Chapter 1022 How can I like robots! (68)

"Chi Miaomiao, you are no longer my master. I have my own thoughts, and I know the consequences of doing so."

Holo's condition was not much better. Many parts of his body had been burned, his speech had slowed down, and even his walking was staggering and staggering, but he still moved forward resolutely.

Feeling it personally is somewhat different from feeling it through soul fragments.The first time the real Holo did this, he could only feel what was on his mind, feel the pain in his heart.But now that he has become himself, he truly feels the double torment of body and mind.

The robot is not afraid of pain, but when seeing Chi Miaomiao looking at him with distress and fear, Huo Luo can somehow feel how painful it is to be swallowed by fire.

Even he felt the pain, how much pain did Chi Miaomiao feel?
Finally, Hollow regretted his decision.

He shouldn't have used such an extreme method to complete the task.

The flames melted the joints of Huo Luo's legs, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop. His hands had been burned long ago, hanging stiffly on both sides and he couldn't lift them up, but he still kept going in the direction where Chi Miaomiao was. .

"No! Holo don't come here again! I tell you not to come here again! Did you hear me!"

Facing the firelight, Chi Miaomiao could clearly see Huo Luo crawling towards him in a panic.For some reason, her heart ached like never before, as if she had predicted the end of the two of them, her tears fell uncontrollably, and she yelled hysterically regardless of the stinging pain in her throat.

However, Huo Luo couldn't hear Chi Miaomiao's voice, and his auditory system was damaged by the high temperature when he came in, so he couldn't hear at all.

This is also something he expected.

But it doesn't matter, at least he still has a pair of eyes to look at Chi Miaomiao, watch her shout, and watch her cry for him.

Finally, after crawling hard, Holo came to Chi Miaomiao's side.Under the erosion of the high temperature, his eyes became a little blurred, and he could only vaguely see Chi Miaomiao's figure in the flames.

Regardless of how hot Huo Luo's body was, Chi Miaomiao threw himself into his arms and beat his chest, "Huo Luo, why are you so stubborn! I told you not to come here!"

She scolded hard, but hit Hollow very lightly, for fear of knocking him apart.

"Didn't you go to the company to do maintenance? Why did you become stupid after the maintenance? Did you say that you would die if you called an ambulance? Why did you rush in to save me by yourself? Can you be a hero when you are a robot? You idiot!"

Because he couldn't hear, Holo could only let Chi Miaomiao beat him and obey the instructions.

【warn!warn!warn!It detects that the system has been damaged by 80%, and will start self-sleep after 10 seconds. 】

At this moment, the safety protection system in the body turns on.

Hollow blinked his eyes, and hacked into the security system to temporarily disable the "self-sleep" function before the final second of the countdown.

【warn!warn!warn!When illegal intrusion is detected, the system will self-destruct after 1 minute. 】

Hollow knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and the key to completing the task lay in this one minute.

Immediately, he looked at Chi Miaomiao and asked, "Chi Miaomiao, do you like me?"

Chi Miaomiao, who was scolding like rain, was stunned by his question.

It's the moment of life and death, why is he still thinking about it?Do you want to have a fire-like Titanic with her?

(End of this chapter)

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