Fast Transmigration: The Strongest Business Woman

Chapter 308 I am the queen in the last days 31

Chapter 308 I am the queen in the last days 31
"Well, I wish you all a safe journey." Ning Yin spread her hands sadly, but only she knew whether she was sad or happy.

"Well, it's decided like that."

Seeing that the others had taken care of Ning Yin, the 'delay', they had no other opinions.

Ning Yin secretly laughed in her heart. She decided to hide her strength before because she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for herself, and maybe she could get some unexpected gains.

Before leaving, she put positioning devices on all the team members and gave each of them a bottle of Turtle Breath Pill and Night Vision Pill. Although these things cost her 1200 points, they would be safe this way. few.

As for herself, she will wait for him at the place agreed with Bai Zihang.

And her intuition told her that Bai Zihang would be the most important factor in ending this war, so she had to go no matter what!
Arriving at the meeting point, Ning Yin's team set off towards the destination together, but after a few corners, Ning Yin separated from them.

Ning Yin turned on the watch on her wrist, and it showed dozens of small red dots, each of which represented the position of her brothers, and one blue dot, which represented the position of Bai Zihang .

Ning Yin stroked the blue dot, and laughed.

"Bai Zihang, don't think I won't be able to find you if you run away. If you fight with your wife, you can't win."

The locator on Bai Zihang's body was pasted quietly by Ning Yin Rang Jiongjiong last night, and no one can take it off except Ning Yin.

But now this small blue dot has been stationary on the left side of the display, instead of flashing like other red dots. This means that Bai Zihang's position has now exceeded the tracking range of the locator.

"Why haven't you come yet?" Ning Yin had already arrived at the place they agreed to wait, but she had killed a lot of zombies, but she never found Bai Zihang.

Fortunately, this place is relatively remote, and the number of zombies placed here is not very large, so it is not too difficult for Ning Yin to deal with it.

However, Ning Yin also discovered that this time the strength of the zombies had a qualitative leap compared to before, and even the low-level zombies were much more difficult to deal with than before.

"It seems that he really didn't lie to me." Ning Yin frowned, remembering what the member of the dark organization they captured said.

He said that the organization has developed a potion to strengthen zombies, and the world dominated by them is coming soon.

Since this is true, this battle is much more difficult, and the coalition forces are not prepared at all.
"Let's find Bai Zihang first."

Time passed by little by little, and the sun was about to set, but there was still no news about Bai Zihang.

And at night, that is the home of the zombies, and the coalition forces will fall into a passive state.

"No, I'll go find him."

"Jiongjiong, is there any way you can help me find Bai Zihang? The sooner the better!"

"Yes, but the price is not small. Master, do you really want to do this?" Jiong Jiong was silent for a while, but told Ning Yin the method and let her choose.

"I'm sure!" Ning Yin gritted her teeth and nodded.

The method is very simple, but the price to be paid is not small. It needs to use Ningyin's own consciousness as the basis, and then forcefully start the search. In this way, Bai Zihang can be found, but the loss of Ningyin's consciousness is not the same. It can be made up in a couple of days.

"Okay, master, please get ready. It's about to start"

(End of this chapter)

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