Through the Book, I Became the Matchmaker for the Male Match

Chapter 1309 I Became a Pampered Person (272)

Chapter 1309 I Became a Pampered Person (272)

"Very good." Chi Miaomiao nodded with a smile, "Then we will see you tomorrow. I hope that when we meet tomorrow, everyone can think of their future life goals."

After finishing speaking, Chi Miaomiao waved to them and turned to leave.The orphans left behind were lost in thought.

life goals.

What is their purpose in life?
In the past, life might end in the blink of an eye. They never thought about such a long-term thing at all, and only thought about living one day at a time.Now suddenly telling them that they can live a good life in the future, this unexpected sense of happiness suddenly makes them a little hard to accept, and they are not willing to give up just like this.

Isn't this what they dream of?How can you avoid it because you are afraid of not having a purpose in life?
After such dark days, are they still afraid of thinking about their goals in life?
In the past, they needed to do something, thinking about how to kill each other so that they could survive, but now what they think about is what to do in the future so that they can live well.

The same is to live well, but the second type has more anticipation and happiness than the former, which makes them have greater expectations for the days to come.

"Everyone... why don't you... think together... What are you going to do in the future?" The orphan who had communicated with Chi Miaomiao was silent for a moment, and finally said to his accomplice.

Although there is no longer a threat to their lives, the orphans still cannot open their hearts and trust the group of accomplices who "get along day and night" in front of them.

Living together until now is considered a distorted fate, but everyone has forgotten the name of the other party, almost forgotten their own name, and forgotten whether there is a partner who came to the secret base with them.

Hearing this orphan ask, everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and finally chose to remain silent.

This is a conditioned reflex. They are afraid of revealing information and being discovered by others, so that they will be killed by the other party. Even if their lives are no longer in danger, they are still afraid of being killed by the other party.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, the orphan who took the lead spoke first: "In this case...then let me say... let's go."

He didn't speak for a long time, so that he stumbled, but this didn't affect his excitement, and he talked about his life goals excitedly, "I...I decided to go out and follow...follow the third imperial concubine to protect her. Safe. Although...although I am not as good as the third imperial concubine...but...but if someone wants to assassinate the third imperial concubine, then...then I will definitely become...the most...the strongest backing of the third imperial concubine!"

The orphan who survived one fight after another doesn't have any particularly lofty dreams. For him, the goal of life is equal to his most precious thing.And his most precious thing is life.

Since Chi Miaomiao is willing to let him live and give him hope, then he is willing to dedicate his life to be her life's backing!
Several orphans couldn't help being moved when they heard what he said.

Everyone is not bad in nature, they are all simple good children who know how to repay kindness.Even if they were deceived by Fang Jinxuan once, as long as someone gives them hope, they are still willing to believe it.

Anyway, it is a dead end anyway, so why not try to choose to believe it?At least this is a path that still has a chance.

"I...I also want to protect the third imperial concubine." An orphan sitting in the corner suddenly stood up and said.

Once there was a beginning, there was a process. Other orphans also began to talk about their life goals, but they didn't have many ideas. Most of them talked about protecting the safety of the Third Princess.

(End of this chapter)

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