Through the Book, I Became the Matchmaker for the Male Match

Chapter 1067 I Became a Pampered Person (30)

Chapter 1067 I Became a Pampered Person (30)

Chi Miaomiao waited for a day, but Fang Jinyu sent someone to the mansion to make trouble.This prevented her from sleeping well all night, and she was still dozing off after being pulled up by Xiao Cui this morning.

"Didn't I tell you to go to bed early tonight? Look at your swollen eyes, does this make-up look good?!" Yi Qianjin kept scolding Chi Miaomiao as she spoke. Chi Miaomiao said half of her sleepiness was gone.

Chi Miaomiao yawned, "Mother, these things are bad, so don't use them. Give me some lipstick."

"Lipstick? What is lipstick?"

Chi Miaomiao was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that this was ancient times, and she accidentally slipped the tongue because she was too sleepy.

"This is it!"

Because he was too sleepy, Chi Miaomiao couldn't turn his head and forgot what modern lipstick was called in ancient times. He picked up the red paper and took a few sips on his lips.

Just a little red mark before makeup, it made Chi Miaomiao's complexion gorgeous.

"Miss, you are so beautiful!" Xiaocui couldn't help but sigh when she looked at Chi Miaomiao in the bronze mirror.

"Chi Miaomiao poked at the mirror in disgust, "This mirror is not very yellow, what can you see? "

When Yi Qianjin heard what she said, she slapped her angrily, "What are you talking about on the wedding day! Girls, can you be more reserved?"

"Mother! I'm thinking about making money." Chi Miaomiao pouted aggrievedly.

Her novel is fictional, but it was also an era when agriculture was emphasized and merchants were suppressed. Officials looked down on ordinary people, and ordinary people looked down on businessmen, and merchants were inextricably linked to officials, and looked down on ordinary people.The relationship among them is mixed.

In this age when the status of businessmen was low, women were even more looked down upon for engaging in business.

Chi Miaomiao remembered that she once wrote an example in a book, where a woman was a businessman who fell in love with a commoner and married that commoner.In the end, the common man misappropriated all the woman's property and was not aware of what he had done. Instead, he thought it was a particularly glorious thing.

Afterwards, the woman took the common people to court, but in return she was victimized and condemned by everyone.

In this era, everyone thinks that a woman should stay at home to embroider, grow cauliflower, and educate her children.Once a woman touches the work related to making money, she will be condemned by the world, thinking it is unfeminine.

However, Chi Miaomiao knew this, but still expressed her thoughts in front of Yi Qianjin.

When Xiao Cui, who was blending Chi Miaomiao's eyebrows, heard this, her hands trembled in fright and her eyebrows almost crooked.

Yi Qianjin raised her eyebrows, a little surprised by Chi Miaomiao's thoughts.

"Making money? How much money do you, a girl, make? Your half of the annual salary from the Third Prince's family is enough for you for a year."

Having said that, Yi Qianjin didn't mean to disdain her daughter and persuade her to give up.

Seeing that Yi Qianjin didn't stop her, Chi Miaomiao knew that she agreed with her point of view, so she closed her eyes and let Xiao Cui put on makeup for herself, and explained why she would think so: "I don't have any relationship with the third prince. How could there be money to spend in the past? Even if there is, it will be counted on my account book. It is more safe to spend the money in my own pocket."

Yi Qianjin sat aside and listened, looking at her daughter with admiration.

She thought that her daughter, apart from being overbearing, only had the advantage of being pretty. She didn't expect that her daughter would be so thoughtful and already thought of making money on her own.

(End of this chapter)

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