Chapter 32 Bai Yueli and Murong Han

"Interesting, interesting! Su Su, a newcomer, actually has two golden fingers of 'memory tampering' and 'real name acquisition'. It's so interesting. I can finally not be so boring when I perform tasks in the future!"

Bai Yueli is also a quester in the quest world of 'The Fox Spirit and the Scholar'.

Moreover, like Xiao Yulin, she is a senior tasker.

The only difference is that Xiao Yulin's cheat is "Infinite Charm", while her cheat is "Eye of Truth".

The eye of truth, as the name suggests, is to see through all falsehoods and directly see through the essence of things.

This can save Bai Yueli a lot of detours.

Therefore, when Bai Yueli was attacked by Su Su's golden fingers of 'memory tampering' and 'real name acquisition', Bai Yueli immediately knew Su Su's identity and mission.

Bai Yueli's "Eye of Reality" is very powerful. Not only can she see who are taskers and who are aborigines, but she can also see who among the aborigines are time travelers and who are is reborn.

The Eye of Truth can be upgraded, the higher the level, the more powerful it is.

In the mission world of "The Fox Spirit and the Scholar" this time, Bai Yueli plays the role of Bai Xueer, the cousin of the little fox Bai Yiner.At the beginning, Bai Liyuan fell in love with Bai Yin'er, and the Fox Clan respected free love and didn't want to force Bai Yin'er to marry Bai Liyuan.Among them, the one who has the best relationship with Bai Yin'er is Bai Yin'er's cousin Bai Xueer.Bai Xueer helps Bai Yiner and scholar Mei Haoyan escape to the human world.

However, they never expected that Bailiyuan was very powerful, and he had grown from weak to the king of all monsters in a short period of time.

Moreover, Bailiyuan also wiped out the entire fox clan because he liked Bai Yin'er and blamed Bai Xueer for helping Mei Haoyan and Bai Yiner escape, leaving only Bai Xueer as a monster.

And the reason Bai Xueer was kept by Bailiyuan was not because Bai Xueer had any special abilities, but because Bai Xueer's appearance was somewhat similar to Bai Yin'er, and Bai Xueer and Bai Yiner had a very good relationship.

Bai Xueer's people were brutally murdered by Bailiyuan. Bai Xueer hated Bailiyuan's cruelty very much. At the same time, as she got along day by day, she fell in love with Bailiyuan's powerful and affectionate.

Later, Shushan attacked the demon world, and Bai Xueer died.

Bai Xueer's wish is very simple, one is to save the entire fox clan, the other is to gain Bailiyuan's sincerity, and the third is to destroy Shushan.

As for the first wish, Bai Yueli could easily fulfill it for Bai Xueer.

Although Bai Xueer is stupid, but because Bai Xueer and her share the same surname, Bai Yueli is unwilling to call Bai Xueer a whore.

But, what the hell is Bai Xueer's sincerity in wanting to win Bailiyuan?

Bai Yueli didn't bother to do things like rob a man.As for destroying Shushan, it depends on her mood.

Bai Yueli is very willful, if there is something she doesn't want to do, even if you beg her, she won't do it.

She is very interested in some things, even if you don't pay her, she is willing to do it.

What she does depends on her mood.

The reason why she is willing to become a tasker is also because there are many interesting things in the task world.

That time, Bai Yueli passed the passage from the demon world to the human world, did she want to see Shushan for fun?If Shushan is fun, then she will keep Shushan.If Shushan is not fun, then she will destroy Shushan according to Bai Xueer's wish.

However, she never thought that as soon as she walked out of the passage, she saw Su Su sealing the passage between the human world and the demon world.

Bai Yueli looked at Su Su's seal incognito, and she was wondering if she wanted to destroy Su Su's spellcasting?

Before Bai Yueli could figure it out, Bai Yueli saw that idiot Xiao Yulin also came.

Xiao Yulin also came in stealth.

He saw that Su Su was sealing the passage between the human world and the demon world, but he didn't stop Su Su, and even helped Su Su.

Bai Yueli really didn't understand what Xiao Yulin was trying to do.

Although Xiao Yulin lost his real memory, Bai Yueli knew that Xiao Yulin was a selfish, powerful and terrifying man.She had cooperated with Xiao Yulin before, and had also been hostile to Xiao Yulin.

Although she was not afraid of Xiao Yulin, she didn't want to provoke Xiao Yulin, a lunatic.

For Xiao Yulin, it is best for you to be friends with him. If you are an enemy to him, then it is better for you to die.

Bai Yueli already thought that she was crazy enough, but after she met Xiao Yulin, she realized that Xiao Yulin was even crazier than her.

real world.

Murong's house.

Murong Han slept on the bed, closed his eyes tightly, and muttered to himself: "Junior Sister, Junior Sister, don't go, don't leave me!"

Then, Murong Han suddenly opened his eyes.

Murong Han is a mission worker.

However, like Su Su, he is a newcomer.

In the mission world of "The Fox Spirit and the Scholar", that was their first mission.

After Murong Han came out of the mission world, he still missed his junior sister Su Su in his heart.

However, Murong Han didn't know Su Su's name and identity.

Because Su Su's role-playing object is called Chen Ziyu.

The reason why Su Su thought the original owner's name was exactly the same as her own was because "memory tampering" affected her.

The "memory tampering" on Su Su's body not only automatically attacks the taskers, but also confuses Su Su himself indiscriminately.

Of course, "memory tampering" does not do much harm to confuse Su Su herself, it just makes Su Su get used to her own name.

If Su Su knows the function of "memory tampering", then "memory tampering" will not have much effect on Su Su, and I'm afraid Su Su will not know.

Coincidentally, up to now, Su Su didn't know that she had such a golden finger on her body.

Just when Murong Han was silently thinking about Su Su, the system voice in his head sounded: "Ding! Congratulations to the host Murong Han for completing the task of the big brother Yang Yifan for saving the lives of everyone in Shushan and restoring the prestige of Shushan. Part of it was completed by other taskers, so the host's score for this task is 60 points."

Yang Yifan is Murong Han's acting partner this time.

Su Su always thought that her senior brother was named Murong Han, but she didn't know that it was the effect of "memory tampering".After the questers leave the quest world, their names will return to normal.

"Host, I want to know the whereabouts of Junior Sister, can you tell me?" Murong Han said while suppressing parting sorrow.

He didn't want to leave the mission world at all.

Because there is his junior sister in that mission world!His only junior sister.

"Host, I can't tell you the whereabouts, identity and name of my junior sister, but I can tell you that your junior sister is not an aborigine, she is also a missionary. If you continue to perform missions, there is a great chance of encountering her again .”

"Really?" The system's words rekindled hope in Murong Han's heart.

Murong Han has always been very grateful to the system. He originally suffered from physiological depression, and it was the appearance of the system that helped him get rid of his life of despair.

"Then, I choose to continue the mission!"

"Okay then, welcome the host to enter the second quest world 'Great Favor'."

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(End of this chapter)

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