Chapter 285 Changing Life 5
Su Lingling was listless when she came out of the class teacher's office, but now she understands what it means to lose all hope.Because she is in that mood now!From the memory of the original owner, she knew that the head teacher was nagging, but she didn't expect him to be so nagging.Enough is enough, Su Lingling looked at her watch, it was getting late, she walked towards the cafeteria.

After eating, she didn't go back to the dormitory, but left the school gate.She walked to the Internet cafe outside the school, and after giving the money upstairs, she went upstairs.

When she thought of Liu Zixian, she couldn't help laughing.She was sure that Liu Zixian felt that she had to go for an injury test, but she beat her with a special technique, no matter how hard she tested her, she would not be able to find out.

She entered the Internet cafe. The hygiene of this Internet cafe was not bad, and it was not as smoky as other Internet cafes.She chose a computer at random, sat down and turned it on, her expression became serious.In the quiet Internet cafe, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of her fingers tapping on the keyboard.After a while, she pressed a button, and then sighed: "Okay!"

She thought that Liu Zixian would never have imagined that she would do it.Su Lingling is a computer expert. She just found out the news that Liu's family bribed officials in business and spread it out.She smiled, it's not her fault, whoever let Liu Zixian provoke her is called self-inflicted.

After finishing her work, she left the Internet cafe and went outside to print some things. After finishing these, she went back to school and went to the classroom for class.

The next day, Su Lingling went to the classroom as usual, when she heard someone discussing at the door of the classroom, classmate a said: "Do you know?"

Classmate B asked: "Is it about the Liu family?"

Classmate A said with a mysterious face: "You only know about the Liu family?"

Classmate b asked: "Huh? Is there anything else?"

Classmate A looked around, and said to Classmate B: "I don't know who printed out Liu Zixian's bullying of female classmates last night, and posted it at the school gate. Now the whole school probably knows about it."

Classmate B curled his lips: "She deserves it! Who told her to do so many evil things?"

Su Lingling felt a lot better after hearing what the two said. After she entered the classroom, she heard a lot of people gloating.

She sighed, seeing that Liu Zixian usually bullies a lot of people, she saw today's headlines on her mobile phone this morning, about the Liu family's bribery of officials, the Liu family's business suffered a lot of losses, and the Liu family's second child is still in jail .

However, she has no sympathy for them at all, because good and evil are rewarded in the end.These are the prices they should pay.

In the afternoon, when Su Lingling was going back to the dormitory, Liu Zixian stopped her. Su Lingling looked at her, she raised her eyebrows, and wanted to be beaten again so soon?Liu Zixian was not so arrogant compared to before, her face was pale, and her dress was much more plain, but she still hated people just the same, she yelled at Su Lingling: "You little bastard, bitch! Tell me! Is it you? Expose the things about my family! And post my things on the school gate!"

When Su Lingling heard her words, she felt that she was ridiculously naive. It seemed that she had successfully defeated Liu Zixian's psychology.

She picked her ears with her little finger, Liu Zixian's voice was really loud enough to almost deafen her ears.She folded her arms and said, "What evidence is there for all that you said?"

She did things absolutely cleanly without leaving any traces, so even if Liu Zixian suspected that she wanted to sue her, she had no evidence to prove that she did it.

Hearing her words, Liu Zixian was even more sure that Su Lingling did it. She rushed towards Su Lingling to attack her, but Su Lingling easily dodged her.

"I'm going to strangle you! Bitch!"

Liu Zixian muttered and wanted to pinch Su Lingling's neck, but Su Lingling dodged it.

She fell to the ground and cried: "how can you do this, you ruined my home. It's all because of you, you bitch, I won't let you go."

Su Lingling looked at Liu Zixian's appearance and shook her head. At this point, she was still so reckless. If she and her family hadn't done something wrong, how could she have evidence to report her?She didn't have any sympathy for Liu Zixian if she wanted to be unknown unless she did nothing about it herself. She deserved all of this.

Then Su Lingling ignored her, and she went back to the dormitory.

Later, Liu Zixian didn't come to class for a week, and I heard that Liu Zixian had transferred to another school.

Three years later.

Su Lingling is studying at a prestigious university in city a.

Today is the weekend, and her roommates are busy dressing up and getting ready to go out to play, and she is sitting on a chair in bear pajamas, spinning a pen in boredom.

"Lingling, we're going out to play later, will you come with us?" Liu Ling is Su Lingling's old friend, and she and a few of her old friends are currently putting on makeup. Seeing that Su Lingling was still wearing pajamas, she hurriedly asked.

Su Lingling put down the pen, turned to look at them, and joked: "I'll have something to do later, who like you has a date every day."

My old friend Wang Lan also made fun of Su Lingling with a smile: "Who doesn't know that you are the school girl of our school, a talented girl. There are a lot of people who chase you. If you want, those boys can't wait to ask you out every day."

Su Lingling smiled and begged for mercy: "Stop teasing me."

After finishing her makeup, Liu Ling looked at Su Lingling. She crossed her arms and said, "By the way, you really don't plan to have a relationship in college."

Her elementary school classmate has liked Su Lingling for a long time. After knowing that Su Lingling is her roommate some time ago, she has been asking her for news about Su Lingling. Su Lingling's tone.

Wang Lan came over and leaned on Liu Ling's shoulder to listen to their conversation.

After Su Lingling heard Liu Ling's words, she put her hands on the table. For some reason, a figure of a person suddenly appeared in her mind. After exhausting all his strength, he finally saw the man's face clearly. He was Du Yihan.

But why did she suddenly think of Du Yihan?

Liu Ling saw that Su Lingling was in a daze, and she gently poked Su Lingling's head with her finger: "Little girl Pianzi, let me ask you, what are you thinking about."

Su Lingling came back to her senses and said, "Don't seniors always say one thing: they won't break up after graduation, and they will become friends in a long distance. So, I hope to fall in love again in the future."

Liu Ling heard Su Lingling's words and shrugged helplessly: "Okay."

When Wang Lan heard Su Lingling's words, he understood what they were discussing.

Wang Lan teased Liu Ling: "You are helping that elementary school classmate find out about our family Su Lingling's tone again. If you like someone, you can chase after them. Why do you have to do this?"

In fact, everyone in the dormitory knew that Liu Ling liked her elementary school classmate, but Liu Ling still helped him find out information.

(End of this chapter)

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