Fast Transmigration: The Strongest Business Woman

Chapter 503 The villain of the last days 1

Chapter 503 The villain of the last days 1
Ning Yin saw a soul body like her slowly rising from behind a big tree. It looked like this person was Mr. Lanzhong's principal.

But as this figure slowly approached Ning Yin, it gradually changed into another appearance.

This person is exactly—Qing Xi!
Now everything makes sense, why does Mr. Principal trust her so much.

But if this is the case, is she chasing another man in a high-profile manner in front of her own man?
Although it was for others to chase, Ning Yin always had a feeling that she might be finished.


After completing this task, Ning Yin got a total of 39890 points, and her current total points have become [-] points, which is one-third of her goal of [-] points.



"boom boom"

The sound of the explosion was mixed with raging flames, and Ning Yin's ears were buzzing at the moment.


After a long and painful tinnitus, Ning Yin finally felt that her head felt better, but now she is still irritable and wants to kill someone!
She felt that in the bottom of her own heart, there was a strong bloodthirsty emotion hitting her reason all the time.

I wish I could make her lose her mind and go crazy just by touching a little bit of blood!

Ning Yin shook her head vigorously, covered her head with one hand, stretched out the other hand, and started groping in the ruins.

She just wants to get out of this ghostly place now!
Ning Yin stumbled forward among the ruins. Although the flames outside were overwhelming, perhaps it was because Ning Yin's head was so uncomfortable that her eyes couldn't see clearly at this moment.

"There she is! Quick! Grab that monster!"

"Catch her! Otherwise, so many of our brothers will die in vain today!"

A burst of human voices came into Ning Yin's mind, and she shook her head vigorously again in discomfort, but her consciousness seemed to be much blurred again.

Seeing a large group of people getting closer to her, Ning Yin instinctively roared to warn them.

"do not come!"

Ning Yin used all her strength to roar, but why did she hear that her own voice didn't sound like a human voice?

"No, this monster is about to go crazy! Quick, catch her now!"

"Don't come here!"

Ning Yin's eyes widened and she took a step back. It wasn't because she was afraid of the people in front of her, but because she seemed to hear herself say—————————————————————————————————————————

[tmd, are you kidding me? ! 】

But the situation in front of her didn't allow her to think too much, Ning Yin looked around and jumped out of a window two meters away from the wall beside her.

At the last moment of Ning Yin's conscious existence, she saw herself biting off the neck of a supernatural being, and she overturned a group of people with her arms dancing, and then she stumbled out of the crowd.

As for what happened next, she didn't know.


After an unknown amount of time, Ning Yin's consciousness slowly came back.

"Hiss~ It hurts!"

Ning Yinzhi moved her body a little, and immediately felt a tearing pain all over her body!
As time passed, Ning Yin lay on the ground until the dawn, and the pain in her body got better. She supported her body and sat up slowly.

Now Ning Yin can see her current situation clearly.

She is really not good at all!

First of all, she has no hair on her body!

However, because her body was covered with blood stains and dried up pieces of meat, her gender was basically concealed.

(End of this chapter)

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