Chapter 14 Spicy Xiaoqingmei 13
"Ji Lin, it's me."

When Ji Lin opened the door, he saw Ning Yin standing outside smiling.

"Hi, Good Evening."

"Well~ good evening."

"Well, you saved me last time and I haven't thanked you formally, so I'm here today." Ning Yin felt that she was going to be unable to make it up, not only because it was an excuse, but more importantly. The most important thing is Ji Lin's expression of leisurely watching the play, which really makes people feel guilty.

"Hmm~" Ji Lin leaned against the door and spread it out in front of Ning Yin.

"Ah?" What does this mean?The style of painting turned a little faster, and someone didn't react for a while.

"Didn't you come to thank me? What about your sincerity?"


"Me." Ning Yin pulled her earlobe in embarrassment. What else could she say?


"Okay, let's talk."


Probably because of her guilty conscience, Ning Yin has been walking with her head down since she entered the door until she bumped into Ji Lin in front of her.

"Lemonade, here you go." Ji Lin handed the lemonade to Ning Yin.Lemonade is the "specialty" of the Ji family. Aunt Ji makes it herself. Ning Yin has loved coming here to drink it since she was a child.

"Okay." Ning Yin took it silently.

Ning Yin on this side is almost dying of embarrassment, but in the eyes of Aunt Ji on the other side, it looks like a tender picture of a gentle man and a shy woman.

"Actually, I just happened to pass by when I was taking a walk, so I came in by the way." The silence in the room made it hard to get used to. Although Ning Yin had a lot to say in her heart, she didn't know where to start.

"Didn't you just say that you came to thank me specially?"

"I, I." Ahhh!God, isn't this what it is?No matter how much Ren Ningyin wailed in her heart, time would not go backwards.

"Well~ I see, you passed by my house while taking a walk, so naturally there is no thank you gift, so——are you sincere?"

"No, no, absolutely not!" Ning Yin quickly denied.

"Then you walked past my house on purpose, didn't bring a gift on purpose, and came to see me on purpose?" Ji Lin still had that serious and serious look.

It's just that the meaning of these words sounds right, but why do people dare not admit it?

"Is it not? Uh~" Ning Yin answered 'yes' reflexively, but after three seconds of careful recollection.
"How about we change the subject?"

Ji Lin looked at Ning Yin with a half-smile and then smiled, "Okay.

"Let's talk." Ji Lin sat on the sofa, picked up a book from the desk and read it.

"That, me." Ning Yin glanced at Ji Lin, and found that he was reading seriously, so she slowly moved to Ji Lin's side and sat beside him.

"Brother Ji Lin. Just now my dad asked me to buy some things tomorrow. Look, there are so many. I guess I will have to buy them for the night. Look, there are a lot of bad people at night in this summer. A young man like me Beautiful girl, it's so unsafe to be alone. And... right?" Ning Yin said a lot in one breath, but the people next to her didn't even raise their eyelids, as if they didn't hear anything.

"Brother Ji Lin? Are you listening?" Ning Yin asked.

"Hmm~" Ji Lin seemed to answer casually, and then gracefully put down the book and looked at Ning Yin.

"Okay. What I mean is 'I can't take it alone, would you go with me tomorrow?'" Ning Yin stared at Ji Lin resentfully.

"Okay. Seven o'clock in the morning, don't be late at the old place."

It's really surprising, Ning Yin didn't expect Ji Lin to agree so readily, she had a lot of things on her mind at home, but now she can't use any of them.

"Oh. Good. Don't worry, I will definitely be ready early in the morning."

"Then~ I'll go back first. Bye, see you tomorrow." Ning Yin smiled and ran all the way home. Things went so smoothly, it was a good start!
(End of this chapter)

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