Chapter 6

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission of saving lives. Now the system is issuing mission rewards. The host's random gift is [-] million, which will expire after twelve hours!"

When Su Su got out of the elevator, she heard the voice of the system rang in her mind, and she asked incredulously in her heart: "System, do you mean that I have [-] million yuan? You are dreaming , or am I dreaming?"

"Yes, host, you have [-] million money, not dreaming. You can take it from me whenever you want to use it to ensure legality. However, you must use the money you took away immediately. Within twelve hours, you have not used the money. Then, the money will disappear and be cleared." The system warned.

Su Su was too excited to speak, her eyes lit up.

After calming down for a while, she said to the system silently in her heart: "System, can you take 6 yuan in cash and put it in my messenger bag?"

Su Su looked at her messenger bag, wanting to verify the authenticity of the system's words.Because the system suddenly gave her [-] million, she felt unreal, even though the system had already verified his ability on the Xisui Pill, Su Su still couldn't believe it.

This is not one dollar, nor 100 yuan, but [-] million!

Su Su was so old, she had never seen so much money, and she had never even owned 20 yuan.

"Ding! 6 yuan in cash has been placed in the host's messenger bag, please check it!"

When the system said this, Su Su also noticed that her cross-body bag was a bit heavier, and there seemed to be something more in it. She carefully pulled a slit from the cross-body bag, and the red ticket came into view.

Su Su quickly closed the messenger bag, her heart beating non-stop.

Su Su walked quickly to the beauty salon where she worked. She planned to turn down the job in the beauty salon and try to exchange [-] million yuan into fixed assets.If this [-] million is wasted from her hands, she will cry.

Fengyun Beauty Salon is spacious and bright, with elegant decoration. While waiting for service, sporadic customers ordered coffee, flipped through fashion magazines, and whispered.

Su Su pushed open the glass door of the beauty salon, and as soon as she stepped in, she saw a waitress carrying coffee and walking towards the window seat. Suddenly, there was an expensively dressed woman with a gold necklace on her neck and Wearing a gold ring, the upstart rich woman pushed open the door of the box and stumbled towards the waitress, as if planning to leave the beauty salon quickly.

However, the rich woman's speed was too fast, and her eyes were not looking at the road.

The waitress was caught off guard.

The two collided.

The black coffee in the tray spilled on the rich woman, and there was a wet black coffee stain on the expensive clothes.

The coffee cup spun around and landed on the bright red solid wood floor, making a crisp sound.

The rich woman saw that there was a black coffee stain on her light-colored clothes, and she was so angry that she didn't rush on the way. She slapped the waitress across the face and said viciously, "You haven't walked long enough!" Eyes?"

There was a red five-fingerprint on the waitress's cheek. The burning pain, the humiliation of being beaten, and the feeling of being wronged were intertwined, and a feeling of sadness welled up in her heart.

The waitress really wanted to throw down the tray she was holding, and shouted to the lady: "It's obvious that you bumped into me because you didn't have long eyes when you walked, and you're the villain who sued first! Is there such a bully! Don't you just have it?" A few stinky money?"

However, the waitress dared not speak her mind. If she dared to treat the guests like this, she would lose her job.Lost her job, what would she live on?Life requires money everywhere, she can't afford to gamble.

Humiliation flashed across the eyes of the waitress, but she said weakly on her face, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, lady, I'll just wipe it clean for you."

The waitress' posture was extremely low. She put down the tray in her hand, pulled out the napkin at the side, and carefully wiped the clothes for the rich woman.

"Wipe it clean? Did you wipe it clean?" The rich woman snapped open the hand that the waitress extended, and glared at the waitress with cannibalistic eyes.

"Then take off your coat, and I'll return it to you after I wash it." The waitress looked at the rich woman helplessly, and dared not speak out.

"Do you think I care about you washing me up? Who is your manager? Call her out, and I want to ask her why the waiters are so unqualified?" The rich woman pointed at the waitress. He cursed with his nose and had an aggressive attitude.

The waitress was pointed at by the rich woman and scolded, and said quickly: "Madam, you and I know what happened at that time. Don't go to the manager, I will compensate you for your clothes."

"Compensation? Do you know how much my clothes are worth? Five thousand, can you afford it?" The rich woman said angrily, "It's as if I'm greedy for your compensation. Who do you think you are? You don't have eyes when you walk, and you are fierce to customers after doing something..."

The rich woman scolded the waitress so viciously that the waitress burst into tears.

All this happened so fast that Su Su was caught off guard.She originally thought that the waitress could handle it on her own. As a waiter, she had to learn to deal with bad customers.Unexpectedly, the rich woman is aggressive.

Su Su couldn't stand it any longer, she walked up quickly and shouted: "You are enough! You hit someone yourself, don't let the villain file a complaint first!"

"Sister Su Su." The waitress saw Su Su, her eyes lit up, as if she saw a savior.

The rich woman was furious when she saw that Su Su knew the waitress.

If others bullied her, could even two poor ghosts bully her?

"I, the villain, will sue first?" The rich woman seemed to have heard something unbelievable. "In your store, my clothes were stained with coffee. Aren't you responsible? A bunch of poor people!"

The rich woman looked at Su Su's beautiful face with jealousy and viciousness, and said, "You are so beautiful, you look like a vixen at first glance. You come to work in a beauty salon because you want to catch a rich man? I hate it." I despise a woman like you..."

The rich woman began to attack Su Su personally.

"Don't your mouth be so unclean!" Su Su was angry.

"Ding! The host triggers a side mission. The woman wearing a gold necklace looks down on the host. How can the host, who is a top Bai Fumei reserve, be looked down upon by a nouveau riche? Doesn't she just have a few stinky money? Ask the host to throw money at her face , let her experience the ability of the host. If the task is completed, the host can get a random reward. If the task fails, the host will be slapped a hundred times by the other party."

When Su Su heard that the system had issued another task, she was immediately excited.The system only released two side missions to make her beautiful and rich.If she completes the task again, I don't know what the system will give her again.

Su Su is looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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