Fast Transmigration: The Strongest Business Woman

Chapter 533 The villain of the last days 31

Chapter 533 The villain of the last days 31
But at the same time, the injuries on this y01 got better little by little.

"This monster is devouring the blood essence and crystals of the ability user to recover from the injury!"

I don't know who shouted something, which instantly woke everyone up.

"Be careful, everyone, don't lose your life!"

If the death toll is increasing now, this is not just a personal matter, but is related to the lives of everyone present.

So at this moment, the supernatural beings in this survivor base are definitely the most united!
In this way, the pressure on Ning Yin was also relieved a lot.

However, y01 still didn't intend to let Ning Yin go, and the attacks it landed became heavier every time, as if it had a feeling of immortality.

【They dispatched y01 just to get rid of me? 】

Ning Yin frowned and thought for a while, but still thought it was impossible!

To expose such a big secret for her alone, unless they are stupid!

That's exactly why.
[Or is there a benefit after the announcement?The only benefit is probably... creating a war!This not only solves the source of y01's food, but also uses Dark Fang, an unnecessary organization, to get rid of some people they don't trust.Really kill two birds with one stone! 】

Ning Yin felt that she was the truth.

However, the reality is not much different from Ning Yin's imagination.

In the headquarters, the city lord and several high-level officials looked at each other. They looked at the news that was being sent in front of them, and their eyes slowly overflowed with smug smiles.

"Friends in front, be careful!"

An exclamation sounded from behind Ning Yin.

At this moment, y01's fist hit Ning Yin's head again.


Ning Yin rolled back on the ground, dodging the punch.

But y01's other hand also smashed down immediately, and Ning Yin, who had just suffered a punch, had no chance to escape.

"damn it!"

Ning Yin quickly took out a bottle of strengthening potion from her jacket pocket, and dripped a drop on each of her arms and legs.


A loud noise exploded in Ning Yin's ear.

【Hiss~It hurts so much】

Ning Yin frowned tightly, her arms and legs dripped with strengthening potion were fine, but her back and ears were damaged.

A wet and sticky feeling came from behind her, and Ning Yin touched it with her backhand, and her hands were instantly covered with blood.

[Fortunately, no bones were injured. 】

Ning Yin raised her eyes and looked at the soil around her. Taking advantage of the absence of anyone, she took out the strengthening potion and dripped a drop on her back again.

In an instant, a hot feeling spread all over her back, but then the pain on her back decreased a lot, and the blood stopped flowing out.

Just now, y01 punched Ning Yin directly into the ground with a powerful punch, and now the soil layer around her body is probably one meter deep.


In an isolation room at the base.


A man's roar shook the glass on the door.

On the video screen that was flashing snowflakes in front of the man, what was played a second ago was the scene of Ning Yin being smashed into the ground by y01 in a circle.

And this man is Iger, who has not returned for a long time.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ What a pity, what a beautiful girl, she was smashed into a pulp like this, without a whole body! Hahahaha!"

"Yang Shi! Don't be too happy, I want you to repay all the pain that Ning Yin has suffered today! Tomorrow I will repay you ten thousand times! If you don't shave your cramps and bones, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

Iger clenched his fists, wishing he could tear the old man's face apart.

(End of this chapter)

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