..."

Can't she just say hello?

Although it is necessary to find people, the most urgent task now is to establish people.

In terms of mentality, Chi Miaomiao must have a better mentality than the original owner.So in order not to make the housekeeper suspicious, she had to imitate the appearance of the original owner.

Chi Miaomiao never thought that one day he would imitate himself.

After clearing his thoughts, Chi Miaomiao coughed a few times, and then said coldly: "Now I don't need to shoot arrows, so there is no need to go to the archery range."

"Miss, you can't just give up like this!"

"What? Do you still want me to shoot arrows blindly?!" Chi Miaomiao questioned in a loud voice on purpose.

"My precious eyes are gone, how do you ask me to shoot arrows? Yes! Archery is my favorite, but I lost my eyes, and I can no longer see my favorite, you know!"

Maybe it was because he was too deeply involved in the drama, or maybe it was because the original owner's sorrow was still in his brain. As Chi Miaomiao spoke, tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"Miss, without eyes, we still have hands!" Seeing Chi Miaomiao's sadness, the housekeeper also felt distressed.Her eyes were red, and her voice was choked to comfort her, "Miss, although we can no longer participate in the Winter Olympics, the Olympics and other sports events, we still have a chance. You know, we still have a Paralympics. Miss, you must Believe me, with Miss's archery skills, you can easily hit 10 rings with your eyes closed. So, although we can't see, we can still shine in the Paralympic Games!"

Chi Miaomiao naturally knew this.

Athletes do not distinguish between high and low, but from a visual point of view, those athletes in the Paralympic Games are indeed more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and move people.

Every time he watched the Paralympics on TV, Chi Miaomiao was very excited.She didn't understand what kind of beliefs supported them, dragging such crippled bodies, but also bravely challenged the limit, challenging things that even healthy people dared not challenge.

Chi Miaomiao is not an emotional person, but every time he sees the Paralympic Games, his heart will surge with enthusiasm, his blood will boil, and his eyes will fill with tears.

They use their actions and achievements to prove their greatness time and time again. They do not accept ridicule or humiliation, and prove that they are more independent than healthy people.

Sometimes people with disabilities are more courageous than able-bodied people.Sometimes disabled people have more self-esteem than able-bodied people, and sometimes disabled people have more strength than able-bodied people.

But it's still too early to agree with the housekeeper. Chi Miaomiao bit her lip, and finally said something against her will, "I'm going to the fucking Paralympic Games! I won't participate in such rubbish competitions."

Sorry, I didn't mean to!Please forgive me, Amitabha!
(End of this chapter)

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