Quick Travel Guide: The Female Supporting Adult Arrives

Chapter 354 The Blackened Domineering President 5

Chapter 354 The Blackened Domineering President 5
She died so tragically, in exchange for the person who indirectly killed her understood the true meaning of love, and lived happily ever after, how could she be reconciled to this?

She wants revenge. She has two wishes. One is to save her parents, and the other is to make Nangong Sheng fall in love with Ling Wei who is wearing her body, and marry Ling Wei willingly. At the same time, let Ling Wei break Nangong Sheng's leg , blinded his eyes, and made Ling Wei imprison Nangong Cheng for the rest of his life, in order to avenge Nangong Sheng's previous life for imprisoning her and forcing her to death.

She knew that she could not fulfill these two wishes, so she pinned all her wishes on Ling Wei, and she believed that the powerful Ling Wei would definitely be able to save the tragedies that had happened.

When everything started again, Ling Wei entered the body of the original owner. At this time, after the original owner confessed to Nangong Cheng, Nangong Cheng didn't believe the original owner, and he didn't go into the basement for several days.

After Ling Wei entered the original owner's body, the memories of what had happened slowly poured into her mind. After receiving all of them, Ling Wei patted her brain after high-speed operation.

"It's really miserable. No wonder you entrusted it to me."

After talking to herself, Ling Wei changed her position and lay down with great effort, because Nangong Cheng hadn't been here for a long time, and the food was brought by Gu Xiang, but the original owner refused to eat, which caused her Now I have no energy at all, and I am extremely weak.

Ling Wei was lying on the bed, thinking about how to attack this man Nangong Cheng. Anyway, running away is definitely the wrong way.

With a "creak", the door to the basement opened again, and Ling Wei didn't even need to look to know that it was Gu Xiang who came to deliver the meal.

Sure enough, Gu Xiang, who was carrying the meal, walked up to Ling Wei step by step, with an innocent and lovely expression on her face, one would never have imagined that such a girl was actually just trying to test her as a bait.

"Miss Su, you should eat something, or your body won't be able to take it anymore."

Holding his body up, he sat up and took the food from Gu Xiang's hand. Although Nangong Sheng had imprisoned the original owner here and tried his best to torture her, he would send a special person to formulate the nutritional menu for three meals a day. And the cooking skill of the cook is also very good.

Ling Wei wriggled her nose and sniffed the food in her hand. Her index finger moved wildly after being hungry for a long time, and she couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and gobble it up.

Different from the previous gentle and elegant, Gu Xiang was a little puzzled, but thinking about it, she hadn't eaten for several days, and she just thought she was too hungry, how could she know that there was a new person in her body in this sentence.

Ling Wei ate in a hurry and accidentally choked on a mouthful of food. She suppressed her blush and waved to Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang hurriedly poured a cup of warm water from the kettle on the side, and handed it to Ling Wei.

After receiving the water, Ling Wei took a big sip before recovering. After eating and drinking enough, Ling Wei wiped her mouth. In just a short while, her physical strength also recovered a lot.

Gu Xiang put the food back on the tray, and looked at Ling Wei with sympathy: "Miss Ling, how could the young master treat you like this, I will find a chance to let you out secretly!"

Ling Wei didn't talk to Gu Xiang, she just lay back on the bed and covered herself with the quilt, and decided to sleep before talking.

Seeing that Ling Wei didn't pay attention to her, Gu Xiang left the basement with a tray. Before leaving, she didn't forget to say to Ling Wei: "The young master is not here tonight, so I will find a way to secretly take you away."

Ling Wei didn't hear a word Gu Xiang said, because she was already asleep, and when she received this body, Ling Wei wanted to sigh.

In addition to Nangong Sheng's physical abuse, I'm afraid the original owner himself also suffered a lot. The situation was extremely bad, he was tired, sleepy and hungry.

She was even more sleepy after eating, and she fell asleep within a minute of lying on the bed.

When Ling Wei woke up again, her physical condition was still not very good, and she was still very tired, but it was much better than at the beginning, because there was no clock and calendar, so she didn't know what time it was.

A person is very bored and has nothing else to do, so he lies on the bed and counts sheep, thinking that when he gets tired of counting, he can go to sleep again.

As a result, before the sheep were counted, Gu Xiang came again. This time, Gu Xiang didn't deliver the meal to Ling Wei, but put it on the tea table aside.

When he came to Ling Wei's bed, he took Ling Wei's hand and started to drag her away: "Miss Ling, I've sent everyone away. Come with me quickly."

Ling Wei was pulled off the bed by Gu Xiang, standing on the ground with bare feet was a bit cold.

Ling Wei pushed Gu Xiang's hand away, took out a pair of slippers from under the bed and put them on her feet. Then she went to the coffee table and poured herself a glass of water, drinking it slowly.

Seeing this, Gu Xiang hurriedly urged: "Miss Ling, let's go, it's too late if you don't go!"

Ling Wei took another sip of water, and the warm liquid flowed down her throat and into her stomach, giving her a warm and comfortable feeling.

"Gu Xiang, do you have a mobile phone? Lend me to use it."

Gu Xiang thought that Ling Wei had taken the bait, so she handed her the mobile phone that was ready to be tampered with: "Miss Ling, is she going to call the police? Don't worry about escaping and calling. If the young master finds out, you can call the police too." it's useless."

Ling Wei answered the phone and dialed her parents' number. The phone rang several times before being answered. A very gentle female voice said, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Hi, mom, I'm Xiaowei."

"Xiaowei? Didn't you go on a business trip and can't contact your family? Are you back?"

"No, it will take a while, but I miss you, and I am afraid that you will call you if you are worried. I am very good that you and Dad don't have to worry about me."

"Okay, okay, when you come back from a business trip and take a vacation, come back and stay with me and your dad for a while!"

"Okay, I'll take a vacation when I get back."

Ling Wei chatted with her mother for a while before hanging up the phone, and then returned the phone to Gu Xiang: "Thank you."

Seeing that she had no intention of leaving, Gu Xiang asked her suspiciously: "Miss Ling, what are you..."

Ling Wei smiled gently at Gu Xiang: "I'm not leaving."

Gu Xiang looked at her in shock, and Ling Wei explained to Gu Xiang with a tangled look: "I regret it, I have always liked Nangong Sheng, and I wanted to escape because he locked me here, but just think about how he would be like this It’s also because I like me, so I still don’t leave, I think as long as I make it clear to him, we will be fine.”

Ling Wei continued: "The things he did to me these days really made me hate him, but I don't think I can blame him. I decided to stay, and I will definitely find a way."

Ling Wei knew that Nangong Cheng could hear what she said, so every sentence she said was very emotional. Sure enough, Nangong Cheng, who was secretly eavesdropping on the basement, heard this, and his heart was overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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