Fast Transmigration: The Strongest Business Woman

Chapter 530 The villain of the last days 28

Chapter 530 The villain of the last days 28
After Jiongjiong left, Ning Yin began to sort out the things she had just prepared.

Cage - so the name implies is a cage used to trap others.

But it is not an ordinary cage, it is made of the polar cold iron in the fairy world, it is extremely hard.

Anything trapped by it will generally become a Popsicle the first time!

But the reason it only sells for [-] points is that it is a simplified version, its power is many times smaller than the original version, but it is suitable for dealing with zombies here.

And the original Ning Yin also looked at it, Lin'an Commercial Bank does have it, but the price is going to scare me to death - 900 million points!

Well, even killing her wouldn't be that much.

The second - the heart-clearing potion.

Its function is very simple, it is used to eliminate the influence of the outside world on one's own mind.

The third - strengthening potion.

Used to strengthen parts of the body, resulting in stronger defenses.

Ning Yin recalled the physical strength and strength of the upgraded zombies she had fought with before, and chose this one without hesitation.

Otherwise, it would be ridiculous if he was killed by zombies in a circle.


By the time Ning Yin prepared everything, it was not far from the time for assembly.

But she still didn't wait for Iger to come back.

As soon as the bell struck twelve o'clock at noon, Ning Yin heard the sound of fighting outside, the roar of zombies, and the violent vibration from the ground.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The strong earthquakes on the ground were sometimes orderly and sometimes chaotic, making it impossible for people to figure out what was going on.

The people in the base started to think wildly, but the people outside the base couldn't wait to poke their eyes blind every minute!

"I'm in a hurry! What is this thing? An enlarged version of a zombie?!"

"No, no, it's obviously the Hammer Zombie in Plants vs. Zombies!"

"Fuck! You guys are still in the mood to chat, come and help!!"

"This. Could it be the y01 that the city lord was talking about last night? It looks so badass. Do you think we will be trampled to death by it? After all... its feet are bigger than my bed!"

One person stared at y01's raised giant feet and looked dumbfounded, which almost scared his comrades to pee.

"I'm a big wooden donkey! Are you going to die?! Don't run away!"

The person next to him picked up his collar and ran wildly while carrying him.

Less than a second after they left, there was a loud "Bang!" and the ground shook violently again, and that was just caused by Y01 stepping on it.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of running fire echoed on the battlefield.

But y01 seems to have an indestructible body, the bullets will be spread out immediately when it hits it, even if it is a rocket launcher, it can only blast away a little flesh of y01, and it can't cause fatal damage to it at all.

As for the abilities, are you kidding me?
The highest level of supernatural beings here is only level five, and the attacks from level five supernatural beings can't break through the protective barrier on y01 at all.

Now the ability they have been relying on has become the most useless one!
"What can we do?"

A sense of hopeless powerlessness rose in the hearts of the soldiers.

Can't fight, can't escape.

Is there anything more hopeless than this?
"Hey, look quickly! This monster seems to have never actively attacked us."

"It seems so."

Gradually many people discovered this problem, as long as they don't take the initiative to attack y01, then y01 will act as if they didn't see them at all, and walk past them without paying attention to them.

(End of this chapter)

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