Chapter 107 Wolf and Blood (2)

The night was hazy.

The mist filled the air and formed a veil, covering the end of the darkness, making the environment even more lonely.

The unhurried sound of horseshoes cut through the silent night sky, as if trying to break through the mist.

Miaomiao hurriedly lowered her body even lower, covered herself with weeds, and hid in the darkness.

Gulu Gulu...

The sound of the carriage became clearer and clearer.

The shadow of the carriage was also dimly outlined in the mist.

鏉ヤ 钖楋纻
Miaomiao squinted her bright purple pupils, held her breath and concentrated on the handle of the wooden warehouse at her waist, patiently waiting for the carriage to approach.

Finally, she clearly saw a carriage approaching not far away.

Sitting at the front of the car was a tall, vicissitude-looking man with red eyes, who was clearly aged.

There is only one blood servant.

Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief.

But then she saw the attendant driving the horse unhurriedly, with a blatant look of disdain on his face.

Noticing the attendant's expression, Miaomiao couldn't help but thump in her heart.

Was she discovered?
But she clearly remembered that the original owner had already taken the medicine that could change human breath before carrying out the task.

Could it be that this attendant is a high blood race?
Generally, those who are used as coachmen by slaves are middle or low-level vampires.

As expected of a prince, he can actually use a high-ranking blood as a coachman.

It seems that even if he is a fallen prince, his status in the blood clan is still the same.

While thinking about the problem, suddenly a wolf howled from the west.

The moon also seemed to become brighter in an instant, and the red blood light became brighter and brighter.


The wolf howled, and the carriage stopped on the road.

Miaomiao's eyes darkened, and her long eyelashes covered the thoughts in her eyes.

Alyssa was captured by Geweier.

Miaomiao couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief seeing that blood servant looked around for a while on the side of the road but didn't find herself.

The carriage started to drive again, Miaomiao looked nervous, stood up slightly, and tapped the trigger with her slender index finger.

Without further ado!It's now!

With a tearing honking sound.

Miaomiao jumped out of the weeds with a "whoosh", spotted the only curtain hanging on the carriage, and her slender body jumped into the carriage like a cat.

The carriage shook for a while.

The attendant's hand waving the whip paused, and a bright light flashed across his cloudy eyes.But soon withdrew his emotions, pretended nothing happened, swung down the whip, and hit the horse's ass.

The horse neighed again.

It's just that this sound was even more stern than the one just now.

The smile on the attendant's face gradually enlarged and became almost distorted.

He stretched out his bright red slender tongue and licked his fangs, his eyes were full of excitement, and he couldn't restrain the sound of joy in his throat.

at last……

In the carriage, Miaomiao's holy silver wooden warehouse was firmly pressed against the heart of the unknown prince.

Wu Wu supported his head with one hand and leaned lazily on the couch.The slender body almost fills up the small space.

The carriage shook violently, but he sat there motionless.

Only the messy strands of hair kept swaying with the frequency.

Wuming lowered his eyes and looked at the woman who was lying on his chest in an extremely ambiguous posture, but was poking his heart with the holy silver wooden warehouse.

The thin, bloodless lips were raised slightly, the dark and empty eyes were faintly shining, and an undetectable look appeared on the expressionless face of the past.

But soon Wuming hid his expression, slightly raised his thin chin, and looked at the woman who was so close.

The woman in front of her was wearing a black cloak, which wrapped her small body, revealing only a small face with firm eyes.

To kill him?

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(End of this chapter)

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