Quick Travel Guide: The Female Supporting Adult Arrives

Chapter 351 The Blackened Domineering President 2

Chapter 351 The Blackened Domineering President 2
Under the arrangement of Manager Zhang, we made an appointment with the other party at the Morning Cafe. This cafe is a famous cafe for couples, and every day it is full of customers. He doesn’t know where Manager Zhang made the reservation. .

Before arriving at the cafe, she didn't even know the name of the other party, because Manager Zhang said that it would be more meaningful for the two of them to communicate by themselves. She remembered that her expression at that time could only be described as dumbfounded.


Standing in front of the morning cafe, she sighed helplessly, then took another deep breath to relieve her nervousness, and stepped into the cafe.

Just walking into the cafe, she was asking the staff at the front desk where the seat she reserved was, when she saw a man with a sunny face waving to her on the seat not far from the window.

She was stunned for a moment, and then she thought that it must be Manager Zhang who brought her photo to her blind date.

After walking over, the other party politely extended his arm.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Kai."

Blinking his eyes, he broke away from the stupefied state, and then slowly stretched out his hand to shake that big hand.

The temperature coming from the palm of her hand was very warm, and at that moment she suddenly wanted to cry. She had been alone in the city for so long, and although it was smooth sailing, she would always feel lonely.

But the Nangong Sheng she likes is someone who will never be able to bring her warmth.

She told herself in her heart: "It's time for you to recognize the reality."

After adjusting his mood, he naturally returned a bright smile to the other party.

"Hello, my name is Lingchu."

She and Xiao Kai chatted for a long time in the cafe that day, and learned that Xiao Kai was a returnee who had returned from studying abroad. He was very funny and humorous, which made her laugh all the time, and his conversation was very elegant and polite, very gentlemanly.

Xiao Kai's job is to be a professor at a university. Although he can't compare with Nangong Sheng's status as the president, he is also young, promising and wealthy. After getting in touch with each other, they have a good impression of each other, so Xiao Kai sent her home. After that, the two made an appointment to meet next time.

After returning home from the cafe, she felt that she could try to have a relationship with Xiao Kai. Judging from today's relationship, she felt that she really couldn't find any reason to refuse. Nangong Sheng is a person to her. Just treat it as a beautiful first love in her heart, she should learn to let go.

Xiao Kai also had a good impression of her, or rather, he had a good impression of her, so after the second date, he dated her several times. Although the relationship was not officially confirmed, they went to the movies together and walked on the streets at night together. , They have already done what couples do.

After getting along with her for a few days, she feels very good. If the next thing goes well, it should be marriage and having children, and then spend the rest of her life together. This should be the case.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, living in such a step-by-step manner is really a very happy ending.

But God has always made things difficult for happiness. That was when she and Xiao Kai finished watching a movie again. Because Xiao Kai suddenly received a call from a friend, he couldn't send her home.

It wasn't a big deal, so she took a taxi and went back to her rented apartment. She never thought that day would be her last freedom.

The place where she lived was not a bustling area. At night, there were few people, and there were no street lights on both sides of the road. She could only rely on the dim lights from every house.

So every time she goes home at night, she will be extra careful. She always has this flashlight and anti-wolf electric shock device in her bag. After all, she is really unsafe as a single girl.

There have also been incidents of being followed by perverts, but she cleverly shrugged them off.

Fortunately, I arrived at the door of the rental house safely today. She was taking out the keys from her bag, and when she was about to open the door, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind. She felt something was wrong and was about to take out the electric shock from the bag. But that hand had already covered her mouth with a towel.

She smelled a very pungent smell, and soon her hands and feet became weak, and her eyes fell into darkness and she lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she found that her hands and feet were tied up, unable to move at all, and her mouth was taped so that she could not make a sound. She carefully observed her position and found that it might be Where in the basement.

And there was no one here, and the person who brought her here didn't know where she went.

Soon she realized that she might have been kidnapped, and for a moment she felt indescribably terrified, wanted to scream but couldn't make a sound, and she also knew that her screaming might cause the kidnappers to come over, she didn't want to Stop telling yourself to calm down, force yourself to calm down.

But no matter what, it couldn't stop the fear from spreading.Her mind was filled with the tragedies that had been reported on the TV news, and those bloody and brutal images were turned over and over again in her mind, and her whole body was enveloped in fear.

She is not afraid of things like being killed, but what she is afraid of is that she will be tortured inhumanely. Many kidnappers now use perverted methods to torture people, not to mention that no one will take care of her in her hometown after she dies. parents.

While she was thinking wildly, there was a creaking sound from the basement door, and she saw a man slowly walking towards her. Because of the backlight, she couldn't see his face clearly.

But there was no need to see that person's face clearly. She had liked that person for so long, and she could tell from his walking figure that that person was Nangong Sheng.

Seeing Nangong Sheng in this place, it was very clear what he was here to do. Since it was impossible to save him, there was only one possibility.

The person who kidnapped her was Nangong Sheng, the man she had been thinking of.

She couldn't tell what it was like in her heart, apart from being surprised, she was more disturbed, she didn't know why Nangong Cheng tied her here.

for money?Just kidding, how could Nangong Sheng be short of that little money?

For people?But Nangong Cheng never looked at her more.

"Surprised why I'm here?"

Thinking of the deep male voice, it brought her infinite panic. Now the love in her heart is half squatting in front of her, gently stroking her cheek with a big hand with well-defined bones.

Gentle and chilling.

What she never knew was that Nangong Sheng had already liked her when she was in college. However, after Nangong Sheng's parents divorced, he had been following his mother, and his mother often beat and scolded her. Several times he was injured and nearly killed.Therefore, Nangong Sheng has always had a psychological shadow about contacting girls, so he doesn't dare to fall in love at all. Even if he likes her very much, he can't confess to her.

(End of this chapter)

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