Fast Transmigration: The Strongest Business Woman

Chapter 548 The villain of the last days 46

Chapter 548 The villain of the last days 46
Yang Long turned around and asked, but
"Fuck you! You five heartless things! You didn't even wait for me!"

When Yang Long looked back again, the five in front had already run hundreds of miles away.

"Haha! This is a great opportunity for me, Yang Long, to make contributions!"

Yang Longyangtian laughed a few times, as if he had let go of his dissatisfaction during this period of time in an instant, and then he ran to the base in high spirits.

Over there at the base——

y01 continued to create chaos according to Ning Yin's orders, and soon after, the five younger brothers who happened to arrive also began to cooperate in creating chaos.

As a result, those who stayed at Ning Yin's side were also a little bit unable to stand.

Not long after, they took away a large number of people to support.

"Hey~ Done!"

Ning Yin clapped her hands and looked at the last person left at the corner, feeling quite good.

"Let's go!"

Passing through the entrance prepared by Iger in advance, the two directly entered the interior of the laboratory, but there is still a distance from the genetic laboratory.

"There is still one minute before the defense system is closed. Get ready, we will go in immediately after it is closed."

"it is good!"

Time passed bit by bit, Ning Yin and Iger hid in a corner of the laboratory, where people rarely come here, so it is relatively safe for the time being.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, let's go!"


Following three consecutive soft beeps, the infrared scanner, which was less than ten centimeters in front of Ning Yin, turned off in an instant.

At the same time, the defense systems around the entire laboratory were forcibly shut down, especially in this experimental building, where all monitoring was paralyzed.

The laboratory road twists and turns, and the closed rooms all look the same, but there are patterns on the doors that Ning Yin can't understand.

"Why is there no one here?"

Ning Yin followed Iger all the way, but they didn't even meet a single person, which is very abnormal!
"Don't worry, just 3 minutes ago, the living body of the No. [-] genetic laboratory died. This is the experimental living body that Guan Wei is most optimistic about. Of course, these people have tried to remedy his death in the past. And the No. [-] genetic laboratory It's so far away that we don't have to worry about being discovered, at least until surveillance is restored."

Iger smiled, looking confident.

"Oh, that's it." Ning Yin looked back at the man beside her, feeling both moved and complicated.

【How much have you silently done for me? 】

"What's wrong? Looking at me like this suddenly?"

Iger touched his face, wondering if there was something on his face.

"Ege, do you know that you are very handsome! Mmm~"

Ning Yin smiled and blew a kiss to Iger, then quickly ran to the front.

There is the No. [-] genetic laboratory - storing the medicine to relieve the zombie virus!
"Hehe~ That's natural!"

Iger smiled, which made the already handsome face even more charming.

"There is an antidote in here! Huh~"

Ning Yin let out a long sigh, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

"Here, this is for you." Iger broke Ning Yin's body, reached out and stuck a small blue ball on her forehead.

"Is this a gene chip?" Ning Yin touched the thing on his forehead. It was a small semicircle. Although it seemed inconspicuous, it was the key to entering the genetic laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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