Chapter 493 My Demon Teacher 21
Hua Yuyan gritted her teeth as she watched, and couldn't help but squeeze in between Ning Yin and Fu Yebai.

"Mr. Fu, this is what Mr. Liu asked me to give you. I was just going to find you."

"Mr. Fu, are you listening to me?"

Hua Yuyan called out several times, but Fu Yebai ignored her.

And Ning Yin was also here, which really made her grit her teeth in hatred.

Ning Yin looked at Hua Yuyan's gloomy face, and suddenly raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Mr. Fu, Hua Yuyan seems to be looking for you."

Fu Yebai just turned around and looked at her in surprise: "Student Hua, so you are here too. Ning Yin said you have something to do with me?"

"Yes." Hua Yuyan took a deep breath, and only then restrained her anger that was about to explode.

She took a deep breath, put on a full smile, took out a thick file bag and said, "Mr. Fu, this is what Mr. Liu asked me to give you."

"Okay, I got it." Fu Yebai took the file bag and wanted to open it, but Hua Yuyan, who was next to him, panicked for a moment.

She quickly said: "Mr. Fu, Mr. Liu said that only you can read the contents here, so..." After she finished speaking, she looked at Ning Yin again, and there was no need to say more.

"In that case, you should go back first."

"Ah?" Hua Yuyan was confused by Fu Yebai's sudden words, and couldn't react for a while.

"Only Mr. Fu can watch it. Why, you are not a human?" Ning Yin asked with a smile, and then left first.

Afterwards, Fu Yebai came to the office and closed the door, leaving Hua Yuyan alone in a mess.

Did she accidentally include herself in the scheme?
Fu Yebai didn't open the file bag, it would be strange if he couldn't see that Hua Yuyan had no good intentions, she just didn't want Ning Yin to see what was inside.

However, when Ning Yin turned to leave, she secretly made a gesture to him, which clearly meant - no need to peek alone!


The contents of the file bag did not exceed Ning Yin's expectations. They were nothing more than deleted content from some forums, with large high-definition pictures attached to them.

"Hua Yuyan, Hua Yuyan, what else do you know?" Ning Yin just glanced at them casually and lost interest in them. As for Fu Yebai, he didn't even look at them.

"Oh, I mean, I'm really curious about who the ugly man in this photo is. After all, it's an insult to me to put me together with him. If you want to find someone with a better appearance."

The original owner stayed in this school for three years, and she didn't even know the existence of this person.

However, it is not completely impossible to open it according to the personality of the original owner.

Just when Ning Yin was struggling, Fu Yebai's bright voice reached her ears.

"Why, at this time, do you still want a good-looking one?"

"Of course, it's good-looking, and it's pleasing to the eye. Unlike this bad old man, it's disgusting to look at!"

"Then what do you want?"

"Well, I have to think about it." Ning Yin supported her head, as if she was really thinking hard about something.

But she was enjoying herself in her heart, especially when Fu Yebai's air conditioning became stronger.

[Make your mouth hard!Make you proud!Let you be dishonest!hum ~]

"I think... I still like you like this."

Fu Yebai accidentally got Ning Yin's arms around his neck, but this time he didn't push Ning Yin away, and even smiled in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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