Chapter 490 My Demon Teacher 18
After sending Yang Weiyu back, Ning Yin first called Fu Yebai.

"Teacher Fu, me"

"I know..I trust you."

Before Ning Yin finished speaking, Fu Yebai's deep voice reached her ears, but his words really made Ning Yin very happy.

"Well, Fu Yebai, you are so kind."

"You girl, you are still in the mood to call me at this time. Aren't you worried?" Fu Yebai laughed softly, he didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy.

"What's there to worry about? I'm not the one who did something wrong. And it hurts the most when a person falls down when he's standing on the highest point!"

The so-called not taking action is enough, once making a move, it is necessary to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots.

Although it is a peaceful age, this sentence will always apply!
Ning Yin smiled disdainfully, and they still want to plot against her with this little trick?

When I played around with the harem, you didn't know where I was!
"Be careful, don't hurt yourself." Fu Yebai's voice seemed to have a magic power that could comfort people's hearts, and it quickly brought Ning Yin back to his thoughts.

"Fu Yebai, are you caring about me?" Ning Yin changed her tone and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I care about you."

"." This time it was Ning Yin's turn to be dazed. She imagined many possibilities, but she really didn't expect Fu Yebai's answer to be like this.

"Don't worry, as long as they can't do anything to me, Ann." Ning Yin rubbed her nose, facing Fu Yebai who was suddenly affectionate, she was really a little awkward.

".Well. Rest early, you don't have to worry about the school. Goodbye."

The beeping busy tone came again from the phone, but Ning Yin was in a good mood.

She worked so hard for so long, and it was finally not in vain.

And from what Fu Yebai said on the phone, it seemed that he would solve the problem for Ning Yin at the school.

At least before Ning Yin takes action, the school will not be allowed to interfere.

"Hmm~ Fu Yebai, it seems that I still don't know enough about you." Ning Yin rubbed her chin, and suddenly remembered what Hua Yuyan said before.

[His identity is not worthy of you!]
Although Ning Yin disdains this sentence, it seems to be somewhat possible now.

"Jingjiong, come out."


"Is there any record of Fu Yebai's identity in the information you gave me back then?"

"No, master. The original owner didn't know about this, so there is no record in Lin'an."

"Well, that's it"

Ning Yin thought of that innocent and low self-esteem girl, now that she thinks about it, she seems to be even more pitiful, she never found out Fu Yebai's true identity until she passed away.


The post on the forum was posted at 11:[-] p.m., and there were not many people on the forum at this time, so even under the instigation of the trolls, the scale of this incident was not very large.

And just over an hour later, this post was forcibly withdrawn from the forum, and there was no trace of him anymore.

Ning Yin knew that Fu Yebai must have made the move.

"That's good too, so that Xiaoyu won't blame herself when she sees it."

However, although the posts on the forum were deleted, the pictures that some people saved were even Fu Yebai, and there was no way to make them disappear.

So the fermentation speed of this matter has only slowed down, but it has not been stopped.

However, this effect suits Ningyin's wishes, and this time is just right to disturb the heart behind her and reveal her flaws.

She needs evidence!
(End of this chapter)

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