Quick Travel Guide: The Female Supporting Adult Arrives

Chapter 297 A Space Woman Meets a Reborn Man 2

Chapter 297 A Space Woman Meets a Reborn Man 2
After Liu Piaopiao walked away with the baskets on her back, Liu Shanshan took a big basin of dirty laundry, closed the door gently, and came to a small river to do laundry.

There is a step beside the creek, Liu Shanshan walked down the step, put down the wooden basin, and wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve.

She started to squat down to wash the clothes, and when she was about to put the clothes into the river, she stared and saw the figure reflected in the river clearly, with a small body, a cute bun head, almond eyes slightly dazed, five or six years old, chin Pointy, thin and skinny, looking completely malnourished.

She knew that she had to adapt to her current life before she could survive in another world, so she quickly cheered up and tried to accept her current shriveled appearance.

Liu Shanshan, no difficulty can defeat you!

Liu Shanshan smiled slightly, and began to wash the clothes seriously. Her palms were pitifully thin, maybe because she was too young and had no strength, and she had a serious illness, so it seemed strenuous to wash the clothes.

After she finished washing a large basin of clothes and came home, she had just finished drying when she heard the sound of elder sister pushing open the door and putting down the baskets, Liu Piaopiao went to Liu Shanshan who was drying the clothes, and asked, "Where did you wash it? Is it the White Horse River?"

Although she didn't know where she was going, Liu Shanshan clearly felt that the river she was going to should be the White Horse River that Liu Piaopiao said, so she nodded obediently after thinking about it.

"You just lost half your life in the Baima River, and the scar has healed and you have forgotten the pain? You are not allowed to go to the river alone in the future, do you hear me?" Liu Piaopiao pretended to be stern because of her concern, like a piece of cake. Feathers gently caressed Liu Shanshan's heart.

"Well, I understand, thank you, sister." She smiled, letting Liu Piaopiao gently tap her forehead with her fingertips, and began to accept from the bottom of her heart this "little girl" who should be called her aunt according to her actual age. Sister".

In other words, the owner of this body should have fallen into the river and died. No matter what, she must thank her for giving her a new life. Therefore, Liu Shanshan decided to be filial to her parents and eldest sister on behalf of the owner of this body. loved ones.

"Sister, I'm going to wash the vegetables and cook. Come and light the fire. My father, mother and brother are coming back from doing farm work soon." Liu Piaopiao said, her soft and soft voice sounded very reassuring.Liu Shanshan nodded, put on the apron Liu Piaopiao found for her, and went to the stove to light a fire.

While lighting the fire, Liu Shanshan asked Liu Piaopiao sideways: "Sister, is this the village where we were born and raised?"

"Yeah, did you become stupid after falling into the river? We were all born in this land. It's just that Dad was a scholar, and he settled in Lijia Village after fleeing famine. Then he met Aniang, got married and had children. Let us go." Liu Piaopiao said patiently.

Liu Shanshan understood, and put another piece of firewood into the stove, the light of the fire reflected on her slightly pale and thin face, adding a little vitality to her.

While she was still in a daze, an excited voice sounded, at this time a woman came from the yard, suddenly hugged Liu Shanshan who was lighting the fire, and cried, "Siya, you are awake, you are finally awake! "The woman's hands tightly restrained Liu Shanshan, making her almost out of breath. The woman with white hair and white hair in front of her should be the mother of this body, and Liu Shanshan also knew that the original name of the owner of this body was Liu Si. Ya.

Liu Siya tried to hug her mother tightly, and a steady voice suddenly sounded: "Okay, it's good that the child is fine, why is he crying like a child who can't grow up at such an age!" The man who spoke Wearing coarse cloth clothes, there is a bookish air between his eyebrows. He only heard Liu Piaopiao shouting with a smile: "Dad."

"Father, Mother." Liu Siya also shouted.From today on, her identity is Liu Siya, a girl from a poor family, and she is no longer Liu Shanshan, a white-collar worker in a prosperous city!

She vaguely saw a thin boy placing a hoe in the yard, and when he turned around, he smiled at himself.

Liu Siya followed Liu Piaopiao to serve the dishes on the small table. Although she knew that Liu Piaopiao had wiped the table many times, the stains that had accumulated for a long time could not be wiped off, making it look dirty.

The table was very small, just enough to squeeze the five of them, and there was only one empty seat left. Seeing that she had been staring at the empty seat and not eating, her elder brother Liu Qing said: "Bring me back sometime, I have some miss him."

Liu Siya met Liu Qing's gaze, chuckled, and lowered her head to pick up the rice. She said it was rice, but it was actually just sweet potato soup with a plate of green leafy vegetables.

"I went up the mountain to collect firewood today, and I saw these purslane by accident. Does it taste good when fried?" Liu Piaopiao said with a smile, and put a chopstick of purslane into Liu Siya's bowl.

"Thank you, sister." After finishing speaking, she bowed her head to eat.

But in his heart, he was thinking, the children of poor families have already taken charge of the family, and they feel contented to eat purslane, so they didn't eat less or worse before, how did Liu Siya get through it before?

So Liu Shanshan aspires to be a rich man, to eat and dress well with her family and live a happy life.

"Amei, eat." There was only one piece of food left on the plate, and no one moved it. In the end, Liu Qing gave the last piece of food to Liu Siya, probably because Liu Siya had a serious illness. , so the whole family had leftover rations for Liu Siya to eat.

Liu Siya's nose was sore, and her throat suddenly felt bitter, as if she had eaten an immature wild hawthorn on the mountain, so astringent that she couldn't speak.

Liu Siya had never felt sympathetic to each other before traveling, and the days with her parents were all noisy. I remember one time, her mother made a table of meals for her to clean up the dust, but before eating, her mother kept Talking about here and there, she didn't know where so many words came from, and then she was angry and shut herself in the room when she slammed the door and lost her temper. Only mother was left eating the table of cold meals slowly outside, I don't know why I was so ignorant at that time. I never noticed that my mother worked hard for her day and night, the many white hairs growing out of her black hair, and I didn't notice the thick calluses and rough palms like bark on my mother's hands.

Who knew that this was her last chance to have dinner with her mother, but she didn't cherish it properly. After going out, she was killed by a car accident and traveled here.

I don't know how she can bear the grief of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person by herself.

Liu Siya picked up the food that Liu Qing gave her, put it into Liu's father's bowl, and smiled: "Father has been tired in the field for a long time, you should eat more."

Then lunch was spent amidst the laughter of the family saying "Siya is sensible" with a smile.

After just a moment together, Liu Siya's desire to be filial to her two elders became even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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