Fast Transmigration: The Strongest Business Woman

Chapter 196 The Snakeman's Cultivation Plan 14

Chapter 196 The Snakeman's Cultivation Plan 14
"Miss Ning, are you from Fengyun Inn?" Fang Wu hesitated for a while before asking.

"No. I'm here on behalf of the Demon Hunting Guild." Ning Yin thought that Fang Wuhe would be surprised, but unexpectedly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that his attitude towards Ning Yin has also improved a lot.

Could it be?Do they have any problems with Fengyun Inn?

"The Demon Hunting Guild is the Demon Hunting Guild that was famous all over the world a hundred years ago." Fang Wu seemed to recall something, and suddenly felt melancholy.


"I think back then, the ancestors and the others were also...Miss Ning, I don't know what happened to the Monster Hunting Guild today?" Fang Wu said, thinking of the tragic status quo of the Monster Hunting Guild.

Having been poached by Fengyun Inn so many monster extermination masters, and then suppressed, they couldn't even get a business. Now it is said that there are only three people who are still struggling to support them.

"We are doing well, and the president is planning to reopen. We have all the funds and everything ready, so we are short of personnel." Ning Yin suddenly remembered that the only shortage of the Monster Hunting Guild is people, so this meeting directly beat them up. idea.

"If Mr. Fang hasn't joined other organizations, why not come to our Monster Hunting Guild. Don't worry, the union is different now, it will only get better and better, and one day it will return to its former glory." Regarding this point, Ning Yin has no doubts.

"This" Fang Wu was really tempted, but he thought of something, and forcefully suppressed this impulse.

"Miss Ning, I will think about it carefully."

"it is good."

Although Ning Yin didn't know what he was worried about, she was confident in persuading them to join the union.


"Come, come, come, everyone is here." In the middle of the courtyard, a high platform was erected by someone at some point, and a group of people stood on the platform wearing the same clothes, with very arrogant expressions.

"Fengyun Inn? What do they want to do?" Although the people below were very curious, but due to the prestige of Fengyun Inn, they had no choice but to follow suit.

"Tonight, everyone was going to get rid of the demon together, but what? We, Fengyun Inn, came up with a brilliant way to ensure that the demon will be executed on the spot. So, this still requires your cooperation."

"Cooperate? Why!"

"How to cooperate? You just say, we will do it!"

Some people in the audience were not convinced, and naturally there were those who wanted to flatter them. At this moment, the group of people was divided into two groups in an instant.

"The way to cooperate is very simple. As long as you take care of your hands today and stay in the room honestly." After speaking, he smiled contemptuously at everyone.

joke!Just this gang of mobs are trying to steal business from us!
"No! Why?"

Now, there are more unhappy people in an instant.What are they here for, isn't it to make money and become famous all over the world?

Now Fengyun Inn actually wants to directly kill their dreams, this is absolutely unacceptable!
"Hahaha, I'm not discussing with you, this is a notice! Or, does anyone want to challenge our Fengyun Inn?" As soon as he said this, the people below him also wilt.

If they offend Fengyun Inn, they will never be able to survive in this circle for the rest of their lives.

After being forced to reach a consensus, everyone returned to the room one after another.

This time Ning Yin didn't say no to agreeing, because only if they stood tall, the fall would be worse and the face would hurt even more!

(End of this chapter)

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