Through the Book, I Became the Matchmaker for the Male Match

Chapter 1353 The president dies suddenly every day (38)

Chapter 1353 The president dies suddenly every day (38)

Xiang Zheng took the water again and poured it down again.

I don't know how much water I drank. Chi Miaomiao only knew that Xiang Zheng drank all the water on the table, and he calmed down a little.

The customers saw Xiang Zheng's reaction after eating Malatang so intensely that they didn't dare to boo again, speeded up their meal, and slipped out of the restaurant after eating.

After Xiang Zheng completely calmed down, there were only two guests left in the restaurant, Chi Miaomiao and Xiang Zheng.

"Is it better?" Chi Miaomiao asked.

"It's much better." Xiang Zheng said hoarsely.

This may be the most embarrassing time he has experienced so many missions in Chi Miaomiao.

"You said you couldn't wait if you were hungry?" Hearing that he was fine, Chi Miaomiao began to educate Xiang Zheng, "Ma La Tang is not cooking at home, just put the food you want in the pot and stew it randomly." It’s fine. And you only eat green vegetables, even if you scald them in boiling water, it doesn’t take 1 minute, or even [-] seconds. Why do you say that you are so impatient and insist on getting food from me? I don’t know if I can’t eat spicy food. ?"

Xiang Zheng lowered his eyelids, and only raised his eyes to look at Chi Miaomiao after he finished speaking.

With just one glance, Chi Miaomiao actually felt that he could see the grievance in Xiang Zheng's eyes.

Chi Miaomiao: "..."

Obviously he wanted to eat Mala Tang himself, so what is there to be wronged about?

"Do you need me to order you a bowl of Malatang?"

"No need." Xiang Zheng shook his head, "I'm full."

The task has been completed, he is crazy to touch Mala Tang.

"It must be full." Looking at the politically aggrieved, Chi Miaomiao suddenly felt that he was a little cute, and couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

Xiang Zheng: "..."

The tips of her ears were slightly red, and she didn't know whether it was from being hot or from embarrassment, she lowered her head and remained silent.

I have to say that he was sweating all over after eating that spicy meat, wishing he could turn the restaurant's hot air conditioner to cold.


Finally full, Chi Miaomiao patted his stomach and left the restaurant.

Perhaps because he didn't want Chi Miaomiao to find out his depression, Xiang Zheng deliberately took a step away from her and followed her silently.

Thinking of digesting it before going back to the hotel, Chi Miaomiao started to browse the street stalls to look at small commodities.



The arm bumped into something, and then Xiang Zheng heard a low cry in his ear.

Realizing that he had bumped into someone, he quickly turned his head to look, "It's okay..."

Before he finished speaking, two familiar faces appeared in front of his eyes.

Chi Miaomiao, who was looking at the trinkets in front, also heard the voice, turned around and asked, "Xiang Zheng, what happened?"

As soon as the words fell, she saw the face that made her heart throb.

It's Lin Qiuze!

Unexpectedly, she would meet Lin Qiuze here. Chi Miaomiao subconsciously wanted to check her clothes, but before she could do anything, she found a woman standing beside Lin Qiuze.

Although he had never seen this woman before, Chi Miaomiao knew it was Gu Siman from the gentle and small appearance of this woman.


How could it be possible for Lin Qiuze to visit the night market alone? Most of the people in the city like this kind of place. Gu Simman happens to be the people in the city. No one would bring Lin Qiuze to such a special place except her.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect you to be here."

Different from the silence of Chi Miaomiao and Xiang Zheng, Lin Qiuze and Gu Simman were the first to break the silence and greet them.

Chi Miaomiao and Xiang Zheng smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, yes, what a coincidence..."

(End of this chapter)

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