Chapter 373
Ling Wei is a martial arts person with keen senses. Naturally, she can hear the malicious teachings of the innkeeper. How could this be done? Her senior brother is a flower of the motherland. How could this be done? So she explained: "Ahem, you guys Maybe I misunderstood, brother, I have some things to go out to deal with, and I will meet you after I finish."

There was a trace of embarrassment on Bai Xiaoyang's face, and then he said worriedly: "Weiwei, you..."

He looked at Ling Wei and finally said: "Then you should be more careful."

After getting along for several years, he also knows Ling Wei's temper. This girl never likes to reveal her thoughts. He once wanted to find out some things about her, but he knew that she was very disgusted.

With a wry smile, I don't know when I became so cautious.

Ling Wei nodded, took a deep look at Bai Xiaoyang, turned around and drove away. This time, she was going to assassinate the 'uncle' who betrayed her master, Yu Yichen.

But this is probably the only thing Ling Wei can do for them.

Sifeng Town, an ordinary town located on the edge of Licheng, with blue-gray dwellings and winding bluestone slab roads, apart from the beautiful scenery, it is not ordinary anymore. The Sifang Pavilion is here?
Sifang Pavilion is as secluded as the Valley of Divine Doctors. Its reputation spreads far and wide, but its location is never known. It is probably because it is shrouded in a mysterious veil that it makes people yearn for it even more.

Finally, after going through many streets and alleys, we stopped in front of a Fengya pavilion. On the plaque of the pavilion, there were only two words 'teahouse'. A man in charge was waiting outside, and only one person came, a little girl. , slightly surprised, when did such a number one person appear in the Jianghu?
But he didn't dare to be negligent, the one who can make the pavilion master worry about must be the distinguished guest, and, as the chief steward of the Sifang Pavilion and the most trusted personal slave of the pavilion master, caution is indispensable, he took a step forward and said: "Dare you?" Ask, are you the distinguished guest that the shop owner is going to receive today?"

Ling Wei clasped her fists, Wei Wei nodded and said, "The genius doctor Gu Lingwei, come and see me!"

Hearing Ling Wei's answer, Fang Yu was determined in her heart. She only said that she was the owner of the shop. Ling Wei understood what she meant and gave her last name. It should be that she was right.

Valley of Miraculous Doctors?Fang Yu glanced at Ling Wei's collar calmly. The red special mark became more bright red with the sunlight, which was particularly eye-catching. Fang Yu was shocked. This is a mark that only descendants of the genius doctor Gu have. The woman, is the second apprentice that the stubborn old man took in six years ago?

Fang Yu's expression became respectful all of a sudden. Although there was a traitor in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors later, which made the Valley of Miraculous Doctors not as prosperous as before, everyone has old age and sickness, and no one would be foolish enough to make trouble with the doctor. It will never become conclusive: "Then please follow me, the pavilion master has been waiting for a long time!"

As soon as Ling Wei followed Fang Yu into the lobby, a hearty laugh came over: "This must be Ling Wei, Miss Ling!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Wei felt something was popped into the cuff, and her finger touched it lightly. It was a folded piece of paper. Ling Wei suddenly realized that Ling Wei had sent a letter to Sifang Pavilion a few days ago. Think of the efficiency is so fast!

Ling Wei showed a knowing smile: "Yes, shopkeeper, the tea in our tea garden is the freshest and most natural, shopkeeper can consider it!"

"Well, I will pick it myself when I have time."

After Ling Wei walked out of the lobby, the owner of the Sifang Pavilion sighed slightly: "This Miss Ling's intelligence and courage are extraordinary, no wonder the old man accepted her as his apprentice. With Bai Xiaoyang and Miss Ling, there is hope for the genius doctor Gu in the future." gone."

Clothes fluttered and ran westward.In order not to startle the snake, Ling Wei stopped riding a horse after leaving Licheng.It's almost dusk, the toes are light on the ground, the environment is no longer fresh and elegant, but more and more desolate, sometimes there are a few strange calls of crows, there are few people, and there is not even a little green life.

Ling Wei picked up a few strangely shaped stones on the ground, and laid out formations along the road, laying out all the escape routes for all possible situations, and she even thought of dying together.

Suddenly, a strange smell came. Ling Wei closed her mouth and nose, took out a small bottle from her sleeve, poured out some light green concoction and applied it to her temples to keep herself awake.

Her eyes drooped slightly and all kinds of thoughts skipped her mind. The valley where Yu Yichen was located was still a few hundred meters away. could there be drugs?Did you find yourself?
Then, the sudden situation solved Ling Wei's confusion. Feeling the looseness of the leaves under her feet, Ling Wei flipped and jumped, avoiding the noose in time, but the place where she was about to land was the one shining with cold light. A nail board, Vivi blue light shining on the nail tip, it is highly poisonous.

Ling Wei pulled out the soft sword from her waist, curled it up on the branches above her head, and leaped forward again, and her figure was far away. Ling Wei continued to pick up stones to form a formation.

The Nine Killing Formation is composed of nine small stones and one big stone, but in this desolate area, there are only some weeds and gravel, where are there any big stones!
Ling Wei looked around, and suddenly, she discovered something unusual. The weeds under a big tree to the east were dancing in the wind, but the wind was clearly blowing from the northwest, but the weeds kept dancing eastward, so It's not that hard to find.

Ling Wei did not act rashly, but carefully observed all the frequencies of the weeds dancing, and the geographical location of the gravel next to it. Ling Wei's eyes showed calculations, and she preliminarily calculated that this is a very common formation.However, Ling Wei discovered that the direction and frequency of weeds' dancing are completely opposite to the direction of the wind, and they restrict each other, forming a cycle that remains unchanged for a long time.

But after careful observation, this is not the case. The arrangement of each stone seems to be so ingenious, as if they are all layered on top of each other. Even Ling Wei feels: Is the world here is a formation? Law? !

Soon, she rejected this idea with the thinking of modern people, just like the thought of picking cliff grass in Jue Ming Ya that day, the most charming is the most dangerous, so the more complicated things look, the structure may be more complex. The simpler it is.

In just a few short breaths, Ling Wei figured out everything. The real function of this formation is to confuse and distort people's thinking, trapping them in their own thinking world. This move is harmful to those pretentious people. biggest!The more disturbed you are, the deeper you will sink, unknowingly destroying people's minds.

A sneer twitched from the corner of Ling Wei's mouth, her heart was still like water, she soon found a breakthrough, and cut it off with her sword.

(End of this chapter)

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