Chapter 283 Changing Life 3
At noon, Su Lingling went to the school cafeteria to eat something.Then went back to the dormitory.

Because the girls in Su Lingling's class are very jealous of Su Lingling, no girl wants to share a dormitory with Su Lingling, so Su Lingling has always shared a dormitory with her.

Even during the lunch break, Su Lingling was the only one in the dormitory, but she also happened to be free.

During lunch break, Su Lingling was a little bored. She sat on the stool and took a pencil and a notebook to draw.

After the lunch break, Su Lingling went back to the classroom for class. Liu Zixian and some of her followers were not there, so no one bothered her.

Su Lingling felt that she had a pretty good time in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, it was Chinese class, and the time passed quickly before school was over. Su Lingling looked at the watch in her hand, and it was almost time.

She hurried back to the dormitory to pick up Du Yihan's windbreaker, and went to the milk tea shop at the school gate.

Du Yihan was already there when she went.

After Su Lingling asked for a cup of original milk tea, she went to where Du Yihan was. She handed the clothes to Du Yihan and said, "Thank you for the clothes."

Du Yihan wore a blue shirt and looked very handsome.

And Su Lingling was wearing an ordinary white shirt, which also looked very eye-catching.

I have to say that in the eyes of others, they are a well-matched couple.

After Su Lingling changed the clothes to Du Yihan, chatted with him for a while, paid for the milk tea and went back to the dormitory.

In autumn, City A gets dark very quickly at night. Even though it's only six or seven o'clock, the sky is already gray.Su Lingling went to an Internet cafe. The network defense here was as simple as an undefended baby to her. She easily changed the original owner's name to her own.She also went to reapply for an ID card.

Su Lingling has the habit of writing a diary, and she goes to bed very late every night.These are her habits.

In the middle of the night, she took out a black diary, opened it, and wrote on it with a pen. The pen tip and the paper made a rustling sound, which lit up the feelings in Su Lingling's heart in this silent night.

After writing for a while, she stopped writing. Looking at Du Yihan's name on the diary, she couldn't help laughing.He is a good man.

After finishing writing, Su Lingling checked the time, and it was getting late, so she put the diary and pen in the drawer.After turning off the desk lamp, I went to bed. I still have to go to class every morning. If I don’t go to bed early, I will become a national treasure tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Su Lingling gradually fell asleep.

The next day, Su Lingling went to the cafeteria to have breakfast after getting up as usual.Looking at the delicious breakfast on the dinner plate, Su Lingling sighed, she really deserves to be a No. [-] middle school in City A, even the food is so tall.While thinking about Su Lingling, she started eating, and she had to finish eating early and go to the classroom to memorize words.

After Su Lingling finished her breakfast, she hurried back to the dormitory to get her textbooks. She put the textbooks on the table after finishing her English homework last night, but she couldn't find them no matter how hard she tried.Su Lingling also checked the bed but it was still not there. How could it be missing?There is only myself and no one else in this dormitory.Su Lingling couldn't figure it out, she got out of bed and opened the drawer, finally found her English textbook in the black diary.

When she found the textbook, she had a black thread. It turned out that last night, after she wrote the diary, she put the diary and the textbook together in the drawer, which made her look for it for so long.

There is a large rectangular mirror on the balcony outside the dormitory, which was probably used by the senior sister of the previous class but did not take it away. Su Lingling stared at the mirror with a comb in a daze. The person in the mirror was wearing a white shirt and a coat Wearing a light purple sweater, with loose hair, her slightly pale face makes her look more like a younger sister of Lin, her eyes are as deep as the sea, generally speaking, this kind of girl makes boys can't help but want to protect her Girls are the type of girls that boys like most.

Su Lingling now understood why Liu Zixian wanted to bully the original owner of this body. This kind of girl Liu Zixian who studied well and looked good was no match for someone like Liu Zixian. That's why she was jealous of her, and that's why she treated the original owner like this.

Su Lingling thought about it, it seems that not only Liu Zixian is jealous of her, it seems that the girls in the class regard her as an enemy.

Thinking of this, Su Lingling smiled contemptuously. If they dared to bully her like before, they would be dead!
Although the current life is not as comfortable as before, it is definitely freer than before.

Su Lingling doesn't allow anyone to ruin her life.

Thinking like this, she picked up the comb and combed her hair smoothly, and then went to the drawer to find a rubber band.

She was about to tie her hair up, and she pulled it back into a handsome ponytail.

After finishing it, Su Lingling looked at herself in the mirror with satisfaction, and sure enough, she felt much more energetic after being tied up.She put the comb away, arranged her clothes, and then went to the classroom with her textbooks.

This school stipulates that students are allowed to bring mobile phones, so she took out her mobile phone unscrupulously, plugged the mobile phone into the earphones and played the music on the mobile phone, and went to the classroom while listening.

I have to say that she and the original owner of the body are really destined, their hobbies and favorite things are similar, and the songs they like are the same, so many songs in the phone are her favorites.

"Su Lingling, stop!" Su Lingling was walking while listening to the song, and when she was halfway there, she was stopped suddenly.

She looked up, and a group of girls stopped her. The leader was a girl with a stud on her right ear, two or three studs, dyed yellow hair, and a sexy dress. Su Lingling raised her eyebrows, seeing Liu Zixian like this She couldn't help but joke a few words: "Hey! Who am I, isn't this Ms. Liu? Why did you dye your hair yesterday afternoon when I didn't see you? Ms. Liu looks more and more like Sha Matt now. It's over."

Liu Zixian actually looks pretty good, but it's because of her attire and her bad personality that she is too unlikable.Liu Zixian led a group of girls to stop her. She wanted to deal with her, but she didn't expect that she would come to her door.

When the girls around Liu Zixian heard Su Lingling say that about Liu Zixian, they covered their mouths and smiled.

"Haha." Someone else laughed out loud.Because no one has ever dared to say that to Liu Zixian, not even the girls who were bullied by her dared to scold her like that.When Liu Zixian heard Su Lingling's words, her face turned green instantly.

Before, when she bullied Su Lingling, she didn't dare to scold her, why did she become so courageous after a long time.

She yelled at the people behind her: "Shut up!" The group of little girls behind her were yelled at by her, and they didn't dare to speak, and immediately fell silent.

She looked at Su Lingling viciously, "Su Lingling, I want you to look good! Let me tell you, Du Yihan is mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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